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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1387 Something weird comparing gen. and rec. level Bug major Delphes code
#1388 Photons energy resolution How to major Delphes code
#1390 displacements info lost after delphes run? How to major Delphes code
#1391 error at lxplus slc7 + root 6.16 Bug major Delphes code
#1394 Cannot import Delphes in python macOS How to major Delphes code
#1395 Improve EcalTower resolution and add pile up How to major Delphes code
#1399 Jet clustering possibly incomplete? Bug major Delphes code
#1412 Branches in Delphes Root File and Distinguishing Among Particles. How to major Delphes code
#1415 Forward tagger Bug major Delphes code
#1417 ATLAS ECAL specifications Enhancement major Delphes miscellaneous
#1422 Detector card overwrites after adding trigger card Bug major Delphes code
#1423 Delphes Event Display Output How to major Delphes miscellaneous
#1424 Delphes Compilation Error Bug major Delphes code
#1430 Trouble for running python examples/ out.root How to major Delphes code
#1436 regarding MET and leading jet pT distribution comparison at hadron level and detector level Bug major Delphes code
#1438 How to get the impact parameter of charged pions produced from tau in Delphes? How to major Delphes code
#1444 change default mass assumption for tracks, implement PID How to major Delphes code
#1445 Low MissingET Bug major Delphes code
#1450 Top tagging in Delphes How to major Delphes code
#1451 Accessing calorimeter towers within specific region How to major Delphes code
#1461 Asymmetric peak of higgs by using Muon Collider card Jie Xiao Bug major Delphes code
#1478 Unables to install Delphes Bug major Delphes code
#1506 status code for b-tagging Bug major Delphes code
#1508 Delphes does not make on M1 MacBook Air Bug major Delphes code
#1518 Errors while installing Delphes Bug major Delphes code
#1519 Differences between madgraph and delphes distributions in Bug major Delphes code
#1523 missing energy Task major Delphes code
#1528 Question about delphes card for CMS detector Bug major Delphes code
#1529 Tracks of BSM charged particles How to major Delphes code
#1530 Error parsing payload code for class ExRootTreeReader with content: How to major Delphes code
#1531 Tracks as Calo Jet constituents Bug major Delphes code
#1534 Symbol lookup error linking pythia8.3 to Delphes3 How to major Delphes code
#1539 error while loading shared libraries How to major Delphes code
#1541 overlap removal in delphes How to major Delphes code
#1543 Seg Fault when running ./DelphesPythia8 fdelzanno Bug major Delphes code
#1551 Issue with tau charge different from +/- 1 ... How to major Delphes code
#1555 Delphes installation error at lxplus Bug major Delphes code
#1557 ERROR: invalid vertex format Bug major Delphes code
#1560 Problem Compiler when Installing Delphes & ExRootAnalysis Bug major Delphes code
#1563 Question Cuts Applied to Leptons How to major Delphes code
#1564 Tracking pythia particles How to major Delphes code
#1566 Error in compiling example files after succesful installation Bug major Delphes code
#1570 Erros while reading a delphes output file in root Bug major Delphes code
#1571 leaves types archive major Delphes code
#1573 Reclustering jets using Fastjet for root files and b-tagging Bug major Delphes code
#1576 Cannot run the FCChh_PileUp.tcl Marlon Bug major Delphes code
#1585 DeltaR between and electron and muon found bellow 0.5 after choosing DeltaRMax=0.5 in delphes for both electron and muon Task major Delphes code
#1586 Regarding Angular Smearing in Track Bug major Delphes code
#1588 How to access positron branch and make Et plots for positron using delphes.root file How to major Delphes code
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet How to major Delphes code
#246 Error in Installing Delphes 3.0.11 in Mac Os X 10.6 Bug critical Delphes code
#282 Compiling Delphes 3.1.2 Bug critical Delphes code
#301 No Event branch in CMSFWLite reader Enhancement critical Delphes code
#312 Muons get lost by analyzing Bug critical Delphes code
#314 momentum direction resolution Bug critical Delphes code
#331 Regarding Delphes 3 not working Edit MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Bugs Bug #1384300 Bug critical Delphes code
#374 Error compiling Delphes Bug critical Delphes code
#401 jet reconstruction in central region Task critical Delphes miscellaneous
#419 muons in MET Bug critical Delphes miscellaneous
#438 MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2.0 b-tagging How to critical Delphes code
#442 electron efficiency How to critical Delphes code
#548 External FastJet How to critical Delphes code
#702 Truth Jets in the Delphes output (ROOT file)? And how to? How to critical Delphes code
#712 Error installing Delphes 3 with MadGraph5.2.3.0_aMC@NLO on Bug critical Delphes code
#728 UniqueObjectFinder processes in arbitrary order Bug critical Delphes code
#739 cannot install Delphes Bug critical Delphes code
#792 A bug on b-tagging in CMS Delphes card Bug critical Delphes code
#821 unable to include stable particle (tau) in MET spectrum ... How to critical Delphes miscellaneous
#840 Delphes not Installing Bug critical Delphes code
#852 new invisible particle implementation Bug critical Delphes code
#854 late decays of particles Bug critical Delphes code
#855 How to make a long lived stau look like a muon ? How to critical Delphes code
#887 #884: Delphes card in Madgraph: How to critical Delphes code
#911 implementing cuts on photons at analysis and reconstruction level Bug critical Delphes code
#964 Regarding Delphes CMS cards in Version 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 How to critical Delphes code
#1006 Rejecting all leptons in 2j+2l+MET final with CMS card of delphes Bug critical Delphes code
#1028 I have problem when I try to make Delphes3.3.3 Bug critical Delphes code
#1056 error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Bug critical Delphes code
#1081 Problem with switching off smearing How to critical Delphes miscellaneous
#1083 A problem with UniqueObjectFinder Bug critical Delphes code
#1087 Delphes not installing on macos Bug critical Delphes code
#1151 Incorrect HepMC event weights How to critical Delphes code
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? How to critical Delphes code
#1354 addition of new invisible particle in delphes card How to critical Delphes code
#1356 Fail to create LHCO events from DELPHES in Madgraph, using macOS 10.14 Bug critical Delphes code
#1406 Contribution to MissingET, calculating dPhi and M_T Task critical Delphes code
#1413 Question about Particle and Selecting Certain Events How to critical Delphes code
#1416 Loose and tight photon identification Chih-Ting Lu How to critical Delphes code
#1419 How to Find the Number of Muons; How to critical Delphes code
#1425 Problem extracting variables from Delphes output to new ROOT file Task critical Delphes miscellaneous
#1440 Possible incorrect reconstruction of photon energy. Bug critical Delphes code
#1442 Very low btagging efficieny. Bug critical Delphes code
#1454 Bug in ILCgen delphes card Bug critical Delphes code
#1467 Missing ET distribution from Dephes output How to critical Delphes code
#1470 Inconsistency of reading the constituents in jets Bug critical Delphes code
#1473 Error installing Delphes within Madgraph(v_2.7.3) Bug critical Delphes code
#1481 Installation error on MacOS 11.2 Bug critical Delphes code
#1485 Unphysical HCAL resolution Bug critical Delphes code
#1512 Delphes install fatal error Bug critical Delphes code
#1542 Delphes Installation Failed on MAC OS Bug critical Delphes code
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