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Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#331 new Bug

Regarding Delphes 3 not working Edit MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Bugs Bug #1384300

Reported by: Arindam Das Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Delphes Team ,

The recent version of the Delphes attached with MadGraph which is obtained by

install Delphes

in MadGraph is an incomplete file.

In the Delphes/Examples/ inside the Madgraph there is no .._CMS.tcl or ..ATLAS.tcl.

As a result there is no .lhco file created by Delphes bundled with MadGraph.

No plot files are created as a result of this . The .lhco files are empty no collider data sets are recorded because of the lack of the necessary files in Delphes/ Examples/ which is bundled with MadGraph .

Please take some necessary measure otherwith creation of the detector simulations through Delphes bundled with MadGraph will be impossible henceforth.

What I have checked that the stand alone Delphes files have all the necessary collider information.


Change History (5)

comment:1 by Michele Selvaggi, 10 years ago

Hi Arindas,

I just tried

install Delphes 

with MG5_aMC_V2_2_1 and the Delphes/examples directory contains the necessary files.
Can you cross-check with the mentioned version?


comment:2 by Arindam Das, 10 years ago

Dear Michele,

I checked the mentioned version with > install Delphes. Yes, the .tcl files are there in the Delphes/Examples/ directory in MG5_aMC_V2_2_1 .

I generated the events for p p > t t~

It's NOT creating the .lhco file with events and the related plots.

The .lhco file size is 12 kb .


comment:3 by Arindam Das, 10 years ago

Additionally the delphes_events.root file size is 4kb .


comment:4 by Arindam Das, 10 years ago

Dear Miclele,

Stand alone Delphes works fine with the commands :

./DelphesSTDHEP examples/delphes_card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root pythia.hep (.hep created by MadGraph).
then ./root2lhco to create xxx.lhco from delphes.root created the whole data set for 10000 events in the lhco file.

Delphes bundled with MG5_..... is not able to do that.


comment:5 by Michele Selvaggi, 10 years ago

Hi Arindam,

I think what you observe is due to the fact the default detector card for delphes is the one with pile-up in aMC@NLO, which requires more input thant the simply the *.hep file.

A simple workaround is to replace the file "delphes_card.dat" in process/Cards by the correct one (either "delphes_card_CMS.tcl" or "delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl" ). So if your working MG dir is called process, you can do:

cp  process/Cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl process/Cards/delphes_card.tcl 

I will ask the MG team to fix this. Thanks for spotting this problem!


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