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Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#1406 new Task

Contribution to MissingET, calculating dPhi and M_T

Reported by: SAUMYEN KUNDU Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: MissingET, dPhi, M_T, Cc:



I am working in an effective model with processes like : e-e+ -> photon + (new particle pair). Now the 'new particle pair's are massive and contributes to missing energy.
Now as my summary suggests, I have three queries or confusions.

  1. To include the new particles as the missing energy I added the following line in module ECal and HCal:
      add EnergyFraction {6000005} {0.0 0.0}

and in the module Neutrino Filter, the following lines:

  add PdgCode {6000005}
  add PdgCode {-6000005}

But the output is the same as without modifying the card. Is it normal or I am missing something?

  1. Since the new particles are massive, I will be interested in the quantity M_{T}. Now how do I measure the quantity?
  2. I am particularly interested in the quantity E{miss}_{T}*Cos(dPhi(E{miss}_{T},P{photon}_{T})). Is it possible to get this quantity from the ROOT file generated by Delphes?

I am using the ILD card on the hepMC file.

It will be very helpful if you can give some idea on these.


Attachments (1)

Screenshot from 2019-09-27 13-48-50.png (116.2 KB ) - added by SAUMYEN KUNDU 5 years ago.
Difference between the two output.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

comment:1 by SAUMYEN KUNDU, 5 years ago


In case the third point was not clear enough. The quantity I mentioned is the same as the one reported in (page-11) or (page-3) with needful modifications. Is the argument of cosine function just the difference between the Phi's, like (MissingET.Phi-Photon.Phi) or something else?

And, regarding the first point, by 'same' what I meant is depicted in the screenshot attached herewith.


Last edited 5 years ago by SAUMYEN KUNDU (previous) (diff)

by SAUMYEN KUNDU, 5 years ago

Difference between the two output.

comment:2 by Davidkibler, 2 years ago

The work of Implementation of Track based MET algorithm in official MissingET reconstuction package is on going.

Last edited 2 years ago by Davidkibler (previous) (diff)
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