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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#438 MG5 + PYTHIA8 + Delphes 3.2.0 b-tagging new critical Delphes code
#442 electron efficiency new critical Delphes code
#548 External FastJet new critical Delphes code
#702 Truth Jets in the Delphes output (ROOT file)? And how to? new critical Delphes code
#821 unable to include stable particle (tau) in MET spectrum ... new critical Delphes miscellaneous
#855 How to make a long lived stau look like a muon ? new critical Delphes code
#887 #884: Delphes card in Madgraph: new critical Delphes code
#964 Regarding Delphes CMS cards in Version 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 new critical Delphes code
#1081 Problem with switching off smearing new critical Delphes miscellaneous
#1151 Incorrect HepMC event weights new critical Delphes code
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? new critical Delphes code
#1354 addition of new invisible particle in delphes card new critical Delphes code
#1413 Question about Particle and Selecting Certain Events new critical Delphes code
#1416 Loose and tight photon identification new Chih-Ting Lu critical Delphes code
#1419 How to Find the Number of Muons; new critical Delphes code
#1467 Missing ET distribution from Dephes output new critical Delphes code
#1581 BSM invisible particles new critical Delphes code
#1591 Weird tracks' momenta for smeared tracks after SimpleCalorimeter module new critical Delphes code
#138 long-lived charged particles new major Delphes code
#208 Possible problem with tau tagging efficiency new major Delphes miscellaneous
#260 Having Difficulty reaching the weight of events. new borzou major Delphes code
#276 GenParticle Information new major Delphes code
#283 Different Branch name new major Delphes code
#285 Problem with b-tagging new major Delphes code
#294 Tau Jet information new major Delphes code
#307 pile-up jets in ATLAS delphes card new major Delphes code
#437 Delphes with ideal detector new major Delphes code
#632 error delhpes installation after root-v6 new major Delphes code
#638 bTag problem with LHE Events new major Delphes code
#641 fake lepton in Delphes 3.1.2 new major Delphes code
#714 How to write a root file for some specific tagged events only? new major Delphes miscellaneous
#801 Delphes, lepton PTmin = 10 GeV, how to modify? new major Delphes code
#846 Query regarding b-tagging ... new major Delphes code
#853 variable isolation cone for leptons new major Delphes code
#858 CMS Phase II CARDS new major Delphes code
#867 Jet.BTag root output new major Delphes code
#877 muon beta distribution ... new major Delphes miscellaneous
#884 Delphes card in Madgraph: new major Delphes code
#888 Learning Delphes from Scratch and writing own analysis new major Delphes code
#909 To understand the ATLAS and CMS delphes cards new major Delphes code
#952 Substructure variables from fast jet to delphes new major Delphes code
#953 Lepton Isolation cuts new major Delphes code
#955 "Prong" dependent tau ID efficiency new major Delphes code
#956 determination of electron and muon tracking effeciency new major Delphes code
#959 calorimeter information new major Delphes code
#963 Delphes Card for 100 TeV collider new major Delphes code
#969 BTag in Python mode new major Delphes code
#980 Example3.C of Delphes example code new major Delphes code
#999 Particles and Constituents in Jets new major Delphes code
#1000 Regarding obtaining .root file from .hep files new major Delphes code
#1016 Jet faking as leptons new major Delphes code
#1021 Not able to run Delphes on new major Delphes code
#1042 Trouble retrieving the decay channel in Delphes new major Delphes code
#1053 FastJet in Delphes new major Delphes code
#1060 Question regarding tau tagging in in leptonic channel new major Delphes code
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card new major Delphes miscellaneous
#1074 How to distinguish between a muon like heavy particle faking as muon accepted Avirup Ghosh major Delphes code
#1130 Information from pixel detector by using delphes new major Delphes code
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C new major Delphes code
#1164 Is MinBias.pileup appliable to any process? new major Delphes code
#1319 Vertex constituents new major Delphes code
#1321 Delphes Installation Error new major Delphes miscellaneous
#1335 How to get mother PdgID of generator level particle in Delphes new major Delphes code
#1339 B tagging efficiencies are independent? new major Delphes code
#1344 LHCb delphes card new major Delphes code
#1346 GenWeights in Delphes new major Delphes miscellaneous
#1361 how to only generate lhco file new major Delphes code
#1364 Running Delphes over .hep file new major Delphes code
#1374 invariant mass of high-pT hadronic-tau leptons new major Delphes code
#1379 Parallel execution new major Delphes code
#1382 Implement two isolation criterion simultaneously new major Delphes miscellaneous
#1388 Photons energy resolution new major Delphes code
#1390 displacements info lost after delphes run? new major Delphes code
#1394 Cannot import Delphes in python macOS new major Delphes code
#1395 Improve EcalTower resolution and add pile up new major Delphes code
#1412 Branches in Delphes Root File and Distinguishing Among Particles. new major Delphes code
#1423 Delphes Event Display Output new major Delphes miscellaneous
#1430 Trouble for running python examples/ out.root new major Delphes code
#1438 How to get the impact parameter of charged pions produced from tau in Delphes? new major Delphes code
#1444 change default mass assumption for tracks, implement PID new major Delphes code
#1450 Top tagging in Delphes new major Delphes code
#1451 Accessing calorimeter towers within specific region new major Delphes code
#1529 Tracks of BSM charged particles new major Delphes code
#1530 Error parsing payload code for class ExRootTreeReader with content: new major Delphes code
#1534 Symbol lookup error linking pythia8.3 to Delphes3 new major Delphes code
#1539 error while loading shared libraries new major Delphes code
#1541 overlap removal in delphes new major Delphes code
#1551 Issue with tau charge different from +/- 1 ... new major Delphes code
#1563 Question Cuts Applied to Leptons new major Delphes code
#1564 Tracking pythia particles new major Delphes code
#1578 Delphes Branches accepted Francisco Casa major Delphes code
#1588 How to access positron branch and make Et plots for positron using delphes.root file new major Delphes code
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet new major Delphes code
#161 How Delphes deals with secondary vertices new minor Delphes code
#167 questions on pileup corrections new minor Delphes code
#174 muon isolation problem new minor Delphes code
#184 DelphesCMSFWLite on GEN-SIM new minor Delphes code
#186 pTRatioMax for charged tracks new minor Delphes code
#193 MET correspondent at gen level new minor Delphes code
#197 Format for Jet.BTag? new minor Delphes code
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