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Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#1151 new How to

Incorrect HepMC event weights

Reported by: michael Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: hepmc, weights, event branch Cc:



I'm showering some LHE events with pythia8 and Delphes (v3.3.2) . For each event I'd like to access the event weight. However, when I clone the "Event" branch:

TClonesArray *branchEvent = treeReader->UseBranch("Event");

and get the event

//in event loop
HepMCEvent *event = (HepMCEvent*) branchEvent -> At(0);
double wgt = event->Weight;

The weight of the event is always 1. I'd like to access the proper weight for each event, so that when summed over all events it gives the cross-section, rather than the total number of events. Is there a way of doing this?


Change History (2)

comment:1 by michael, 7 years ago

Priority: majorcritical

comment:2 by Pavel Demin, 7 years ago

Could you please provide some input files and a list of commands to run that would allow me to reproduce this problem?

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