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Custom Query (512 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#161 How Delphes deals with secondary vertices new How to minor
#167 questions on pileup corrections new How to minor
#174 muon isolation problem new How to minor
#184 DelphesCMSFWLite on GEN-SIM new How to minor
#186 pTRatioMax for charged tracks new How to minor
#190 Applying B-tagging efficiencies independently? new Bug minor
#192 Warning in reading delphe root files new Bug minor
#193 MET correspondent at gen level new How to minor
#197 Format for Jet.BTag? new How to minor
#199 Tau ID - No track consideration? new Bug minor
#206 multijet analysis new Task minor
#207 jet reconstruction performance in single top events new Task minor
#224 compilation fails if space in the path new Bug minor
#227 delphes 3 have included fake candidates ? new How to minor
#228 Delphes B-Tagger new Bug minor
#238 access jet constituents for substructure analysis new How to minor
#245 Setting a trigger in Delphes 3 to avoid exhausting disk space new How to minor
#251 About tau tagging in Delphes. new How to minor
#252 ATLAS simulation gives high pt jet new Bug minor
#256 Delphes is not creating leptonic events , please help new Bug minor
#257 Delphes3.12 is not creating leptonic events new Bug minor
#259 Question on angular bias/resolution new Task minor
#262 Parton level - detector level comparison new How to minor
#266 simulation at ILC new How to minor
#271 Using N-subjetness & N-jettiness new How to minor
#272 Jet phi distribution modulation (Delphes-3.0.12) new Bug minor
#273 Reading the constituents of a jet new How to minor
#275 Inverse momentum smearing new Enhancement minor
#278 Reproducing ATLAS SUSY Searches new How to minor
#288 Delphes 3.1.2 with Pythia8 new Bug minor
#291 Eflow branches new How to minor
#293 Number of operators in efficiency modules new How to minor
#296 GenJets including "jets" from leptons new How to minor
#298 converted photons new How to minor
#316 How to find which matrix element parton a jet is from. new How to minor
#320 Low lepton efficiency for 100TeV simulation new Task minor
#336 Event (in "DelphesClasses.h") conflicts with Pythia8::Event new Enhancement minor
#347 Stability of "StableParticles" in STDHEP reader new Bug minor
#350 FCC detector card new How to minor
#351 Missing photon in delphes root file new Bug minor
#365 delphes_atlas default card for b-tagging efficiency new Bug minor
#368 lepton track new How to minor
#375 CMake for Delphes for root version 5.34.20 new Enhancement minor
#377 When modifying Candidate class, change constructor, Copy(), & Clear() new Task minor
#379 Delphes card delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl new Task minor
#406 Displaced Vertices and Smearing reopened How to minor
#431 Problem installing Delphes new Bug minor
#432 ParameterR and DeltaR new How to minor
#434 LHCO conversion fault new Bug minor
#435 no b-tagging with new model new How to minor
#436 DelphesPythia8 new How to minor
#440 Delphes not matching generator new Bug minor
#443 Delphes doesn't see new (external) classes new Bug minor
#523 EFlow and leptons new How to minor
#536 Error on examples 4 and display new Bug minor
#580 Analysing different process event samples new Bug minor
#591 Calorimeter change between 3.0.10 and 3.2 new Bug minor
#605 Delphes-3.2.0 compatibility with root version new Bug minor
#619 Definition of Overlaps() used in new archive minor
#620 Phi/Energy dependence in efficiencies new Bug minor
#639 Jet Constituents new How to minor
#655 What is the unit for the vertex position of the track in Delphes output new Bug minor
#656 Where is the EFlowmuon in the newest version of Delphes 3.1.2(delphes_card_default.dat) ? new How to minor
#659 Error running example 4 new Bug minor
#660 Some question about the MET, mainly about the Eta of the MET. new How to minor
#715 Plots of functions in Delphes card new How to minor
#717 compilation problem on some computer new Bug minor
#718 Installation problem new Bug minor
#719 Does Delphes add muon momentum to jet when a muon is closed to a jet? new How to minor
#727 comilation issue for new Bug minor
#729 Very small particle momenta when using converter_card.tcl to go from Pythia 8 .hep to .root new Bug minor
#730 "Perfect" detector card new How to minor
#734 Impact parameter formula new Bug minor
#740 Cleaning for lepton jets new How to minor
#746 Delphese 3.3 warning new Bug minor
#747 B-tag new How to minor
#748 Change calorimeter energy fractions based on particle vertex new How to minor
#751 Can't access filled N-subJettiness variables new Bug minor
#753 BSM particles in calorimeter new Bug minor
#772 why ILD card do not contain a efficiency formula for the b tagging? new Bug minor
#774 compilation on mac with default binary. new Enhancement minor
#779 Questions about Pileup new Enhancement minor
#815 How to calculate missing four momentum ? new How to minor
#827 problem running Delphes 3.3.2 new How to minor
#828 compiling ExternalFastJet new How to minor
#833 problems with btagging new How to minor
#835 Etmiss calculated with jets after pile-up suppression? new How to minor
#839 How to define a jet using different jet algorithm or condition? new How to minor
#847 jet invariant mass new Bug minor
#850 TrackPileUpSubtractor new How to minor
#864 Delphes behaviour with displaced vertices new Bug minor
#866 some questions on DelphesAnalysis ( python ) accepted Ali YILMAZ How to minor
#870 adding a FastJetFinder lead a wrong result. new How to minor
#871 ROOT6 new Bug minor
#880 Same Delphes simulation with different jet clustering new How to minor
#903 Particle Flow for ATLAS detector? new How to minor
#907 event weight new Bug minor
#912 Component model for Delphes modules? new Enhancement minor
#922 On the philosophy on lepton isolation new Task minor
#923 Failed to read fastjet headers when running a delphes analysis macro new Bug minor
#924 multileptonic signature from ttbar new How to minor
#925 About the towers in the default ATLAS, CMS, ... tcl files new How to minor
#940 Why I construct a wrong invariant mass? new How to minor
#954 MET covariance matrix new How to minor
#965 No electrons in delphes output new Bug minor
#972 GenJets and Jets collections with empty Particle branches new How to minor
#975 compilation error in 2.3.0 new Bug minor
#976 Error running DelphesCMSFWLite on CMS GEN-SIM file new How to minor
#981 Delphes FastJet new Bug minor
#986 Segmentation fault in EventDisplay example new Bug minor
#987 Delphes installation in Madgraph new Bug minor
#988 Non-isolated muon disappear new Bug minor
#989 Questions about b-tagging and EFlow new Bug minor
#993 Only fastjet and lepton isolation new How to minor
#994 Usage of BTag in CMS PhaseII card and PyRoot example new Bug minor
#1004 How to retreive information on weights from CMS GEN-SIM file new How to minor
#1008 Trimmed jets storage to root new How to minor
#1017 Update Makefile for use as CMSSW External Package new Enhancement minor
#1022 Rniing Delphes using multicores new How to minor
#1023 Delphes with ROOT files as input new How to minor
#1024 Calorimeter geometry in the .tcl files new How to minor
#1031 discrepancy between root and lhco files new Bug minor
#1039 No interpreter information for classes new Bug minor
#1049 compilation error with Mac OS new Bug minor
#1051 Problem running Pythia8+Delphes new How to minor
#1055 problem compiling Delphes in remote machine new How to minor
#1059 TrimmedP4 and pyroot new Bug minor
#1061 Distribution of transvere W boson mass not modelled correctly by Delphes 3.4.0 new Bug minor
#1062 error: Failed to access python version of LHAPDF new Bug minor
#1065 Question regarding jet constituents and jet trimming (ATLAS card) new How to minor
#1066 Problems / Feedback: Event Display new Bug minor
#1067 Compilation error on Mac during installation new Bug minor
#1070 Problems with TauTagging new How to minor
#1076 Issues when reading weights from LHE files. With fix. new Bug minor
#1077 Unable to build delphes. new Bug minor
#1084 Bug affecting long-lived hadrons new Bug minor
#1088 Converting Jet into leptons and charge misidentification of leptons new Bug minor
#1113 Smearing of eta/phi in ATLAS card new Task minor
#1115 photon kinematics shift new How to minor
#1119 Photon Isolation new How to minor
#1120 How to modify jet resolution? new How to minor
#1121 Btagging, What should I use new How to minor
#1126 Jets faking photons new How to minor
#1135 Leptons Faking Photons using JetFakeParticle Module new How to minor
#1136 Can't open the configuration file new How to minor
#1141 jet number lost new Bug minor
#1147 MET distribution in version 3.4.x new Bug minor
#1148 impact parameter smearing new How to minor
#1149 Delphes Reconstructing too few photons new Bug minor
#1150 How to Extract Displaced Vertex new How to minor
#1155 How to create input files by Gauss? new Bug minor
#1156 Track based electron isolation new How to minor
#1158 The ninth column of lhco ouputs new Bug minor
#1159 ROOT unable to load new Bug minor
#1160 Current Delphes Compiling Problem new Bug minor
#1163 How to isolate particles while doing jet clustering inherited from a certain particle new How to minor
#1165 Empty muon branch in the root file new How to minor
#1166 Tau tagged jet mistag rate new How to minor
#1167 Trigger card new How to minor
#1169 How to fill histo with specific particle? new How to minor
#1170 GenParticle mass not converted to GeV when HEPMC file is encoded in MeV new Bug minor
#1198 Dynamic jet radius definition new How to minor
#1253 Fix b-tagging efficiency in analysis level new Bug minor
#1255 about Delphes ROOT reader new Bug minor
#1259 Placement of primary vertex and interpretation of IsolationVar new How to minor
#1260 Distinguising leptonic jets from hadronic jets new How to minor
#1293 Lepton isolation and jets new How to minor
#1294 how to find distance between two jets ? new Bug minor
#1295 from tcl (working in Delphes Standalone) to a card.dat for MadGraph new Bug minor
#1296 Photon conversion new How to minor
#1301 New LHCb delphes card new How to minor
#1308 Neutral Pileup Subtraction new How to minor
#1309 Lepton efficiency and isolation module new How to minor
#1311 How do I track back the origin of the jet new How to minor
#1315 Units used in Delphes new archive minor
#1317 b-tagging subjets new How to minor
#1318 New HLLHC card new How to minor
#1320 Implementing FatJet Btagging new Bug minor
#1322 Large HepMC file crashes Delphes new Bug minor
#1323 Set up NA62 detector simulation in Delphes? new How to minor
#1325 Understanding PT/Energy resolution formula in Delphes Card new How to minor
#1327 Jet.FlavorAlgo and Jet.FlavorPhys always returns 0 new Bug minor
#1333 Is P_T of electrons smeared by calorimeter, or is it all in tracker? new Bug minor
#1334 Error in cling - Delphes 3.4.1 new Bug minor
#1336 converter root2lhco new Bug minor
#1337 How to do matching of a jet with parton level new Bug minor
#1338 Realistic delphes card for the current ATLAS/CMS performance new How to minor
#1341 electron eta distribution between gen-level and reconstruction-level. new How to minor
#1342 Regarding Particle-Flow and Jet Formation from Displaced Vertices new Bug minor
#1345 Error while running delphesSTDHEP new Bug minor
#1349 Calculating Missing ET after Smearing Jets new How to minor
#1350 Reconstruction efficiency of jet new Bug minor
#1351 Problem in running ./DelphesHepMC new Bug minor
#1352 photon (EM calorimeter) resolution in delphes new Bug minor
#1353 Finding mother particle in the MC truth new How to minor
#1355 The stransverse mass MT2 new Bug minor
#1357 c-tagging ATLAS card new How to minor
#1358 Compilation problem under Fedora 28 reloaded new archive minor
#1360 FatJets new How to minor
#1362 fjcontribs with DelphesPythia8 new How to minor
#1365 Lepton Identifying issues new How to minor
#1368 Inquire about DelphesLHEF and error after the events processed new Bug minor
#1375 Implement b-tag with external fastjet and write to root file. new How to minor
#1377 Delphes 3.4.2 installation fails new Bug minor
#1380 Trouble propagating weight arrays new Bug minor
#1385 Phi correction to tracks (bremsstrahlung applied also to charged hadrons?) new How to minor
#1386 Delphes sample usage new How to minor
#1389 specify the number of events to simulate? new How to minor
#1392 Self-generated MiBias file does not work new Bug minor
#1393 Lepton isolation in Delphes new Bug minor
#1396 Error while Installing new Bug minor
#1397 Implementing Maximum Eta Cut for FastJetFinder new How to minor
#1398 unable to tag b jets new Bug minor
#1400 About save delphes root file after analysis cuts new How to minor
#1402 Transverse displacement conditions on leptons new How to minor
#1403 Understanding Truth and Reco Containers new How to minor
#1404 JetFakeParticle module new How to minor
#1405 configure: error: Cannot find DelphesClasses header new Bug minor
#1407 Blank Delphes Card in MadAnalysis5 new How to minor
#1408 Installing new fastjet contrib and getting jet result in ROOT tree new How to minor
#1410 Muon Reconstruction new How to minor
#1411 About using HepMC file created by EvtGen in Delphes new Task minor
#1414 Possibility of preventing leptons (the true electron and muon) from being identified as jets new How to minor
#1418 Delphes running error new Bug minor
#1420 Doing jet->Constituents.At() returns NULL pointer new How to minor
#1421 Event.Weight vs Weight.Weight new Bug minor
#1427 Error running validation new Bug minor
#1428 validation output issue new Bug minor
#1431 Trouble while running root file from Event Generator new How to minor
#1432 Question about GenJet new How to minor
#1433 Error messagens when running Simulation new Task minor
#1434 Error in running event display example using IDEA detector card new Bug minor
#1435 problem in simulating pileup interactions new How to minor
#1439 DelphesPythia8 executable not building new Bug minor
#1441 Delphes is loosing events when run within MG5aMC new Bug minor
#1443 Diference between GenJet and Jet branches new Bug minor
#1446 Nsubjettiness often giving 0 for collimated photons new How to minor
#1453 .root file missing new How to minor
#1456 lepton and photon isolation variable definition new How to minor
#1458 Speed up pileup simulation new How to minor
#1460 Implement Neutrino Interactions new How to minor
#1462 Unsupported block type in overlay samples new How to minor
#1463 install delphes failed new Bug minor
#1464 Variable-R plugin in Delphes new How to minor
#1466 Error during instalation new Bug minor
#1469 Possible bug in handling of mothers from Pythia new Bug minor
#1477 Getting Error when Installing Delphes new Bug minor
#1479 How to get some properties of class GenParticle which are not recorded before. new How to minor
#1480 The analysis results of lhco and root format are very different. new Bug minor
#1482 question on ATLAS detector card new Bug minor
#1486 FCC-ee card? new How to minor
#1489 Problem when running the event display example new Bug minor
#1490 Run time error with the DelphesPythia8 executable new Bug minor
#1495 problem when running examples new Bug minor
#1496 Is it possible to run Delphes on generator info in MiniAOD? new How to minor
#1497 Constituents inside the jet new How to minor
#1501 Simulation for fixed target experiment new How to minor
#1502 W boson mass reconstruction from light jets new Bug minor
#1503 Bring back the DelphesHepMC executable for compatibility with Madgraph? new Bug minor
#1504 weight tags? new How to minor
#1509 ATLAS pile-up card new Bug minor
#1510 B-tagged new Bug minor
#1511 B-tagged new How to minor
#1513 Invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ new Bug minor
#1514 invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ new Bug minor
#1515 Parametrization new How to minor
#1517 How to set the splitlevel for branches in the output root file new How to minor
#1520 the order of .hepmc file to .lhco file new How to minor
#1521 PTRatioMax in isolation-module ignored new Bug minor
#1522 Cannot install Delphes on MacOS Monterey new Bug minor
#1524 Unable to install Delphes on Mac OS 12.1 (clang-11: error: linker command failed with exit code 1) new Bug minor
#1525 Soft-Dropped mass cut new How to minor
#1526 make Delphes new Bug minor
#1527 Add one more layer for calorimeter new How to minor
#1532 Variable IsPu not written new How to minor
#1533 Delphes and HepSim new How to minor
#1535 how many events are generated new Bug minor
#1536 Problem while installing Delphes inside MagGrraph in Mac Os monterrey 12.1 new Bug minor
#1537 Looking for DelphesLLP modules new How to minor
#1538 Error with libDelphesNoFastJet new Bug minor
#1544 Get Particle Cluster cells in calorimeters new How to minor
#1545 asymmetric detectors and flavor association new Bug minor
#1546 madgraph->pythia->delphes new How to minor
#1553 Can not find libpythia8.dylib file new Bug minor
#1554 Error setting up DelphesPythia8 new emre How to minor
#1558 Undefined reference to `tbb::interface7::internal::isolate_within_arena(tbb::interface7::internal::delegate_base&, long)’ new Bug minor
#1559 Error when installing ExRootAnalysis and Delphes on macOS 12.6 new Bug minor
#1561 'classes/ClassesLinkDef.h' file not found new Bug minor
#1562 EventDisplay with Delphes-3.5.0 new Bug minor
#1565 Does the Jet variable contain all the jets, or the main one ? new How to minor
#1568 Getting less number of events by root2lhco converter new Bug minor
#1569 Delphes Installation on Mac OS Ventura 13.1 new Bug minor
#1572 Installing Delphes on macOS Monterey new Bug minor
#1574 undefined reference to `???@GLIBC_2.33' in installation new mcocdaa Bug minor
#1575 Pile up question new How to minor
#1577 Issue with Delphes compilation with macOS 13.3.1 new Bug minor
#1579 Delphes does not even begin to compile new Bug minor
#1583 Insalling Delphes3 new Bug minor
#1584 Pileup track using ATLAS pileup card new Bug minor
#1589 Delphes Installation doesn't work on Mac 12.5 new Bug minor
#1592 Reading Delphes files with uproot ("fBits is not always 4 bytes") new Bug minor
#1594 Jet matching with Pythia 8.3 new Bug minor
#1595 eFlowTracks for some dark matter particles new Bug minor
#1596 Meaning of Delphes “Track” outputs new Enhancement minor
#1597 Inquiry Regarding Particle Status in Delphes new Enhancement minor
#1598 Question on PDG code = 0 on B-tagging module new Enhancement minor
#138 long-lived charged particles new How to major
#208 Possible problem with tau tagging efficiency new How to major
#215 bug in b-tagging module? new Bug major
#219 Reconstruction of tracks - long lived charged particles new Bug major
#260 Having Difficulty reaching the weight of events. new borzou How to major
#261 Delphes 3.0.12 installation new Bug major
#270 Running with pileup randomly give spurious results new Bug major
#276 GenParticle Information new How to major
#283 Different Branch name new How to major
#285 Problem with b-tagging new How to major
#290 Mother/Daughter info in CMSFWLite reader new Bug major
#294 Tau Jet information new How to major
#307 pile-up jets in ATLAS delphes card new How to major
#308 Muon isolation in lhco files new Bug major
#326 Big discrepancy in electron efficiency between Delphes3 and PGS new Bug major
#376 momentum smearing new Bug major
#437 Delphes with ideal detector new How to major
#444 Issues running Delphes examples new Bug major
#592 Error in hep file to root file conversion new Bug major
#603 TaggingParticleSkimmer new Bug major
#632 error delhpes installation after root-v6 new How to major
#638 bTag problem with LHE Events new How to major
#641 fake lepton in Delphes 3.1.2 new How to major
#658 Error installing Delphes from Madgraph new Bug major
#703 error during analysis of a .root file using Delphes 3.2.0 compiled with root 6.02.05 new Bug major
#705 Compilation on Macbook pro new Bug major
#714 How to write a root file for some specific tagged events only? new How to major
#744 B-tagging problem new Bug major
#750 Jet phi distribution "lumpiness" new Bug major
#801 Delphes, lepton PTmin = 10 GeV, how to modify? new How to major
#842 dealing with long lived charged tracks ... new Bug major
#844 Potential hidden cuts in the ATLAS run card ? new Bug major
#846 Query regarding b-tagging ... new How to major
#851 root files new Bug major
#853 variable isolation cone for leptons new How to major
#858 CMS Phase II CARDS new How to major
#867 Jet.BTag root output new How to major
#877 muon beta distribution ... new How to major
#884 Delphes card in Madgraph: new How to major
#885 Isolation via fUniqueID new Bug major
#888 Learning Delphes from Scratch and writing own analysis new How to major
#909 To understand the ATLAS and CMS delphes cards new How to major
#952 Substructure variables from fast jet to delphes new How to major
#953 Lepton Isolation cuts new How to major
#955 "Prong" dependent tau ID efficiency new How to major
#956 determination of electron and muon tracking effeciency new How to major
#959 calorimeter information new How to major
#963 Delphes Card for 100 TeV collider new How to major
#969 BTag in Python mode new How to major
#970 problem with DelphesSTDHEP compiler new Deepanjali Goswami Bug major
#980 Example3.C of Delphes example code new How to major
#982 Segmentation Fault in PileUp example new Bug major
#999 Particles and Constituents in Jets new How to major
#1000 Regarding obtaining .root file from .hep files new How to major
#1010 Delphes card for LHeC searches new Task major
#1012 Compatibility of delphes_card among v3.1.2 and v3.3.2 new Task major
#1016 Jet faking as leptons new How to major
#1019 How to calculate b-tagging efficiency for any delphes card new Bug major
#1020 Error while building Delphes new Bug major
#1021 Not able to run Delphes on new How to major
#1038 Segmentation violation new Bug major
#1042 Trouble retrieving the decay channel in Delphes new How to major
#1050 Problems reading a HepMC file new Bug major
#1053 FastJet in Delphes new How to major
#1060 Question regarding tau tagging in in leptonic channel new How to major
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card new How to major
#1068 Less muons than expected from MadGraph sample new Bug major
#1073 Jet Charge and b-tagging new Bug major
#1074 How to distinguish between a muon like heavy particle faking as muon accepted Avirup Ghosh How to major
#1075 Invalid Particle format Error and Warnings new Bug major
#1080 False Drell Yan results and lots of zero transverse momentum warnings new Bug major
#1082 Add exclusive jets mode for e+e- collision study new Enhancement major
#1086 About ATLAS card new Task major
#1118 ATLAS card does not use muons for MET new Bug major
#1129 Delphes with pythia8 in lxplus new Bug major
#1130 Information from pixel detector by using delphes new How to major
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C new How to major
#1162 Problem with HepMCEvent under Delphes8 module new Bug major
#1164 Is MinBias.pileup appliable to any process? new How to major
#1298 Difference in eta, phi values before an after Delphes new Bug major
#1319 Vertex constituents new How to major
#1321 Delphes Installation Error new How to major
#1326 Question on btagging working points new Bug major
#1335 How to get mother PdgID of generator level particle in Delphes new How to major
#1339 B tagging efficiencies are independent? new How to major
#1344 LHCb delphes card new How to major
#1346 GenWeights in Delphes new How to major
#1361 how to only generate lhco file new How to major
#1363 Class versions need updating new Bug major
#1364 Running Delphes over .hep file new How to major
#1370 Implementing the smearing of track parameters new Bug major
#1371 Unable to run provided examples scripts based on DelphesAnalysis new Bug major
#1372 Problem with N-subjettiness values new Bug major
#1374 invariant mass of high-pT hadronic-tau leptons new How to major
#1378 Duplicate Tracks in Jets new Bug major
#1379 Parallel execution new How to major
#1382 Implement two isolation criterion simultaneously new How to major
#1387 Something weird comparing gen. and rec. level new Bug major
#1388 Photons energy resolution new How to major
#1390 displacements info lost after delphes run? new How to major
#1391 error at lxplus slc7 + root 6.16 new Bug major
#1394 Cannot import Delphes in python macOS new How to major
#1395 Improve EcalTower resolution and add pile up new How to major
#1399 Jet clustering possibly incomplete? new Bug major
#1412 Branches in Delphes Root File and Distinguishing Among Particles. new How to major
#1415 Forward tagger new Bug major
#1417 ATLAS ECAL specifications new Enhancement major
#1422 Detector card overwrites after adding trigger card new Bug major
#1423 Delphes Event Display Output new How to major
#1424 Delphes Compilation Error new Bug major
#1430 Trouble for running python examples/ out.root new How to major
#1436 regarding MET and leading jet pT distribution comparison at hadron level and detector level new Bug major
#1438 How to get the impact parameter of charged pions produced from tau in Delphes? new How to major
#1444 change default mass assumption for tracks, implement PID new How to major
#1445 Low MissingET new Bug major
#1450 Top tagging in Delphes new How to major
#1451 Accessing calorimeter towers within specific region new How to major
#1461 Asymmetric peak of higgs by using Muon Collider card new Jie Xiao Bug major
#1478 Unables to install Delphes new Bug major
#1506 status code for b-tagging new Bug major
#1508 Delphes does not make on M1 MacBook Air new Bug major
#1518 Errors while installing Delphes new Bug major
#1519 Differences between madgraph and delphes distributions in new Bug major
#1523 missing energy new Task major
#1528 Question about delphes card for CMS detector new Bug major
#1529 Tracks of BSM charged particles new How to major
#1530 Error parsing payload code for class ExRootTreeReader with content: new How to major
#1531 Tracks as Calo Jet constituents new Bug major
#1534 Symbol lookup error linking pythia8.3 to Delphes3 new How to major
#1539 error while loading shared libraries new How to major
#1541 overlap removal in delphes new How to major
#1543 Seg Fault when running ./DelphesPythia8 new fdelzanno Bug major
#1551 Issue with tau charge different from +/- 1 ... new How to major
#1555 Delphes installation error at lxplus new Bug major
#1557 ERROR: invalid vertex format new Bug major
#1560 Problem Compiler when Installing Delphes & ExRootAnalysis new Bug major
#1563 Question Cuts Applied to Leptons new How to major
#1564 Tracking pythia particles new How to major
#1566 Error in compiling example files after succesful installation new Bug major
#1570 Erros while reading a delphes output file in root new Bug major
#1571 leaves types new archive major
#1573 Reclustering jets using Fastjet for root files and b-tagging new Bug major
#1576 Cannot run the FCChh_PileUp.tcl new Marlon Bug major
#1578 Delphes Branches accepted Francisco Casa How to major
#1585 DeltaR between and electron and muon found bellow 0.5 after choosing DeltaRMax=0.5 in delphes for both electron and muon new Task major
#1586 Regarding Angular Smearing in Track new Bug major
#1588 How to access positron branch and make Et plots for positron using delphes.root file new How to major
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet new How to major
#246 Error in Installing Delphes 3.0.11 in Mac Os X 10.6 new Bug critical
#282 Compiling Delphes 3.1.2 new Bug critical
#301 No Event branch in CMSFWLite reader new Enhancement critical
#312 Muons get lost by analyzing new Bug critical
#314 momentum direction resolution new Bug critical
#331 Regarding Delphes 3 not working Edit MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Bugs Bug #1384300 new Bug critical
#374 Error compiling Delphes new Bug critical
#401 jet reconstruction in central region new Task critical
#419 muons in MET new Bug critical
#438 MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2.0 b-tagging new How to critical
#442 electron efficiency new How to critical
#548 External FastJet new How to critical
#702 Truth Jets in the Delphes output (ROOT file)? And how to? new How to critical
#712 Error installing Delphes 3 with MadGraph5.2.3.0_aMC@NLO on new Bug critical
#728 UniqueObjectFinder processes in arbitrary order new Bug critical
#739 cannot install Delphes new Bug critical
#792 A bug on b-tagging in CMS Delphes card new Bug critical
#821 unable to include stable particle (tau) in MET spectrum ... new How to critical
#840 Delphes not Installing new Bug critical
#852 new invisible particle implementation new Bug critical
#854 late decays of particles new Bug critical
#855 How to make a long lived stau look like a muon ? new How to critical
#887 #884: Delphes card in Madgraph: new How to critical
#911 implementing cuts on photons at analysis and reconstruction level new Bug critical
#964 Regarding Delphes CMS cards in Version 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 new How to critical
#1006 Rejecting all leptons in 2j+2l+MET final with CMS card of delphes new Bug critical
#1028 I have problem when I try to make Delphes3.3.3 new Bug critical
#1056 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory new Bug critical
#1081 Problem with switching off smearing new How to critical
#1083 A problem with UniqueObjectFinder new Bug critical
#1087 Delphes not installing on macos new Bug critical
#1151 Incorrect HepMC event weights new How to critical
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? new How to critical
#1354 addition of new invisible particle in delphes card new How to critical
#1356 Fail to create LHCO events from DELPHES in Madgraph, using macOS 10.14 new Bug critical
#1406 Contribution to MissingET, calculating dPhi and M_T new Task critical
#1413 Question about Particle and Selecting Certain Events new How to critical
#1416 Loose and tight photon identification new Chih-Ting Lu How to critical
#1419 How to Find the Number of Muons; new How to critical
#1425 Problem extracting variables from Delphes output to new ROOT file new Task critical
#1440 Possible incorrect reconstruction of photon energy. new Bug critical
#1442 Very low btagging efficieny. new Bug critical
#1454 Bug in ILCgen delphes card new Bug critical
#1467 Missing ET distribution from Dephes output new How to critical
#1470 Inconsistency of reading the constituents in jets new Bug critical
#1473 Error installing Delphes within Madgraph(v_2.7.3) new Bug critical
#1476 Delphes card for muon collider gives wrong jet masses reopened Bug critical
#1481 Installation error on MacOS 11.2 new Bug critical
#1485 Unphysical HCAL resolution new Bug critical
#1512 Delphes install fatal error new Bug critical
#1542 Delphes Installation Failed on MAC OS new Bug critical
#1556 Delphes problems: 3 questions for the authors... new Bug critical
#1567 A bug in the tcl file new Bug critical
#1580 Lepton efficiency with missing ET new Task critical
#1581 BSM invisible particles new How to critical
#1582 calling a module in the analyses code new Bug critical
#1587 OSX compiling problem: std::binary_function removed new Bug critical
#1591 Weird tracks' momenta for smeared tracks after SimpleCalorimeter module new How to critical
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