Selected talks on MC's
N | Date | Title | Author | Event | Comments |
120 | November 2015 | NLO simulations: From SM to BSM | Huasheng Shao | Lecture at Pekin University | 60 min |
119 | November 2015 | Monte-Carlo techniques and NLO basics | Valentin Hirschi | Lecture at Pekin University | 60 min |
118 | April 2014 | MadWeight | Olivier Mattelaer | Seminar in Glasgow | 60 min |
117 | September 2013 | MadGraph/aMC@NLO | Olivier Mattelaer | aQGC workshop (Dresden) | 20 min |
116 | September 2013 | aMC@NLO, top quark production for linear collider | Olivier Mattelaer | LC13 workshop (Trento) | 30 min |
115 | June 2013 | Madgraph5 Tutorial Madgraph5 Tutorial (part II) | Olivier Mattelaer | TASI | 2h |
114 | June 2013 | MW5 and ISR correction | Olivier Mattelaer | first MEM workshop | 30 min |
113 | May 2013 | a program for matrix element | Olivier Mattelaer | invited seminar ITP (Beiing) | 30 min |
112 | May 2013 | aMC@NLO | Olivier Mattelaer | LOOPFEST | 30 min |
111 | 18 May 2013 | MadAnalysis 5, a framework dedicated to phenomenological investigations at LHC | Eric Conte | ACAT 2013 (Beijing, China) | 25 mins |
110 | 19 April 2013 | From Theory to Phenomenology with FeynRules and MadAnalysis 5 | Benjamin Fuks | MC4BSM 2013, Hamburg, Germany | 30 mins |
109 | 03 April 2013 | Tools for searches at the LHC | Benjamin Fuks | LHC France 2013, Annecy, France | 30 mins |
108 | February 2013 | MG5 Tutorial | Olivier Mattelaer | Duke | 30 min |
107 | December 2012 | MG5 framework and plan | Olivier Mattelaer | CERN (ERC meeting) | 1h |
106 | 17 December 2012 | MadAnalysis 5 From the past to the future | Benjamin Fuks | Xmas ’12 ERC LHCTheory workshop, CERN, Switzerland | 30 mins |
105 | November 2012 | MG5 development and plan | Olivier Mattelaer | CERN (LPCC) | 30 min |
104 | 6 November 2012 | Status and new developments in MadAnalysis 5 | Eric Conte | GDR Terascale@Orsay, Orsay, France | 25 mins |
103 | 4 September 2012 | MadLoop 5 status | Valentin Hirschi | HP2 2012 (Münich) | 30 min |
102 | 21 June 2012 | MadAnalysis 5, a new framework for collider phenomenology | Guillaume Serret | Tools 2012, Stockholm, Sweden | 40 mins |
101 | 19 June 2012 | MadGraph 5 - Going beyonder | Valentin Hirschi | TOOLS 2012 (Stockholm) | 40 min |
100 | 11 June 2012 | MadAnalysis 5 | Benjamin Fuks | Fast simuuators for the LHC, CERN, Switzerland | 30 mins |
99 | May 2012 | Developing MG5 | Olivier Mattelaer | PITTGRAPH | 30 min |
98 | May 2012 | Update on MG5 | Olivier Mattelaer | PHENO | 20 min |
97 | 10 May 2012 | MadAnalysis 5, status and plans | Benjamin Fuks | MadGraph Spring 2012 Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA | 30 mins |
96 | 25 April 2012 | MadAnalysis 5, a new framework for collider phenomenology | Guillaume Serret | GDR Terascale@Clermont 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France | 20 mins |
95 | 28 March 2012 | MadAnalysis 5 | Eric Conte | FeynRules 2012, Sainte-Odile, France | 30 mins |
94 | March 2012 | MG5, UFO and ALOHA | Olivier Mattelaer | FR workshop (Mont-St Odile) | 30 min |
93 | March 2012 | BSM in MG5 | Olivier Mattelaer | MC4BSM | 30 min |
92 | January 2012 | Matrix element method and MadWeight | Olivier Mattelaer | Strasbourg (invited seminar) | 1h |
91 | January 2012 | Madweight tutorial | Olivier Mattelaer | Strasbourg | 1h |
90 | January 2012 | Madgraph 5 tutorial | Olivier Mattelaer | Strasbourg | 1h |
89 | 21 September 2011 | MadAnalysis 5 | Benjamin Fuks | MadGraph 2011, Roma, Italy | 20 mins |
88 | September 2011 | MG5 and ALOHA | Olivier Mattelaer | ROME | 30 min |
87 | June 2011 | A new approach to matrix element re-weighting | Olivier Mattelaer | NIKHEF (invited seminar) | 1h |
86 | May 2011 | Going beyhond | Olivier Mattelaer | PHENO | 1h |
85 | May 2011 | UFO & ALOHA | Olivier Mattelaer | FERMILAB | 1h |
84 | May 2011 | Madgraph5 Tutorial | Olivier Mattelaer | FERMILAB | 1h |
83 | May 2011 | Madgraph5 | Olivier Mattelaer | FERMILAB | 1h |
82 | 31 March 2011 | MadGraph 5 - the All-new Matrix Element Generator for Everything | Johan Alwall | Fermilab Theory seminar | 60 min |
81 | February 2011 | A new approach to matrix element re-weighting | Olivier Mattelaer | CERN | 20 min |
80 | November 2010 | Status of MadGraph5 | Olivier Mattelaer | HEPTOOLS FINAL MEETING | 30 min |
79 | November 2010 | ALOHA | Olivier Mattelaer | Madgraph Meeting (VUB) | 30 min |
78 | November 2010 | MG5 Tutorial | Olivier Mattelaer | Madgraph Meeting (VUB) | 30 min |
77 | November 2010 | Automation of the Matrix Element Reweighting Method | Pierre Artoisenet | Seminar given at 10 different places (Caltech, UCLA, LBNL, UCI, ...) | 60 min |
76 | 06 Jully 2010 | Madgraph5: The new Madgraph generation | Olivier Mattelaer | Tools 2010 | 30 min |
75 | 19 May 2010 | Tutorial for MG5 beta 0.4.1 | Olivier Mattelaer | Tutorial at CP3 (Louvain) | 60 min |
74 | 19 May 2010 | Presentation of MadGraph5 | Olivier Mattelaer | Seminar at CP3 (Louvain) | 40 min |
73 | 10 May 2010 | Automatic event reweighting with matrix elements in MadGraph/MadEvent | Pierre Artoisenet | Phenomenology 2010 Symposium (Madison) | 13 min |
72 | 24 April 2010 | MadGraph 5 – The All-New Matrix Element generator for Everything | Johan Alwall | LHC meeting at Academia Sinica, Taiwan | 30 min |
72 | 02 Nov 2010 | Matrix Element Method for New Physics | Olivier Mattelaer | HEPTOOLS Meeting | 20 min |
71 | 15 Oct 2009 | Discovering new physics at the Tevatron and LHC | Pierre Artoisenet | nuclear seminar at Ohio State University | 60 min |
70 | 24 Sep 2009 | FKS subtraction in MadGraph/MadEvent | Rikkert Frederix | CERN PhenClub | 60 min, mainly blackboard |
69 | 9 June 2009 | MadGraph/Madevent - Introduction and mini-tutorial | Johan Alwall | Lecture at !Tsing Hua, Taiwan | 60 min |
68 | 3 Jun 2009 | MadDipole: dipole subtraction method in MadGraph | Rikkert Frederix | Mini workshop on automatic NLO computations, Wuppertal | 30 min |
67 | 11 May 2009 | New Physics, QCD Radiation and MadGraph/Madevent | Johan Alwall | Seminar at CalTech | 60 min |
66 | 7 May 2009 | MadGraph/Madevent | Michel Herquet | !MC4LHC school 2009 | 45 min lecture |
65 | 21 Apr 2009 | MadGraph/Madevent | Rikkert Frederix | MC Terascale school, DESY Hamburg | 20 min lecture |
64 | 1 Apr 2009 | A Roadmap for communication of BSM models for the LHC odp | Johan Alwall | Missing ET workshop, UC Davis | 20 min |
63 | 31 Mar 2009 | Top pair invariant mass | Rikkert Frederix | SM discoveries with early data, London | 15 min |
62 | 26 Mar 2009 | QCD radiation in the production of heavy colored particles at the LHC | Simon de Visscher | TH seminar at NIKHEF | 30 min |
61 | 18 Mar 2009 | MadGraph/MadEvent, Recent Past, Present, Future | Michel Herquet | IPMU Focus week on spin and mass measurement | 50 min |
60 | 11 Mar 2009 | SM and BSM simulations for the LHC | Fabio Maltoni | Yukawa Institute Workshop | 60 min |
59 | 26 Feb 2009 | QCD radiation and New Physics production at the LHC | Johan Alwall | Seminar at Fermilab, Illinois | 51 slides (60 min) |
58 | 23 Jan 2009 | MadWeight: event reweighting with matrix element | Mattelaer Olivier | seminar at SLAC | 60 min |
57 | 22 Jan 2009 | MadGraph/MadEvent \x{2012} News and developments | Johan Alwall | Seminar at SMU, Dallas, Texas | 33 slides (60 min) |
56 | 15 Dec 2008 | MadGraph tutorial, running the code and gridpack preparation | Simon de Visscher | CERN | 20 min |
55 | 24 Oct 2008 | Top physics with MadGraph/MadEvent | Rikkert Frederix | Talk at Top Workshop, Grenoble | 24 slides (25 min) |
54 | 24 Oct 2008 | Top quark physics in MC generators | Fabio Maltoni | Talk at Top Workshop, Grenoble | 40 slides (40 min) |
53 | 14 Oct 2008 | Effects of Jet matching in BSM signals | Johan Alwall | Seminar at IPMU, Tokyo, Japan | 40 slides (60 min) |
52 | 18 Sept 2008 | MadWeight | Olivier Mattelaer | Charged Higgs 2008, Uppsala,Sweden | 11 slides (15 min) |
51 | 3 Aug 2008 | Theoretical Modeling of SM processes in hadronic collisions | Fabio Maltoni | ICHEP 2008, Philadelphia US | 30 min (plenary talk) |
50 | 24 Jun 2008 | Recent developments in MG/ME | Rikkert Frederix | !IPMU Focus week, Tokyo, Japan | +-50 slides (60 min) |
49 | 20 Jun 2008 | Radiation of extra-jets in inclusive SUSY samples | Simon de Visscher | !SUSY08,Seoul,Korea | 38 slides (invited parallel talk) |
48 | 17 Jun 2008 | New developments in MadGraph/MadEvent | Johan Alwall | !SUSY08,Seoul,Korea | 36 slides (plenary talk) |
47 | 28 May 2008 | QCD for the LHC | Fabio Maltoni | !HCP2008, Illinois, US | 40 slides |
46 | 22 May 2008 | Matrix element generators for top physics | Fabio Maltoni | !Top2008, Elba, IT | 66 slides |
45 | 16 May 2008 | News from MadGraph/MadEvent | Johan Alwall | !LoopFestVII, Buffalo, US | 36 slides |
44 | 9 May 2008 | Top invariant mass as a window on BSM | Fabio Maltoni | UIUC, UCLondon, NIKHEF, Bologna, Wuppertal | 36 slides (seminar) |
43 | 29 Apr 2008 | MadWeight: a new tool for event reweighting | Olivier Mattelaer | SUSY-GDR, Strasbourg | 18 slides(20 min) |
42 | 28 Apr 2008 | MadGraph/MadEvent for BSM | Rikkert Frederix | SUSY-GDR, Strasbourg | 24 slides |
41 | 24 Apr 2008 | News from MadGraph/MadEvent | Rikkert Frederix | Loops & Legs 2008, Sondershausen | 24 slides |
40 | 24 Apr 2008 | MG/ME for photon physics at the LHC | Michel Herquet | High energy photon collisions at the LHC, CERN | 28 slides |
39 | 23 Apr 2008 | Finding unexpected gluinos at the Tevatron | Johan Alwall | Cornell University seminar | 31 slides |
38 | 31 Mar 2008 | Status of MG/ME Productions | Simon de Visscher | CMS PH Generator Meeting, CERN | 16 slides |
37 | 27 Mar 2008 | Matching of W+jets in MadEvent and Pythia | Johan Alwall | Berkeley workshop on Boson + jets production, Berkeley | 19 slides |
36 | 11 Mar 2008 | FeynRules - New models phenomenology made easy | Claude Duhr | !MC4BSM, CERN | 33 slides +19 backup slides |
35 | 11 Mar 2008 | MadGraph/MadEvent 4 BSM : status and perspectives | Fabio Maltoni | !MC4BSM, CERN | 31 slides |
34 | 10 Mar 2008 | A Les Houches Interface for BSM Generators | Michel Herquet | !MC4BSM, CERN | 16 slides |
33 | 18 Feb 2008 | MadGraph/MadEvent : status and perspectives | Fabio Maltoni | MCWS, Frascati | 42 slides |
32 | 11 Feb 2008 | Multi-jet process generation at LHC | Simon de Visscher | CERN ATLAS MC group | 20 slides |
31 | 11 Feb 2008 | MadGraph/MadEvent v4: Building bridges between theory(ies) and experiment(s) | Michel Herquet | CERN ATLAS MC group | 22 slides |
30 | 6 Feb 2008 | Multi-jet process generation at LHC | Simon de Visscher | CERN LCG | 20 slides |
29 | 6 Feb 2008 | MadGraph/MadEvent v4: Building bridges between theory(ies) and experiment(s) | Michel Herquet | CERN LCG | 32 slides |
28 | 13 Nov 2007 | FeynRules: New models phenomenology made easy | Claude Duhr | SUSY-GDR, Bruxelles | 31 pages, parallel talk |
27 | 13 Nov 2007 | Extra jet radiation in inclusive SUSY samples and SM backgrounds | Simon de Visscher | SUSY-GDR, Bruxelles | 26 pages, parallel talk |
26 | 12 Nov 2007 | MC tools for hadron colliders | Fabio Maltoni | SUSY-GDR, Bruxelles | 33 pages, plenary talk |
25 | 23 Oct 2007 | New developments in MG/ME 4 | Johan Alwall | ALCPG07, Fermilab | 11 slides + backup slides on MG/ME at the ILC |
24 | 19 Oct 2007 | Top & New physics with MadGraph | Rikkert Frederix | Top workshop, Grenoble | 24 slides + backup slides on (BSM physics in) Top physics with MG |
23 | 17 Oct 2007 | Implementation of quarkonium production cross sections within MadGraph | Pierre Artoisenet | QWG07, Hamburg | 20 min, parallel talk |
22 | 14 Sep 2007 | MadGraph/MadEvent v4: Event simulation for SM and BSM physics | Fabio Maltoni | ILC workshop, Florence | 27 pages, 30 min, plenary talk |
21 | 19 Jul 2007 | MonteCarlo's for Top Physics | Fabio Maltoni | EPS 2007, Manchester | 27 pages, 30 min talk |
20 | 16 Jul 2007 | Latest development for ME-PS matching with MG/ME | Simon de Visscher | Joint Top/EWK meeting , CERN | 14 slides + backup slides on automatic matching validation and kinematics plotting |
19 | 8 Jun 2007 | MonteCarlo's for Top Physics | Fabio Maltoni | Strasbourg, CMS meeting | 27 pages, 30 min talk |
18 | 5 Jun 2007 | Production of ttbar + jets with MG/ME | Simon de Visscher | Top group meeting , CERN | 16 slides + backup slides on ttbar matching and perspective with CMSSW |
17 | 4 May 2007 | From model to events using MadGraph/MadEvent 4 | Johan Alwall | WestCoast LHC Theory meeting, UC Irvine | 15 slides + backup slides on how to implement new models in MG/ME |
16 | 18 Apr 2007 | Matching of Matrix Elements and Parton Showers with MadEvent and Pythia | Johan Alwall | LoopFest VI, Fermilab | 23 slides + backup slides |
15 | 20 May 2007 | Theory Tools for New Physics Searches: MadGraph and MadEvent | Tim Stelzer | CTEQ 2007, Michigan | 14 slides |
14 | 14 Apr 2007 | MadGraph/MadEvent V4: from models to events | Rikkert Frederix | ACAT 2007 Amsterdam | 18 slides on Usermod with BSM examples in ttbar invariant mass |
13 | 18 Apr 2007 | MadGraph/MadEvent at work, from QCD to new physics | Simon de Visscher | DIS 2007, Munich | 20 slides on MG/ME + Jet Matching with Modified MLM method |
12 | 23 Mar 2007 | Model <-> Experiment, Bridging the Gap | Tim Stelzer | !MC4BSM, Princeton | 26 slides on general aspects of MG/ME 4 |
11 | 23 Mar 2007 | The two-Higgs-doublet model implementation in MadGraph v4 | Michel Herquet | !MC4BSM, Princeton | 11 slides on 2HDM model in MG/ME v4 |
10 | 23 Mar 2007 | MadMarmoset: The power of MadGraph with OSETS | Johan Alwall | !MC4BSM, Princeton | 11 slides on the Mad version of Marmoset |
9 | 13 Mar 2007 | MadGraph/MadEvent 4 - SUSY, new models, matching and more | Johan Alwall | UC Santa Cruz | 13 slides on MG/ME v4 + MSSM and 2HDM |
8 | 26 Feb 2007 | Getting ready for the LHC: Commissioning the theoretical tools | Fabio Maltoni | PAI meeting, Gent | 46 slides on general aspects of TH tools for LHC and MG/ME |
7 | 12 Feb 2007 | MadGraph/MadEvent v4 - From models to detectors in one go | Michel Herquet | IIHE, Brussels | 18 slides on general aspects of MG/ME v4.1 |
6 | 15 Sep 2006 | MadGraph/MadEvent 4.0 - SUSY, 2HDM and more | Johan Alwall | H+ meeting, Uppsala | 13 slides on MG/ME v4 + MSSM and 2HDM |
5 | 15 Jul 2006 | MadGraph/MadEvent 4.0 - The New Web Generation | Johan Alwall | !MC4LHC, CERN | 24 slides on general aspects of MG/ME v4 |
4 | 26 Jun 2006 | MadGraph/MadEvent 4.0 - New tools for New Physics | Michel Herquet | Tools for New Physics (Annecy) | 16 slides on general aspects of MG/ME v4 |
3 | 12 Apr 2006 | MonteCarlo's for new physics at the LHC | Fabio Maltoni | IFAE, Pavia | 30 mins talk at a conference for exps and th. |
2 | 27 Feb 2006 | Review of matrix-element-based generators | Fabio Maltoni | MC meeting, Frascati | 30 mins talk at a Workshop for exps. |
1 | 20 Oct 2005 | MonteCarlo generators for backgrounds at the LHC | Fabio Maltoni | ATLAS/CMS meeting, Bari | 30 mins talk at a Workshop for exps. |
Last modified
9 years ago
Last modified on Nov 19, 2015, 5:04:51 AM
Attachments (116)
- maltoni-mc4bsm.pdf (955.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-_kyoto-2009.pdf (5.8 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- OSUpresentationpdf.pdf (3.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- London_frederix_310309.pdf (5.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- grenobleOct2007.pdf (2.2 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- CalTech-110509.pdf (1.9 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MW_SLAC_THSeminar.pdf (628.8 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Alwall-IPMU-141008.pdf (2.2 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- LCG_simon.pdf (283.3 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- cern_atlas_nobkg.pdf (1.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MadOnia.pdf (608.7 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- frederix_DESY.pdf (3.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni_grenoble_2008.pdf (1.9 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Maltoni-Top2008.pdf (2.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Hsin-Chu-090609.pdf (1.8 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- SMU-220109.pdf (937.5 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MC.pdf (843.3 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- IPMU.pdf (7.5 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- (3.7 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- LoopsLegs2008frederix.pdf (682.0 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- CMSGeneratorMeeting.pdf (185.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- (4.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Alwall-LoopFestVII.pdf (1.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- FeynRules_MC4BSM.pdf (4.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Davis-MET-FeynRules.odp (689.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- (1.2 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-ichep2008.pdf (2.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-UCL-08.pdf (1.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- frederix_grenoble2008.pdf (872.2 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-hcp2008.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- frederix_2009-09-24.pdf (561.3 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Cornell-230408.pdf (2.7 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- stelzer-princeton-07.pdf (2.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- susy08_sdevisscher.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- frederix_2009-06-03.pdf (1.7 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Davis-MET-FeynRules-Alwall.pdf (771.8 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- NIKHEF.pdf (2.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- FocusWeek2008.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- qnumbers.pdf (2.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Wjets-270308.pdf (461.0 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- cms-maltoni.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- ALCPG-231007.pdf (756.0 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- herquet.pdf (1.6 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Fermilab-interview.pdf (1.5 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MadWeight_Charged_Higgs_170908.pdf (223.7 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- ATLAS_simon.pdf (283.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- susy08_alwall.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- cern_lcg_nobkg.pdf (1.6 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MadWeight_GDRSUSY_290408.pdf (194.5 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-frascati.pdf (1.7 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- SUSY-GDR2008frederix.pdf (671.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- mc4lhc.pdf (4.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- cp3_lunch_artois.pdf (1.2 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Fermilab-310311.pdf (1.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 10_11_25_Grenada.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 10_10_05_ALOHA_MG_BSM.pdf (1.7 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- 10_10_04_MG5_tutorial.pdf (2.6 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MadWeight_talk.pdf (4.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Madgraph5_Tools2010.pdf (6.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MadGraph5_tutorial.pdf (3.5 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Madgraph5_CP3_.pdf (5.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- pheno2010.pdf (2.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- AS-LHC-Focus-240410.pdf (630.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Vienne2009.pdf (719.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-mc4bsm.2.pdf (955.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- claude-gdr.pdf (2.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- simon-gdr.pdf (545.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- fabio-gdr.pdf (1.8 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- florence.pdf (2.4 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- eps07.pdf (1.2 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- cernjuillet2007.pdf (833.3 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- cernjuin2007.pdf (916.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Alwall-Irvine040507.pdf (816.7 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- LoopFest-alwall.pdf (1.0 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- stelzerCTEQ07.pdf (489.1 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- ACAT2007.pdf (756.1 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- dis2007.pdf (596.6 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- stelzer-princeton-07.2.pdf (2.1 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- herquet-princeton-07.pdf (261.0 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- alwall-princeton-07.pdf (530.8 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- SantaCruz-060313.pdf (941.6 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-gent-07.pdf (2.7 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- IIHE.pdf (491.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- Charged2006-smadgraph.odp (621.2 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MG_ME.odp (824.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MG_TNP2006.pdf (561.4 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-frascati-06.pdf (1.8 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- maltoni-bari05.pdf (1.3 MB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- ACAT2007.2.pdf (756.1 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
- MG_ME.2.odp (824.9 KB ) - added by 13 years ago.
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MG5 slides for TOOLS 2012 conference
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Valentin Hirschi's talk at HP2 2012 Münich
- 11_02_04_MW_CERN.pdf (3.2 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 11_05_05_UFO_ALOHA_FNAL.pdf (7.5 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 11_05_09_PHENO_MG5.pdf (2.1 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 11_06_30_MW_NIKHEF.pdf (3.8 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_01_18_MG5_TUTO_STRASBOURG.pdf (730.8 KB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_01_18_MW_Tuto.pdf (2.0 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_01_20_MW_STRASBOURG.pdf (5.1 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_03_22_MC4BSM_MG5.pdf (3.8 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_03_26_MG5_FR.pdf (6.3 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_05_09_PHENO12_MG5.pdf (8.3 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_05_10_PITTGRAPH.pdf (1.9 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_11_19_LPCC-MC-CERN.pdf (1.9 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 12_12_17_MG5_frameworks.pdf (2.6 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_02_16_tutomg.key (8.4 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_05_13_aMCATNLO_LOOPFEST.pdf (4.4 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_05_28_MW5_LLN.pdf (2.9 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_06_10_tutomg_tasi.pdf (2.1 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_06_13_tutomg_tasi2.pdf (512.2 KB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_05_20_china_seminar.pdf (9.4 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_10_02_aQGC_Dresden.pdf (5.5 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 13_09_17_LC13_Trento.pdf (6.0 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
- 14_04_10_MW_Glasgow.pdf (5.3 MB ) - added by 11 years ago.
(9.8 MB
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Lecture of mini school held at Pekin Universty
(8.1 MB
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Talk given at Pekin University 2015
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