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Opened 3 years ago

#1532 new How to

Variable IsPu not written

Reported by: Nikolaus Owtscharenko Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: pileup Cc:



I am using delphes with the delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl and the provided MinBias.pileup file. For the Input I used Pythia8 example main42 and created 100 evts to be read in for delphes. From the delphes top directory I run:

./DelphesHepMC3 cards/delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl /..../pileup_out.root /..../pythia8_output/main42_100.hepmc

I am interested in the reconstructed vertices, and want to distinguish pileup from the primary vertex. In the output file the "Particle" branch offers the variable IsPU which is used to mark the primary vertex and the pileupt vertices.
However, this variable is 0 for all particles, so it seems it is not written properly to the tree.
I browsed the code, but could not find any issue there. Could you tell me how to ensure that IsPU is written to the output file?

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