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Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#186 new How to

pTRatioMax for charged tracks

Reported by: Archana Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:



We are trying to implement the following CMS analysis with the delta phi variable given in 1305.2390. One of the cuts they require is "No isolated charged particle track with pT > 15 GeV, eta < 2.4". In addition, they also require a PTRatioMax for the charged tracks for be < 0.05 (explained on top to page 5 in the paper). The Delphes CMS card has a pTRatioMax for the electron and muon isolation. Is there an easy way to implement the same for charged tracks?


Change History (2)

comment:1 by Alexandre Mertens, 12 years ago


Thanks for using the new Delphes version.

Yes, there are several ways to add an isolation on the charged tracks. A simple idea would be to

1) apply the “Merger” module to create the charged track collection (the TrackMerger/tracks collection does not contain the muons)
2) apply the “Isolation” module to check for isolation.
3) Add the isolated track in the Delphes output

As example:

1) the merger

# Charged Track Merger

module Merger ChargedTrackMerger {
# add InputArray InputArray
  add InputArray TrackMerger/tracks 
  add InputArray MuonMomentumSmearing/muons
  set OutputArray chargedtracks

2) the isolation

# Charged Track Isolation

module Isolation ChargedTrackIsolation {
  set CandidateInputArray ChargedTrackMerger/chargedtracks
  set IsolationInputArray EflowMerger/eflow  
  set OutputArray chargedtracks

  set DeltaRMax 0.5

  set PTMin 0.5

  set PTRatioMax 0.1

where you can enter the needed values.

3) In the TreeWriter module, the following line should be added:

add Branch ChargedTrackIsolation/chargedtracks ChargedTracks Track

It is also necessary to add the two new operations in the executionPath.
I hope this answer yours question, let us know if you have other comments/questions!



comment:2 by Archana, 12 years ago

Thanks Alexandre, for the quick reply. We will implement your suggestion.

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