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Opened 6 months ago

#1595 new Bug

eFlowTracks for some dark matter particles

Reported by: Harri Waltari Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Delphes authors

We were doing comparisons of monojet events with different dark matter candidates and noted unexpected differences. We did the standard procedure of setting calorimeter deposits for the corresponding PDG codes to zero and adding the particles to the neutrino filter.

A detailed inspection showed that the fermionic dark matter particle was classified as a jet. This was due to it having a track in eFlowTracks. With calorimetric jets everything seems to work fine. I did a fix by writing an extra filter to clear such tracks from eFlowTracks (and just to be sure, from eFlowNeutralHadrons, but that did not have any effect) and thereafter the differences vanished. With a scalar dark matter candidate there was no problem.

We are planning to do a systematic investigation on when this issue appears, but we wanted to inform you of this issue. In case you need further information on this issue, I can provide details on the model etc.

Best regards,
Harri Waltari

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