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Opened 23 months ago

#1573 new Bug

Reclustering jets using Fastjet for root files and b-tagging

Reported by: J Dutta Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Experts,

I am trying to recluster the jets in an existing root file using Fastjet functions in Delphes.
I tried to use the HepMC file as input for the example provided (ExternalFastJetHepMC.cpp) but ran into a problem with accessing the different Delphes functionalities such as b-tagging. I tried to call the BTagging module using


But that didnot affect the final jet list and threw an error.I am not sure how I can call this module to tag the resulting b-subjets.
Could you please kindly let me know how may I resolve this matter?

Alternatively, is it possible to use the Delphes ROOT output as an input and then call Fastjet for reclustering the jets for different R values?

Looking forward to your advice on this matter,

With best regards,

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