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Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#296 new How to

GenJets including "jets" from leptons

Reported by: Philipp Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Delphes team,

I noticed that the GenJet branch includes jets formed from leptons of the hard process.
1) Is this a desirable behaviour and indeed intended (why) ? As a novice user, I was expecting to find only jets that are of hadronic origin.
2) If I want only hadronic jets, is there a smarter way than to do a dR(lepton, GenJet) cut?

Thanks and cheers

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Michele Selvaggi, 11 years ago

Hi Philipp,

you are right. The reason is that we wanted to define GenJets in the simplest way, that is, jets formed from all stable particles resulting from hadronization. Notice also that genets defined this way also include neutrinos.

Regarding question 2) I think that the easiest way is indeed what you propose. First identify the hard leptons at gen level, and then reject genjets that match them with a DR ~ 0.3.


comment:2 by Philipp, 11 years ago

Hello Michele,

thanks for your quick response and explanation of the issue. Maybe the reasoning you have presented is not as clear from the manual, which reads "Generated Jets are clustered from generator level long-lived particles obtained after parton-shower and hadronization". The "obtained after PS and hadron..."-part might lead one to believe its only non-prompt particles of the PS&had sequence that are being considered. Maybe this could be commented/made more explicit in future versions of the manual.

In any case,

thank you and best regards


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