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Version 27 (modified by cp3-support, 13 years ago) ( diff )



A framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment

Delphes is a new C++ framework, performing a fast multipurpose detector response simulation. The simulation includes a tracking system, embedded into a magnetic field, calorimeters and a muon system, and possible very forward detectors arranged along the beamline. The framework is interfaced to standard file formats (e.g. Les Houches Event File or HepMC) and outputs observables such as isolated leptons, missing transverse energy and collection of jets which can be used for dedicated analyses. The simulation of the detector response takes into account the effect of magnetic field, the granularity of the calorimeters and subdetector resolutions. A simplified preselection can also be applied on processed events for trigger emulation. Detection of very forward scattered particles relies on the transport in beamlines with the HECTOR software. Finally, the FROG 2D/3D event display is used for visualisation of the collision final states.

Community and support

Delphes is now moving to community-based developement. A forum is already open to authenticated members in order to exchange on issues and features requests. The branches of the svn repository are open to users who would like to participate. If you are interested, register first and then contact the suport team via cp3-delphes@… to be granted svn access.

Quick start

Beginners will find help in the Documentation and the FAQ.


Bugfix version 1.9.1:

  • Compatible with HepMC 2.05 and 2.06
  • Solved bug in root genparticles branches when reading HepMC files (thanks to Nadja Strobbe)

Download here: Delphes 1.9.1

The latest stable version is here: Delphes 1.9

If you don't want FROG, please use this version: Delphes 1.9 without FROG

SVN access

You can get the latest version of the code using:

svn checkout

Registered developers can checkout and commit in branches using their credentials:

svn checkout --username=my_user_name


Latest tickets

Results (1 - 10 of 835)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter Status Priority Created
#1598 Question on PDG code = 0 on B-tagging module muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1597 Inquiry Regarding Particle Status in Delphes muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1596 Meaning of Delphes “Track” outputs muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1595 eFlowTracks for some dark matter particles Harri Waltari new minor 6 months
#1594 Jet matching with Pythia 8.3 Andre new minor 7 months
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet Inês Moreira new major 8 months
#1592 Reading Delphes files with uproot ("fBits is not always 4 bytes") Pietro Vischia new minor 8 months
#1591 Weird tracks' momenta for smeared tracks after SimpleCalorimeter module youying new critical 8 months
#1590 fixed Running Delphes on lxplus9 Alberto Plebani closed minor 8 months
#1589 Delphes Installation doesn't work on Mac 12.5 Steven Ferrante new minor 10 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

More tickets

Active tickets

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter Status Priority Created
#246 Error in Installing Delphes 3.0.11 in Mac Os X 10.6 Arindam Das new critical 11 years
#282 Compiling Delphes 3.1.2 Philipp new critical 10 years
#301 No Event branch in CMSFWLite reader Artur Lobanov new critical 10 years
#312 Muons get lost by analyzing Maximilian Heindl new critical 10 years
#314 momentum direction resolution Doojin Kim new critical 10 years
#331 Regarding Delphes 3 not working Edit MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Bugs Bug #1384300 Arindam Das new critical 10 years
#374 Error compiling Delphes Jason new critical 10 years
#401 jet reconstruction in central region Jessica Metcalfe new critical 10 years
#419 muons in MET Jessica Metcalfe new critical 10 years
#438 MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2.0 b-tagging namgyun new critical 10 years
#442 electron efficiency namgyun new critical 10 years
#548 External FastJet iris new critical 9 years
#702 Truth Jets in the Delphes output (ROOT file)? And how to? Shu Li new critical 9 years
#712 Error installing Delphes 3 with MadGraph5.2.3.0_aMC@NLO on Shu Li new critical 9 years
#728 UniqueObjectFinder processes in arbitrary order Chase new critical 9 years
#739 cannot install Delphes Juan new critical 9 years
#792 A bug on b-tagging in CMS Delphes card Sung Hak Lim new critical 9 years
#821 unable to include stable particle (tau) in MET spectrum ... Shankha Banerjee new critical 9 years
#840 Delphes not Installing pravirk new critical 9 years
#852 new invisible particle implementation J Dutta new critical 9 years
#854 late decays of particles J Dutta new critical 9 years
#855 How to make a long lived stau look like a muon ? Shankha Banerjee new critical 9 years
#887 #884: Delphes card in Madgraph: Najimuddin Khan new critical 9 years
#911 implementing cuts on photons at analysis and reconstruction level J Dutta new critical 9 years
#964 Regarding Delphes CMS cards in Version 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 Shibananda Sahoo new critical 8 years
#1006 Rejecting all leptons in 2j+2l+MET final with CMS card of delphes Deepanjali Goswami new critical 8 years
#1028 I have problem when I try to make Delphes3.3.3 Chen-Hsun Chan new critical 8 years
#1056 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory SUBHASISH BEHERA new critical 8 years
#1081 Problem with switching off smearing amit new critical 8 years
#1083 A problem with UniqueObjectFinder Gang Li new critical 8 years
#1087 Delphes not installing on macos Goutam Das new critical 8 years
#1151 Incorrect HepMC event weights michael new critical 7 years
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? Haqiqat new critical 6 years
#1354 addition of new invisible particle in delphes card Deepanjali Goswami new critical 6 years
#1356 Fail to create LHCO events from DELPHES in Madgraph, using macOS 10.14 shenty1991 new critical 6 years
#1406 Contribution to MissingET, calculating dPhi and M_T SAUMYEN KUNDU new critical 5 years
#1413 Question about Particle and Selecting Certain Events usernew new critical 5 years
#1416 Loose and tight photon identification Chih-Ting Lu Chih-Ting Lu new critical 5 years
#1419 How to Find the Number of Muons; usernew new critical 5 years
#1425 Problem extracting variables from Delphes output to new ROOT file SAUMYEN KUNDU new critical 5 years
#1440 Possible incorrect reconstruction of photon energy. Dmitriy new critical 4 years
#1442 Very low btagging efficieny. Chris new critical 4 years
#1454 Bug in ILCgen delphes card Rashidul Islam new critical 4 years
#1467 Missing ET distribution from Dephes output SAUMYEN KUNDU new critical 4 years
#1470 Inconsistency of reading the constituents in jets physwei new critical 4 years
#1473 Error installing Delphes within Madgraph(v_2.7.3) Subhojit Roy new critical 4 years
#1476 Delphes card for muon collider gives wrong jet masses HDelpheser reopened critical 4 years
#1481 Installation error on MacOS 11.2 ymzhong new critical 4 years
#1485 Unphysical HCAL resolution Taewook Youn new critical 4 years
#1512 Delphes install fatal error Yehia Abdelaziz new critical 3 years
#1542 Delphes Installation Failed on MAC OS ayaismail new critical 2 years
#1556 Delphes problems: 3 questions for the authors... attilio new critical 2 years
#1567 A bug in the tcl file Dayun-Qiu new critical 21 months
#1580 Lepton efficiency with missing ET Guglielmo Coloretti new critical 17 months
#1581 BSM invisible particles Guglielmo Coloretti new critical 17 months
#1582 calling a module in the analyses code duttaj new critical 17 months
#1587 OSX compiling problem: std::binary_function removed attilio new critical 13 months
#1591 Weird tracks' momenta for smeared tracks after SimpleCalorimeter module youying new critical 8 months
#138 long-lived charged particles Wolfgang Waltenberger new major 12 years
#208 Possible problem with tau tagging efficiency simone gennai new major 11 years
#215 bug in b-tagging module? Fabian Bach new major 11 years
#219 Reconstruction of tracks - long lived charged particles Archana new major 11 years
#260 Having Difficulty reaching the weight of events. borzou ahmadborzou new major 11 years
#261 Delphes 3.0.12 installation George Wojcik new major 11 years
#270 Running with pileup randomly give spurious results Prashant Saraswat new major 10 years
#276 GenParticle Information safarzad new major 10 years
#283 Different Branch name Daniele new major 10 years
#285 Problem with b-tagging Diptimoy Ghosh new major 10 years
#290 Mother/Daughter info in CMSFWLite reader Artur Lobanov new major 10 years
#294 Tau Jet information Daniele new major 10 years
#307 pile-up jets in ATLAS delphes card vani new major 10 years
#308 Muon isolation in lhco files Miha Nemevsek new major 10 years
#326 Big discrepancy in electron efficiency between Delphes3 and PGS Jeff Asaf Dror new major 10 years
#376 momentum smearing Ben Kilminster new major 10 years
#437 Delphes with ideal detector Riccardo Torre new major 10 years
#444 Issues running Delphes examples Vince Pascuzzi new major 10 years
#592 Error in hep file to root file conversion J Dutta new major 9 years
#603 TaggingParticleSkimmer Daschm new major 9 years
#632 error delhpes installation after root-v6 Mukesh Kumar new major 9 years
#638 bTag problem with LHE Events Andre new major 9 years
#641 fake lepton in Delphes 3.1.2 andy new major 9 years
#658 Error installing Delphes from Madgraph Siddharth new major 9 years
#703 error during analysis of a .root file using Delphes 3.2.0 compiled with root 6.02.05 Debashis Saha new major 9 years
#705 Compilation on Macbook pro Michael Ramsey-Musolf new major 9 years
#714 How to write a root file for some specific tagged events only? Debashis Saha new major 9 years
#744 B-tagging problem Sergei Chekanov new major 9 years
#750 Jet phi distribution "lumpiness" Andy Buckley new major 9 years
#801 Delphes, lepton PTmin = 10 GeV, how to modify? Melissa new major 9 years
#842 dealing with long lived charged tracks ... Shankha Banerjee new major 9 years
#844 Potential hidden cuts in the ATLAS run card ? Cyril Becot new major 9 years
#846 Query regarding b-tagging ... Shankha Banerjee new major 9 years
#851 root files J Dutta new major 9 years
#853 variable isolation cone for leptons dario new major 9 years
#858 CMS Phase II CARDS lorenzo new major 9 years
#867 Jet.BTag root output lorenzo new major 9 years
#877 muon beta distribution ... Shankha Banerjee new major 9 years
#884 Delphes card in Madgraph: Najimuddin Khan new major 9 years
#885 Isolation via fUniqueID Keith Pedersen new major 9 years
#888 Learning Delphes from Scratch and writing own analysis Shibananda Sahoo new major 9 years
#909 To understand the ATLAS and CMS delphes cards Shibananda Sahoo new major 9 years
#952 Substructure variables from fast jet to delphes Francesco Spanò new major 8 years
#953 Lepton Isolation cuts S. Niyogi new major 8 years
#955 "Prong" dependent tau ID efficiency dario new major 8 years
#956 determination of electron and muon tracking effeciency Deepanjali Goswami new major 8 years
#959 calorimeter information J Dutta new major 8 years
#963 Delphes Card for 100 TeV collider Shibananda Sahoo new major 8 years
#969 BTag in Python mode Jyoiranjan new major 8 years
#970 problem with DelphesSTDHEP compiler Deepanjali Goswami Deepanjali Goswami new major 8 years
#980 Example3.C of Delphes example code Abhishek Iyer new major 8 years
#982 Segmentation Fault in PileUp example Michael Hutcheon new major 8 years
#999 Particles and Constituents in Jets teddy new major 8 years
#1000 Regarding obtaining .root file from .hep files Shibananda Sahoo new major 8 years
#1010 Delphes card for LHeC searches SUBHASISH BEHERA new major 8 years
#1012 Compatibility of delphes_card among v3.1.2 and v3.3.2 SUBHASISH BEHERA new major 8 years
#1016 Jet faking as leptons S. Niyogi new major 8 years
#1019 How to calculate b-tagging efficiency for any delphes card Deepanjali Goswami new major 8 years
#1020 Error while building Delphes KASINATH DAS new major 8 years
#1021 Not able to run Delphes on Fabrizio Scuri new major 8 years
#1038 Segmentation violation qzom190 new major 8 years
#1042 Trouble retrieving the decay channel in Delphes Aimane new major 8 years
#1050 Problems reading a HepMC file roberto ruiz new major 8 years
#1053 FastJet in Delphes S. Niyogi new major 8 years
#1060 Question regarding tau tagging in in leptonic channel S. Niyogi new major 8 years
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card SUBHASISH BEHERA new major 8 years
#1068 Less muons than expected from MadGraph sample Jose Ruiz new major 8 years
#1073 Jet Charge and b-tagging Amin Abou Ibrahim new major 8 years
#1074 How to distinguish between a muon like heavy particle faking as muon Avirup Ghosh Avirup Ghosh accepted major 8 years
#1075 Invalid Particle format Error and Warnings Aimane new major 8 years
#1080 False Drell Yan results and lots of zero transverse momentum warnings Aimane new major 8 years
#1082 Add exclusive jets mode for e+e- collision study Gang Li new major 8 years
#1086 About ATLAS card amit new major 8 years
#1118 ATLAS card does not use muons for MET sbaum new major 7 years
#1129 Delphes with pythia8 in lxplus Lata Panwar new major 7 years
#1130 Information from pixel detector by using delphes jongho lee new major 7 years
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C Dongsub Lee new major 7 years
#1162 Problem with HepMCEvent under Delphes8 module Alexis Kalogeropoulos new major 7 years
#1164 Is MinBias.pileup appliable to any process? drakemarquis new major 7 years
#1298 Difference in eta, phi values before an after Delphes Michael Albergo new major 7 years
#1319 Vertex constituents Marek Tasevsky new major 6 years
#1321 Delphes Installation Error SAUMYEN KUNDU new major 6 years
#1326 Question on btagging working points Alexis Kalogeropoulos new major 6 years
#1335 How to get mother PdgID of generator level particle in Delphes snandan new major 6 years
#1339 B tagging efficiencies are independent? localname new major 6 years
#1344 LHCb delphes card Alberto Mariotti new major 6 years
#1346 GenWeights in Delphes Alexis Kalogeropoulos new major 6 years
#1361 how to only generate lhco file Yao-Bei Liu new major 6 years
#1363 Class versions need updating Beojan Stanislaus new major 6 years
#1364 Running Delphes over .hep file damian06 new major 6 years
#1370 Implementing the smearing of track parameters Debjyoti Bardhan new major 6 years
#1371 Unable to run provided examples scripts based on DelphesAnalysis ankita mehta new major 6 years
#1372 Problem with N-subjettiness values andrea.diluca new major 6 years
#1374 invariant mass of high-pT hadronic-tau leptons Ernesto Arganda new major 6 years
#1378 Duplicate Tracks in Jets Samuel Alipour-fard new major 5 years
#1379 Parallel execution Riccardo Di Sipio new major 5 years
#1382 Implement two isolation criterion simultaneously Saiyad Ashanujjaman new major 5 years
#1387 Something weird comparing gen. and rec. level roberto ruiz new major 5 years
#1388 Photons energy resolution Maxime Gouzevitch new major 5 years
#1390 displacements info lost after delphes run? assimptota new major 5 years
#1391 error at lxplus slc7 + root 6.16 Sezen Sekmen new major 5 years
#1394 Cannot import Delphes in python macOS Giacomo Boldrini new major 5 years
#1395 Improve EcalTower resolution and add pile up Hokyeong Nam new major 5 years
#1399 Jet clustering possibly incomplete? Beojan Stanislaus new major 5 years
#1412 Branches in Delphes Root File and Distinguishing Among Particles. usernew new major 5 years
#1415 Forward tagger Mohsen new major 5 years
#1417 ATLAS ECAL specifications gonzalo_alonso new major 5 years
#1422 Detector card overwrites after adding trigger card Dmitriy new major 5 years
#1423 Delphes Event Display Output Ryan Harris new major 5 years
#1424 Delphes Compilation Error Nguyen Do new major 5 years
#1430 Trouble for running python examples/ out.root liangxl new major 5 years
#1436 regarding MET and leading jet pT distribution comparison at hadron level and detector level Disha Bhatia new major 4 years
#1438 How to get the impact parameter of charged pions produced from tau in Delphes? Abhaya Kumar Swain new major 4 years
#1444 change default mass assumption for tracks, implement PID Leticia Cunqueiro new major 4 years
#1445 Low MissingET sdahbi new major 4 years
#1450 Top tagging in Delphes AlvinPA new major 4 years
#1451 Accessing calorimeter towers within specific region Cauê Evangelista de Sousa new major 4 years
#1461 Asymmetric peak of higgs by using Muon Collider card Jie Xiao jiexiao new major 4 years
#1478 Unables to install Delphes Kuntal Pal new major 4 years
#1506 status code for b-tagging antara001 new major 3 years
#1508 Delphes does not make on M1 MacBook Air Siddharth Yajaman new major 3 years
#1518 Errors while installing Delphes Pablo new major 3 years
#1519 Differences between madgraph and delphes distributions in Cristian Fernando Rodriguez new major 3 years
#1523 missing energy souad new major 3 years
#1528 Question about delphes card for CMS detector Amandeep new major 3 years
#1529 Tracks of BSM charged particles Snehashis Parashar new major 3 years
#1530 Error parsing payload code for class ExRootTreeReader with content: Chayanit Asawatangtrakuldee new major 3 years
#1531 Tracks as Calo Jet constituents Alberto new major 3 years
#1534 Symbol lookup error linking pythia8.3 to Delphes3 lowang new major 3 years
#1539 error while loading shared libraries Jing new major 2 years
#1541 overlap removal in delphes Anastasia Kotsokechagia new major 2 years
#1543 Seg Fault when running ./DelphesPythia8 fdelzanno fdelzanno new major 2 years
#1551 Issue with tau charge different from +/- 1 ... Shankha Banerjee new major 2 years
#1555 Delphes installation error at lxplus Muhammad Gul new major 2 years
#1557 ERROR: invalid vertex format Muhammad Gul new major 2 years
#1560 Problem Compiler when Installing Delphes & ExRootAnalysis yburkard new major 2 years
#1563 Question Cuts Applied to Leptons danielnov new major 2 years
#1564 Tracking pythia particles hoffmant new major 2 years
#1566 Error in compiling example files after succesful installation J Dutta new major 23 months
#1570 Erros while reading a delphes output file in root echalbau new major 20 months
#1573 Reclustering jets using Fastjet for root files and b-tagging J Dutta new major 18 months
#1576 Cannot run the FCChh_PileUp.tcl Marlon brade1994 new major 18 months
#1578 Delphes Branches Francisco Casa Francisco Casa accepted major 17 months
#1585 DeltaR between and electron and muon found bellow 0.5 after choosing DeltaRMax=0.5 in delphes for both electron and muon Rafiqul Rahaman new major 15 months
#1586 Regarding Angular Smearing in Track Jihee Kim new major 13 months
#1588 How to access positron branch and make Et plots for positron using delphes.root file Nivedaa Dhandapani new major 10 months
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet Inês Moreira new major 8 months
#161 How Delphes deals with secondary vertices Pavel Demin new minor 12 years
#167 questions on pileup corrections Sergei Chekanov new minor 12 years
#174 muon isolation problem gioar new minor 11 years
#184 DelphesCMSFWLite on GEN-SIM dimatteo new minor 11 years
#186 pTRatioMax for charged tracks Archana new minor 11 years
#190 Applying B-tagging efficiencies independently? Jim Hirschauer new minor 11 years
#192 Warning in reading delphe root files liuda new minor 11 years
#193 MET correspondent at gen level dimatteo new minor 11 years
#197 Format for Jet.BTag? Si Xie new minor 11 years
#199 Tau ID - No track consideration? Daschm new minor 11 years
#206 multijet analysis roberto ruiz new minor 11 years
#207 jet reconstruction performance in single top events Fabian Bach new minor 11 years
#224 compilation fails if space in the path olivier new minor 11 years
#227 delphes 3 have included fake candidates ? Gavin new minor 11 years
#228 Delphes B-Tagger Alex Emerman new minor 11 years
#238 access jet constituents for substructure analysis alexandra new minor 11 years
#245 Setting a trigger in Delphes 3 to avoid exhausting disk space Rafael Delgado López new minor 11 years
#251 About tau tagging in Delphes. Jung Chang new minor 11 years
#252 ATLAS simulation gives high pt jet Markus Ebert new minor 11 years
#256 Delphes is not creating leptonic events , please help Arindam Das new minor 11 years
#257 Delphes3.12 is not creating leptonic events Arindam Das new minor 11 years
#259 Question on angular bias/resolution Ernesto Arganda new minor 11 years
#262 Parton level - detector level comparison Giancarlo Panizzo new minor 11 years
#266 simulation at ILC Dr. new minor 11 years
#271 Using N-subjetness & N-jettiness Dominic Smith new minor 10 years
#272 Jet phi distribution modulation (Delphes-3.0.12) Simone new minor 10 years
#273 Reading the constituents of a jet Milen Lazarov new minor 10 years
#275 Inverse momentum smearing Mark Olschewski new minor 10 years
#278 Reproducing ATLAS SUSY Searches Bryan new minor 10 years
#288 Delphes 3.1.2 with Pythia8 Matthew Low new minor 10 years
#291 Eflow branches jingren2004 new minor 10 years
#293 Number of operators in efficiency modules Alvaro Lopez new minor 10 years
#296 GenJets including "jets" from leptons Philipp new minor 10 years
#298 converted photons Urs new minor 10 years
#316 How to find which matrix element parton a jet is from. Marc Thomas new minor 10 years
#320 Low lepton efficiency for 100TeV simulation jingren2004 new minor 10 years
#336 Event (in "DelphesClasses.h") conflicts with Pythia8::Event Keith Pedersen new minor 10 years
#347 Stability of "StableParticles" in STDHEP reader Sho IWAMOTO new minor 10 years
#350 FCC detector card Sergei Chekanov new minor 10 years
#351 Missing photon in delphes root file Daniele new minor 10 years
#365 delphes_atlas default card for b-tagging efficiency ylict new minor 10 years
#368 lepton track zachary new minor 10 years
#375 CMake for Delphes for root version 5.34.20 michele de gruttola new minor 10 years
#377 When modifying Candidate class, change constructor, Copy(), & Clear() Keith Pedersen new minor 10 years
#379 Delphes card delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl Jessica Metcalfe new minor 10 years
#406 Displaced Vertices and Smearing Fabrizio Nesti reopened minor 10 years
#431 Problem installing Delphes sarellis new minor 10 years
#432 ParameterR and DeltaR namgyun new minor 10 years
#434 LHCO conversion fault fan new minor 10 years
#435 no b-tagging with new model namgyun new minor 10 years
#436 DelphesPythia8 sarah malik new minor 10 years
#440 Delphes not matching generator Christian Laner new minor 10 years
#443 Delphes doesn't see new (external) classes Peter Winslow new minor 10 years
#523 EFlow and leptons Jan Hajer new minor 9 years
#536 Error on examples 4 and display Bryan new minor 9 years
#580 Analysing different process event samples J Dutta new minor 9 years
#591 Calorimeter change between 3.0.10 and 3.2 Daschm new minor 9 years
#605 Delphes-3.2.0 compatibility with root version S. Niyogi new minor 9 years
#620 Phi/Energy dependence in efficiencies Daschm new minor 9 years
#639 Jet Constituents Jordan Dull new minor 9 years
#655 What is the unit for the vertex position of the track in Delphes output liuda new minor 9 years
#656 Where is the EFlowmuon in the newest version of Delphes 3.1.2(delphes_card_default.dat) ? liuda new minor 9 years
#659 Error running example 4 Sal Lombardo new minor 9 years
#660 Some question about the MET, mainly about the Eta of the MET. tangyilei new minor 9 years
#715 Plots of functions in Delphes card Heather Gray new minor 9 years
#717 compilation problem on some computer olivier new minor 9 years
#718 Installation problem subhadeep mondal new minor 9 years
#719 Does Delphes add muon momentum to jet when a muon is closed to a jet? haolin new minor 9 years
#727 comilation issue for indra new minor 9 years
#729 Very small particle momenta when using converter_card.tcl to go from Pythia 8 .hep to .root Kayla new minor 9 years
#730 "Perfect" detector card Andrew Fowlie new minor 9 years
#734 Impact parameter formula Anon new minor 9 years
#740 Cleaning for lepton jets Bryan new minor 9 years
#746 Delphese 3.3 warning Sergei Chekanov new minor 9 years
#747 B-tag teddy new minor 9 years
#748 Change calorimeter energy fractions based on particle vertex Bryan new minor 9 years
#751 Can't access filled N-subJettiness variables Owen Colegrove new minor 9 years
#753 BSM particles in calorimeter Daschm new minor 9 years
#772 why ILD card do not contain a efficiency formula for the b tagging? Li Huang new minor 9 years
#774 compilation on mac with default binary. olivier new minor 9 years
#779 Questions about Pileup Chase new minor 9 years
#815 How to calculate missing four momentum ? Li Huang new minor 9 years
#827 problem running Delphes 3.3.2 Marianna Testa new minor 9 years
#828 compiling ExternalFastJet Marianna Testa new minor 9 years
#833 problems with btagging Marianna Testa new minor 9 years
#835 Etmiss calculated with jets after pile-up suppression? Marianna Testa new minor 9 years
#839 How to define a jet using different jet algorithm or condition? Li Huang new minor 9 years
#847 jet invariant mass J Dutta new minor 9 years
#850 TrackPileUpSubtractor Marianna Testa new minor 9 years
#864 Delphes behaviour with displaced vertices Nishita Desai new minor 9 years
#866 some questions on DelphesAnalysis ( python ) Ali YILMAZ Li Huang accepted minor 9 years
#870 adding a FastJetFinder lead a wrong result. Li Huang new minor 9 years
#871 ROOT6 mawatari new minor 9 years
#880 Same Delphes simulation with different jet clustering Matias Vazquez new minor 9 years
#903 Particle Flow for ATLAS detector? Bryan new minor 9 years
#907 event weight Tae Jeong Kim new minor 9 years
#912 Component model for Delphes modules? Dave Casper new minor 9 years
#922 On the philosophy on lepton isolation José new minor 9 years
#923 Failed to read fastjet headers when running a delphes analysis macro john new minor 9 years
#924 multileptonic signature from ttbar luigidr new minor 9 years
#925 About the towers in the default ATLAS, CMS, ... tcl files tangyilei new minor 9 years
#940 Why I construct a wrong invariant mass? Li Huang new minor 8 years
#954 MET covariance matrix Giles Strong new minor 8 years
#965 No electrons in delphes output Jay Howarth new minor 8 years
#972 GenJets and Jets collections with empty Particle branches Alexis Kalogeropoulos new minor 8 years
#975 compilation error in 2.3.0 olivier new minor 8 years
#976 Error running DelphesCMSFWLite on CMS GEN-SIM file sarah malik new minor 8 years
#981 Delphes FastJet S. Niyogi new minor 8 years
#986 Segmentation fault in EventDisplay example Michael Hutcheon new minor 8 years
#987 Delphes installation in Madgraph Chang new minor 8 years
#988 Non-isolated muon disappear jmli new minor 8 years
#989 Questions about b-tagging and EFlow Hareesh Menon new minor 8 years
#993 Only fastjet and lepton isolation Jyotiranjan new minor 8 years
#994 Usage of BTag in CMS PhaseII card and PyRoot example alexandra new minor 8 years
#1004 How to retreive information on weights from CMS GEN-SIM file sarah malik new minor 8 years
#1008 Trimmed jets storage to root amonte new minor 8 years
#1017 Update Makefile for use as CMSSW External Package Alexx Perloff new minor 8 years
#1022 Rniing Delphes using multicores Alexander Belyaev new minor 8 years
#1023 Delphes with ROOT files as input Cristian Baldenegro new minor 8 years
#1024 Calorimeter geometry in the .tcl files Fabrizio Scuri new minor 8 years
#1031 discrepancy between root and lhco files Bibhushan Shakya new minor 8 years
#1039 No interpreter information for classes apdf new minor 8 years
#1049 compilation error with Mac OS ahmed hammad new minor 8 years
#1051 Problem running Pythia8+Delphes Alexis Kalogeropoulos new minor 8 years
#1055 problem compiling Delphes in remote machine Matias Vazquez new minor 8 years
#1059 TrimmedP4 and pyroot amonte new minor 8 years
#1061 Distribution of transvere W boson mass not modelled correctly by Delphes 3.4.0 Soeren Stamm new minor 8 years
#1062 error: Failed to access python version of LHAPDF Adil new minor 8 years
#1065 Question regarding jet constituents and jet trimming (ATLAS card) Wojtek Fedorko new minor 8 years
#1066 Problems / Feedback: Event Display Soeren Stamm new minor 8 years
#1067 Compilation error on Mac during installation Mogens Dam new minor 8 years
#1070 Problems with TauTagging aniket new minor 8 years
#1076 Issues when reading weights from LHE files. With fix. Nikolaj O. Sørensen new minor 8 years
#1077 Unable to build delphes. aravind new minor 8 years
#1084 Bug affecting long-lived hadrons amonte new minor 8 years
#1088 Converting Jet into leptons and charge misidentification of leptons Arindam Das new minor 8 years
#1113 Smearing of eta/phi in ATLAS card Jake new minor 7 years
#1115 photon kinematics shift Jung Chang new minor 7 years
#1119 Photon Isolation Abhishek Iyer new minor 7 years
#1120 How to modify jet resolution? Li Huang new minor 7 years
#1121 Btagging, What should I use haolin new minor 7 years
#1126 Jets faking photons Matias Vazquez new minor 7 years
#1135 Leptons Faking Photons using JetFakeParticle Module Sam Homiller new minor 7 years
#1136 Can't open the configuration file Phat Srimanobhas new minor 7 years
#1141 jet number lost Li Huang new minor 7 years
#1147 MET distribution in version 3.4.x AnkeB new minor 7 years
#1148 impact parameter smearing David Shih new minor 7 years
#1149 Delphes Reconstructing too few photons Jake new minor 7 years
#1150 How to Extract Displaced Vertex haolin new minor 7 years
#1155 How to create input files by Gauss? C.C new minor 7 years
#1156 Track based electron isolation Declan Millar new minor 7 years
#1158 The ninth column of lhco ouputs Tathagata Ghosh new minor 7 years
#1159 ROOT unable to load Miles R new minor 7 years
#1160 Current Delphes Compiling Problem Ozer Ozdal new minor 7 years
#1163 How to isolate particles while doing jet clustering inherited from a certain particle Alexis Kalogeropoulos new minor 7 years
#1165 Empty muon branch in the root file Ozlem new minor 7 years
#1166 Tau tagged jet mistag rate amit new minor 7 years
#1167 Trigger card Amin Abou Ibrahim new minor 7 years
#1169 How to fill histo with specific particle? Goko new minor 7 years
#1170 GenParticle mass not converted to GeV when HEPMC file is encoded in MeV Andrew Chisholm new minor 7 years
#1198 Dynamic jet radius definition Amin Abou Ibrahim new minor 7 years
#1253 Fix b-tagging efficiency in analysis level Jung Chang new minor 7 years
#1255 about Delphes ROOT reader Jung Chang new minor 7 years
#1259 Placement of primary vertex and interpretation of IsolationVar Soumya new minor 7 years
#1260 Distinguising leptonic jets from hadronic jets James new minor 7 years
#1293 Lepton isolation and jets James new minor 7 years
#1294 how to find distance between two jets ? Goko new minor 7 years
#1295 from tcl (working in Delphes Standalone) to a card.dat for MadGraph Roberto Franceschini new minor 7 years
#1296 Photon conversion haolin new minor 7 years
#1301 New LHCb delphes card Rui new minor 7 years
#1308 Neutral Pileup Subtraction Jake new minor 6 years
#1309 Lepton efficiency and isolation module kwei new minor 6 years
#1311 How do I track back the origin of the jet haolin new minor 6 years
#1317 b-tagging subjets thompson new minor 6 years
#1318 New HLLHC card Amin Abou Ibrahim new minor 6 years
#1320 Implementing FatJet Btagging Alessandro Micheli new minor 6 years
#1322 Large HepMC file crashes Delphes Alessandro Micheli new minor 6 years
#1323 Set up NA62 detector simulation in Delphes? Zeren Simon Wang new minor 6 years
#1325 Understanding PT/Energy resolution formula in Delphes Card Michael Albergo new minor 6 years
#1327 Jet.FlavorAlgo and Jet.FlavorPhys always returns 0 taufiqmurtadho new minor 6 years
#1333 Is P_T of electrons smeared by calorimeter, or is it all in tracker? Michael Albergo new minor 6 years
#1334 Error in cling - Delphes 3.4.1 Sebastian Urrutia Quiroga new minor 6 years
#1336 converter root2lhco Kayoung_Ban new minor 6 years
#1337 How to do matching of a jet with parton level snandan new minor 6 years
#1338 Realistic delphes card for the current ATLAS/CMS performance Satoshi Hasegawa new minor 6 years
#1341 electron eta distribution between gen-level and reconstruction-level. Jung Chang new minor 6 years
#1342 Regarding Particle-Flow and Jet Formation from Displaced Vertices Samuel Alipour-fard new minor 6 years
#1345 Error while running delphesSTDHEP Sayan new minor 6 years
#1349 Calculating Missing ET after Smearing Jets keanet new minor 6 years
#1350 Reconstruction efficiency of jet snandan new minor 6 years
#1351 Problem in running ./DelphesHepMC Aayushi Singla new minor 6 years
#1352 photon (EM calorimeter) resolution in delphes Tathagata Ghosh new minor 6 years
#1353 Finding mother particle in the MC truth p.junio new minor 6 years
#1355 The stransverse mass MT2 Najimuddin Khan new minor 6 years
#1357 c-tagging ATLAS card p.junio new minor 6 years
#1360 FatJets Oscar Eboli new minor 6 years
#1362 fjcontribs with DelphesPythia8 pazlen new minor 6 years
#1365 Lepton Identifying issues iris new minor 6 years
#1368 Inquire about DelphesLHEF and error after the events processed Abdualazem Mohammed new minor 6 years
#1375 Implement b-tag with external fastjet and write to root file. andrea.diluca new minor 5 years
#1377 Delphes 3.4.2 installation fails Amin Abou Ibrahim new minor 5 years
#1380 Trouble propagating weight arrays Amandeep Singh Bakshi new minor 5 years
#1385 Phi correction to tracks (bremsstrahlung applied also to charged hadrons?) jerdmann new minor 5 years
#1386 Delphes sample usage Julia Himmelsbach new minor 5 years
#1389 specify the number of events to simulate? Sezen Sekmen new minor 5 years
#1392 Self-generated MiBias file does not work kristin new minor 5 years
#1393 Lepton isolation in Delphes Tathagata Ghosh new minor 5 years
#1396 Error while Installing SAUMYEN KUNDU new minor 5 years
#1397 Implementing Maximum Eta Cut for FastJetFinder Jan new minor 5 years
#1398 unable to tag b jets padhan_rojalin new minor 5 years
#1400 About save delphes root file after analysis cuts Jung Chang new minor 5 years
#1402 Transverse displacement conditions on leptons Debjyoti Bardhan new minor 5 years
#1403 Understanding Truth and Reco Containers Vincent Croft new minor 5 years
#1404 JetFakeParticle module Sebastian Urrutia Quiroga new minor 5 years
#1405 configure: error: Cannot find DelphesClasses header mamerchandmedi new minor 5 years
#1407 Blank Delphes Card in MadAnalysis5 Billy Ford new minor 5 years
#1408 Installing new fastjet contrib and getting jet result in ROOT tree karkas new minor 5 years
#1410 Muon Reconstruction Abhishek Iyer new minor 5 years
#1411 About using HepMC file created by EvtGen in Delphes Xiang Li new minor 5 years
#1414 Possibility of preventing leptons (the true electron and muon) from being identified as jets Abdualazem Mohammed new minor 5 years
#1418 Delphes running error Lee18 new minor 5 years
#1420 Doing jet->Constituents.At() returns NULL pointer flywire new minor 5 years
#1421 Event.Weight vs Weight.Weight trentacoollime new minor 5 years
#1427 Error running validation Miguel new minor 5 years
#1428 validation output issue Miguel new minor 5 years
#1431 Trouble while running root file from Event Generator Cauê Evangelista de Sousa new minor 4 years
#1432 Question about GenJet Sofia new minor 4 years
#1433 Error messagens when running Simulation Cauê Evangelista de Sousa new minor 4 years
#1434 Error in running event display example using IDEA detector card Dennis Arogancia new minor 4 years
#1435 problem in simulating pileup interactions Hesham El Faham new minor 4 years
#1439 DelphesPythia8 executable not building Georg Zobernig new minor 4 years
#1441 Delphes is loosing events when run within MG5aMC olivier new minor 4 years
#1443 Diference between GenJet and Jet branches Cauê Evangelista de Sousa new minor 4 years
#1446 Nsubjettiness often giving 0 for collimated photons Noah Steinberg new minor 4 years
#1453 .root file missing audiya new minor 4 years
#1456 lepton and photon isolation variable definition HDelpheser new minor 4 years
#1458 Speed up pileup simulation adiluca new minor 4 years
#1460 Implement Neutrino Interactions Marco new minor 4 years
#1462 Unsupported block type in overlay samples Jan Klamka new minor 4 years
#1463 install delphes failed taotao new minor 4 years
#1464 Variable-R plugin in Delphes Shubhani Jain new minor 4 years
#1466 Error during instalation Pedro Simoni Pasquini new minor 4 years
#1469 Possible bug in handling of mothers from Pythia tmadlener new minor 4 years
#1477 Getting Error when Installing Delphes Sarif Khan new minor 4 years
#1479 How to get some properties of class GenParticle which are not recorded before. Yufei Zhang new minor 4 years
#1480 The analysis results of lhco and root format are very different. shuer new minor 4 years
#1482 question on ATLAS detector card Shuo Han new minor 4 years
#1486 FCC-ee card? Majid new minor 4 years
#1489 Problem when running the event display example Carlos Buitrago new minor 4 years
#1490 Run time error with the DelphesPythia8 executable John Blue new minor 4 years
#1495 problem when running examples Viesturs new minor 4 years
#1496 Is it possible to run Delphes on generator info in MiniAOD? Gourab Saha new minor 4 years
#1497 Constituents inside the jet Shilpi Jain new minor 4 years
#1501 Simulation for fixed target experiment Andre Nepomuceno new minor 3 years
#1502 W boson mass reconstruction from light jets nazima new minor 3 years
#1503 Bring back the DelphesHepMC executable for compatibility with Madgraph? Emma Geoffray new minor 3 years
#1504 weight tags? ibrivio new minor 3 years
#1509 ATLAS pile-up card Simon Knapen new minor 3 years
#1510 B-tagged brade1994 new minor 3 years
#1511 B-tagged brade1994 new minor 3 years
#1513 Invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ tbhayward new minor 3 years
#1514 invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ tbhayward new minor 3 years
#1515 Parametrization opinto new minor 3 years
#1517 How to set the splitlevel for branches in the output root file kratsg new minor 3 years
#1520 the order of .hepmc file to .lhco file lvhuifang new minor 3 years
#1521 PTRatioMax in isolation-module ignored bickendorf new minor 3 years
#1522 Cannot install Delphes on MacOS Monterey Steven Ferrante new minor 3 years
#1524 Unable to install Delphes on Mac OS 12.1 (clang-11: error: linker command failed with exit code 1) Michele Lucente new minor 3 years
#1525 Soft-Dropped mass cut brade1994 new minor 3 years
#1526 make Delphes Ana new minor 3 years
#1527 Add one more layer for calorimeter Boping Chen new minor 3 years
#1532 Variable IsPu not written Nikolaus Owtscharenko new minor 3 years
#1533 Delphes and HepSim Ewan new minor 3 years
#1535 how many events are generated Ana new minor 3 years
#1536 Problem while installing Delphes inside MagGrraph in Mac Os monterrey 12.1 echalbau new minor 2 years
#1537 Looking for DelphesLLP modules Daniel Whiteson new minor 2 years
#1538 Error with libDelphesNoFastJet Sebastian Urrutia Quiroga new minor 2 years
#1544 Get Particle Cluster cells in calorimeters snoaccor new minor 2 years
#1545 asymmetric detectors and flavor association Toshiro Shisude new minor 2 years
#1546 madgraph->pythia->delphes Qamar new minor 2 years
#1553 Can not find libpythia8.dylib file Bvojkl new minor 2 years
#1554 Error setting up DelphesPythia8 emre Emre Vardar new minor 2 years
#1558 Undefined reference to `tbb::interface7::internal::isolate_within_arena(tbb::interface7::internal::delegate_base&, long)’ jane1227 new minor 2 years
#1559 Error when installing ExRootAnalysis and Delphes on macOS 12.6 yburkard new minor 2 years
#1561 'classes/ClassesLinkDef.h' file not found Dayun-Qiu new minor 2 years
#1562 EventDisplay with Delphes-3.5.0 Marianna Testa new minor 2 years
#1565 Does the Jet variable contain all the jets, or the main one ? Dimitri Moulin new minor 2 years
#1568 Getting less number of events by root2lhco converter sudesh new minor 21 months
#1569 Delphes Installation on Mac OS Ventura 13.1 Torrey Saxton new minor 21 months
#1572 Installing Delphes on macOS Monterey Rouzbeh new minor 19 months
#1574 undefined reference to `???@GLIBC_2.33' in installation mcocdaa mcocdaa new minor 18 months
#1575 Pile up question brade1994 new minor 18 months
#1577 Issue with Delphes compilation with macOS 13.3.1 Marco Delmastro new minor 18 months
#1579 Delphes does not even begin to compile J. A. Aguilar Saavedra new minor 17 months
#1583 Insalling Delphes3 Guglielmo Coloretti new minor 16 months
#1584 Pileup track using ATLAS pileup card Stephen Jiggins new minor 15 months
#1589 Delphes Installation doesn't work on Mac 12.5 Steven Ferrante new minor 10 months
#1592 Reading Delphes files with uproot ("fBits is not always 4 bytes") Pietro Vischia new minor 8 months
#1594 Jet matching with Pythia 8.3 Andre new minor 7 months
#1595 eFlowTracks for some dark matter particles Harri Waltari new minor 6 months
#1596 Meaning of Delphes “Track” outputs muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1597 Inquiry Regarding Particle Status in Delphes muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1598 Question on PDG code = 0 on B-tagging module muon_neutrino new minor 5 months

Active tickets


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