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Opened 22 months ago

#1565 new How to

Does the Jet variable contain all the jets, or the main one ?

Reported by: Dimitri Moulin Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Jet Cc:



I am currently a master student and I am discovering DELPHES' features. One thing on which I cannot find an answer online is the following:
When generating e.g semi-leptonic events, a "jet" branch is contained in the TTree of the resulting .root file.
However, there are often several jets per event. My question then is: how is computed e.g the, Jet.momentum.x etc.. ? Is it the total energy/momentum of all the jets ? Or is there some jet selection/ordering, and only the main-jet energy is available (and if so, what is the type of selection/ordering)? (Or another option).

Please feel free to point me to a paper if this was already explained somewhere else.


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