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Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#161 new How to

How Delphes deals with secondary vertices

Reported by: Pavel Demin Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc: drigo


Moving comment 7 from ticket #138 to a separate ticket:

can Delphes recognize particles coming from secondary vertices even if the second vertex is out of tracker? I mean, if I have some vertices in the tracker and some others out of it, will Delphes do the same analysis? How does it deal with this scenario?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Pavel Demin, 12 years ago

Normally, each track has coordinates of its production vertex (Track.X, Track.Y, Track.Z). So, selecting Tracks with coordinates that are not (0,0,0), you'll have coordinates of all displaced vertexes. Do you think it would help your analysis?

comment:2 by Pavel Demin, 12 years ago

Normally we have the following expression in the ParticlePropagator module (modules/

    // check that particle position is inside the cylinder
    if(TMath::Hypot(x, y) > fRadius || TMath::Abs(z) > fHalfLength)

So, the particles originating from a vertex outside of the tracker (defined as a cylinder) are not recognized as tracks and are not propagated to the edge of the tracker volume. It means that these particles are completely ignored.

But the idea of Delphes is that nothing is carved in stone: it provides some default behavior that could be easily adapted by the users to their requirements.

So, if you have an idea of how the displaced vertex should be treated you can

  • either try to adapt the ParticlePropagator module (and eventually other modules and classes) to your requirements
  • or try to explain us your requirements and then we'll try to help you to modify Delphes
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