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Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#748 new How to

Change calorimeter energy fractions based on particle vertex

Reported by: Bryan Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


I am examining a model in which a neutral particle can travel a macroscopic distance before it decays to electrons. Depending on the model parameters, this can be over 10 meters in distance. I see that the ParticlePropagator will pull out the electrons which have a vertex outside the detector and not analyze them in the rest of the modules. I have two questions associated with this:
1) This should add to the missing energy. How is the MET calculated, it it based on neutrinos/neutralinos or does it actually come from adding up all of the particles in the event (except the ones not seen)?

2) If the model parameters are changed some, the particle could decay in either the hadronic calorimeter or the ecal. Is it possible to put in an energy fraction for the electron such that it depends on its vertex? If it is created in the hcal, there would be no associated energy in the ecal.
Maybe something of the form
add EnergyFraction {11} {1.0 0.0}*(location before ecal) + {0.0 1.0} * (location in hcal)

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Michele Selvaggi, 9 years ago


1) you are right, this should indeed add missing energy that is computed as minus sum of all reconstructed pT.
2) for the stables particles originating from the very displaced vertex to have a chance to be reconstructed by ECAL or HCAL the vertex has to be within the tracker volume as you well noted. Now, there is no such thing as an ECAL or HCAL volume in Delphes: these are infinitely thin layers on top of the tracker volume, and as such are purely two dimensional. What you suggest can be done by simply ensuring that the decay occurs in the tracking volume. However it seems that one would have to hack the present code to make the deposit in ECAL / HCAL somewhat random. Is this what you had in mind?


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