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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (867 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 200 of 867)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1038 Segmentation violation Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 8 years ago
#1042 Trouble retrieving the decay channel in Delphes Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to major 8 years ago
#1050 Problems reading a HepMC file Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 8 years ago
#1053 FastJet in Delphes Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to major 8 years ago
#1060 Question regarding tau tagging in in leptonic channel Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to major 8 years ago
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card Delphes miscellaneous new Delphes 3 How to major 8 years ago
#1068 Less muons than expected from MadGraph sample Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 8 years ago
#1073 Jet Charge and b-tagging Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 8 years ago
#1074 How to distinguish between a muon like heavy particle faking as muon Delphes code accepted Delphes 3 How to major Avirup Ghosh 2 years ago
#1075 Invalid Particle format Error and Warnings Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 8 years ago
#1080 False Drell Yan results and lots of zero transverse momentum warnings Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 8 years ago
#1082 Add exclusive jets mode for e+e- collision study Delphes code new Delphes 3 Enhancement major 8 years ago
#1086 About ATLAS card Delphes paper new Delphes 3 Task major 8 years ago
#1118 ATLAS card does not use muons for MET Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 7 years ago
#1129 Delphes with pythia8 in lxplus Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 7 years ago
#1130 Information from pixel detector by using delphes Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to major 7 years ago
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to major 7 years ago
#1162 Problem with HepMCEvent under Delphes8 module Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug major 7 years ago
#1164 Is MinBias.pileup appliable to any process? Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to major 7 years ago
#161 How Delphes deals with secondary vertices Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 12 years ago
#167 questions on pileup corrections Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 12 years ago
#174 muon isolation problem Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#184 DelphesCMSFWLite on GEN-SIM Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#186 pTRatioMax for charged tracks Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#190 Applying B-tagging efficiencies independently? Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#192 Warning in reading delphe root files Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#193 MET correspondent at gen level Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#197 Format for Jet.BTag? Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#199 Tau ID - No track consideration? Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#206 multijet analysis Delphes code new Delphes 3 Task minor 11 years ago
#207 jet reconstruction performance in single top events Delphes miscellaneous new Delphes 3 Task minor 11 years ago
#224 compilation fails if space in the path Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#227 delphes 3 have included fake candidates ? Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#228 Delphes B-Tagger Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#238 access jet constituents for substructure analysis Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#245 Setting a trigger in Delphes 3 to avoid exhausting disk space Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#251 About tau tagging in Delphes. Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#252 ATLAS simulation gives high pt jet Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#256 Delphes is not creating leptonic events , please help Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#257 Delphes3.12 is not creating leptonic events Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 11 years ago
#259 Question on angular bias/resolution Delphes miscellaneous new Delphes 3 Task minor 9 years ago
#262 Parton level - detector level comparison Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#266 simulation at ILC Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 11 years ago
#271 Using N-subjetness & N-jettiness Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#272 Jet phi distribution modulation (Delphes-3.0.12) Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#273 Reading the constituents of a jet Delphes miscellaneous new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#275 Inverse momentum smearing Delphes code new Delphes 3 Enhancement minor 10 years ago
#278 Reproducing ATLAS SUSY Searches Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#288 Delphes 3.1.2 with Pythia8 Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#291 Eflow branches Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#293 Number of operators in efficiency modules Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#296 GenJets including "jets" from leptons Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#298 converted photons Delphes paper new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#316 How to find which matrix element parton a jet is from. Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#320 Low lepton efficiency for 100TeV simulation Delphes code new Delphes 3 Task minor 10 years ago
#336 Event (in "DelphesClasses.h") conflicts with Pythia8::Event Delphes code new Delphes 3 Enhancement minor 10 years ago
#347 Stability of "StableParticles" in STDHEP reader Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#350 FCC detector card Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#351 Missing photon in delphes root file Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 4 years ago
#365 delphes_atlas default card for b-tagging efficiency Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#368 lepton track Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#375 CMake for Delphes for root version 5.34.20 Delphes miscellaneous new Delphes 3 Enhancement minor 10 years ago
#377 When modifying Candidate class, change constructor, Copy(), & Clear() Delphes code new Delphes 3 Task minor 4 years ago
#379 Delphes card delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl Delphes code new Delphes 3 Task minor 10 years ago
#406 Displaced Vertices and Smearing Delphes code reopened Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#431 Problem installing Delphes Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#432 ParameterR and DeltaR Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#434 LHCO conversion fault Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#435 no b-tagging with new model Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#436 DelphesPythia8 Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 10 years ago
#440 Delphes not matching generator Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#443 Delphes doesn't see new (external) classes Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 10 years ago
#523 EFlow and leptons Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#536 Error on examples 4 and display Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#580 Analysing different process event samples Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#591 Calorimeter change between 3.0.10 and 3.2 Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 8 years ago
#605 Delphes-3.2.0 compatibility with root version Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#619 Definition of Overlaps() used in Delphes code new Delphes 3 archive minor 9 years ago
#620 Phi/Energy dependence in efficiencies Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#639 Jet Constituents Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#655 What is the unit for the vertex position of the track in Delphes output Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#656 Where is the EFlowmuon in the newest version of Delphes 3.1.2(delphes_card_default.dat) ? Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#659 Error running example 4 Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#660 Some question about the MET, mainly about the Eta of the MET. Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#715 Plots of functions in Delphes card Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#717 compilation problem on some computer Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#718 Installation problem Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#719 Does Delphes add muon momentum to jet when a muon is closed to a jet? Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#727 comilation issue for Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#729 Very small particle momenta when using converter_card.tcl to go from Pythia 8 .hep to .root Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#730 "Perfect" detector card Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#734 Impact parameter formula Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#740 Cleaning for lepton jets Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#746 Delphese 3.3 warning Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#747 B-tag Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#748 Change calorimeter energy fractions based on particle vertex Delphes code new Delphes 3 How to minor 9 years ago
#751 Can't access filled N-subJettiness variables Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#753 BSM particles in calorimeter Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#772 why ILD card do not contain a efficiency formula for the b tagging? Delphes code new Delphes 3 Bug minor 9 years ago
#774 compilation on mac with default binary. Delphes code new Delphes 3 Enhancement minor 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.