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Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#1169 new How to

How to fill histo with specific particle?

Reported by: Goko Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:



I want to access branches and fill my histogram with specific particle's Pt..
For example filling histogram with (Pi0 Pt)..
How can i do this?
I made this kind of job with Electron,Muon etc but with specific particle is this possiable?

Thank you.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Michele Selvaggi, 7 years ago

What exact list of particle do you need?
Pi0 will be mostly recosntructed as photons in Delphes.
If you need particles before reconstruction you can always use the Particle branch.

comment:2 by Goko, 7 years ago

I need Kaons Pt.
There is a sample in pythia called pythiaexample.c
You can do p p collision 7000 GeV
and you choose the pdg number of particle.
It gives you Pt/dN histo.
I tried to do spmething like this in MadGraph.
But it seems not possiable.
Now, i am planing to produce data with pythia and feed Delphes with lhe file...

comment:3 by Goko, 7 years ago

For efficiency plot
i need two root file.
One is par level other is reco level

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