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Opened 6 years ago

#1397 new How to

Implementing Maximum Eta Cut for FastJetFinder

Reported by: Jan Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: jet finder, rapidity Cc:


I was wondering if it's possible to implement a maximum eta cut for FastJetFinder? I see that settings like "ParameterR" and "JetPTMin" can be adjusted in the .tcl files -- however, I haven't come across any settings for a pseudo rapidity cut (such as in Pythia8::SlowJet). Is this possible, or would this require some sort of external FastJet code?
To give a little background, I'm trying to generate events using the DelphesPythia8 executable -- I could potentially solve the problem (at least for generator-level jets) by generating events in some Pythia8 code (with full control over SlowJet), and produced LHEF output to feed into Delphes. However, this will produce a lot of large intermediate files, which DelphesPythia8 nicely avoids.

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