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Opened 5 years ago

#1417 new Enhancement

ATLAS ECAL specifications

Reported by: gonzalo_alonso Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Delphes miscellaneous Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: card ATLAS CMS ECAL Cc:



I am working with some simulations dealing with photon identification and isolation. I have noticed that the ATLAS Delphes card contains some parameters that are set to the CMS values instead of the actual ATLAS ones. For instance, the granularity of the ECAL (meaning the eta and phi binning) in the ATLAS card is actually that of the CMS detector. See and for the details regarding the ATLAS and CMS ECAL, respectively.

I am wondering if there is any reason for this and whether there is any plan to carry out the ATLAS implementation. I intend to implement it myself locally, but it may be useful for other users if it were incorporated in some new release. My naive impression is that it would not be too difficult but I would like to know your perspective on the issue.

Best regards.

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