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Opened 6 years ago

#1341 new How to

electron eta distribution between gen-level and reconstruction-level.

Reported by: Jung Chang Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: electron reconstruction Cc:


Dear Sir,

I'm use the Example3.C to generate the electron/photon eta and pt distribution difference between gen-level and reconstruction-level with the sample give in delphes/README (" z_ee sample ").
I found, for electron, eta distribution have no difference between two level, and from pt distribution there is difference. For photon, two distributions have difference.

I check there is electron momentum smearing, but no eta smearing.
And photon's difference come from the ECAL smearing.

When I check the delphes manual, there is this sentence on page 6 : "For the electron energy resolution, we use a combination of the ECAL and tracker resolution. At low energy, the tracker resolution dominates, while at high energy, the ECAL energy resolution dominates.". From the sentence, is it mean the electron reconstruction in delphes from both tracker information and ECAL information?

I cannot understand why there are no smearing effect in electron eta distribution. I used "delphes_card_CMS.tcl".



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