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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#719 new How to

Does Delphes add muon momentum to jet when a muon is closed to a jet?

Reported by: haolin Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Hi All,

I am using madgarph-pythia-delphes to generate events for g g >h2 > h1 h1> b b b b for di higgs model. When I attempt analyse the events with ExRootAnalysis I find that the muon numbers for the events are always zero. Is that possible for this case? Actully I was going to add the muon's momentum within a cone of deltaR=0.4 around the jet axis to that jet, but not able to find muon in any events, so I am thinking if they are automatically added to the jets.


Change History (1)

comment:1 by Michele Selvaggi, 10 years ago

Hi haolin,

yes by default you will find only isolated muons in your final root tree.
To avoid this, assuming you are using CMS card, you can replace the following lines in the TreeWriter section of your detector card:

#add Branch UniqueObjectFinder/jets Jet Jet
#add Branch UniqueObjectFinder/muons Muon Muon

add Branch JetEnergyScale/jets Jet Jet
add Branch MuonIsolation/muons Muon Muon

Also, you will have to set the parameter PTRatioMax in the MuonIsolation section of the card to a very high value, something like 99999 to be safe.

Be aware that the above instructions will produce non-isolated muons in the final tree.


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