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1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#11 Les Houches proceedings archive critical Proceedings des Houches Delphes code
#18 new function of b-tagging efficiencies Xavier Rouby archive critical Delphes code
#117 installing Delphes, please help How to critical Delphes code
#164 Difference between Delphes3 and Delphes2 cards Bug critical Delphes code
#172 a question about the particle branch in Delphes3.0.6 How to critical Delphes code
#242 compilation error Task critical Delphes code
#263 Delphes (via MadGraph) no longer functions with RooFit enabled Bug critical Delphes code
#299 Spurious high energy jets Bug critical Delphes code
#306 Error compiling Delphes 3.1.2 on lxplus Bug critical Delphes code
#400 Error in Building DelphesCMSFWLite Bug critical Delphes code
#701 Cannot build Delphes2 with MadGraph on Bug critical Delphes code
#1014 Unable to install DELPHES locally Bug critical Delphes code
#1133 Building error with Delphes Bug critical Delphes code
#1134 error with compiling Delphes-3.4.0 Bug critical Delphes code
#1381 Installing Delphes Error : Both as Standalone and in MadGraph Bug critical Delphes code
#1401 Error while installing Delphes on Cluster Computer using Anaconda Bug critical Delphes code
#1448 Error during installation using Conda Bug critical Delphes code
#1455 Installation failure How to critical Delphes code
#1457 Installation issue How to critical Delphes miscellaneous
#1459 Build issues Bug critical Delphes code
#1483 Delphes WARNING and Error Bug critical Delphes code
#1 Mise à jour du papier archive major Publication du papier Delphes paper
#2 Soumettre le papier archive major Publication du papier Delphes paper
#5 Créer la mailinglist archive major Delphes website
#12 Bug isolation calorimétrique archive major Delphes code
#14 Comment retrouver les particules mères dans la branche GEN archive major Delphes code
#17 Isolation severine ovyn archive major Delphes code
#20 new function for lepton/track efficiencies in eta/phi Xavier Rouby archive major Delphes code
#21 comment lier les objets GEN aux objets Analysis ? archive major Delphes code
#27 Afficher un warning quand on lit un LHE Xavier Rouby archive major Publication v1.9 Delphes code
#31 Delphes & HepMC 2.06 cp3-support Bug major Delphes code
#32 NTracks dans TauJet et Jet Bug major Delphes code
#35 anonymous cannot create new tickets Bug major Delphes website
#37 Analysis_Ex bug favereau Bug major Delphes code
#38 Support for HepMC >= 2.05 Enhancement major Delphes code
#39 gcc 4.6 error Bug major Delphes code
#40 update of FROG in Delphes Enhancement major Delphes code
#42 compile under MacOSX Lion with self-compiled ROOT favereau How to major Delphes code
#43 anti-kT in Delphes How to major Delphes code
#44 PDF Informations in Delphes How to major Delphes code
#45 ROOT Analysis code with friend TTree's How to major Delphes code
#46 Isolation routine mistakenly rejects tracks inside isolation cone Bug major Delphes code
#47 Memory leaks limit number of HepMC events that can be processed Bug major Delphes code
#48 CalorTower.Phi Bug major Delphes code
#49 math related suggestions Task major Delphes code
#51 how to make jets and apply isolation but no smearing How to major Delphes miscellaneous
#52 Individual events Enhancement major Delphes code
#53 Jet definitions Enhancement major Delphes code
#55 Photon ioslation- how to do it? How to major Delphes code
#59 On what grounds the LHCO output has ID=0 or 4? How to major Delphes code
#61 Isolation routine does not compute closest track correctly Bug major Delphes code
#67 how to worsen the performance of deltaR of the jets? How to major Delphes code
#95 Photons Bug major Delphes code
#116 unable to run delphes on a hep file Bug major Delphes code
#120 installation problem Bug major Delphes code
#123 treeReaderRec->GetEntries() not working correctly in Bug major Delphes code
#124 Segmentation violation Bug major Delphes code
#125 Unable to handle Herwig++ events Bug major Delphes code
#126 Linking External Class Bug major Delphes code
#132 Handling negative events (*crucial* for running on NLO events) Enhancement major Delphes code
#150 Jet constituence and b-tagging Enhancement major Delphes code
#151 HepMC Reader problem Bug major Delphes code
#152 list of input files read wrongly in Analysis_Ex.cpp Bug major Delphes code
#153 compilation issue on MacosX Pavel Demin Bug major Delphes code
#155 HepMC from Herwig++ Bug major Delphes code
#163 no b-tagged jets // can't read hepmc file Bug major Delphes miscellaneous
#165 pileup studies How to major Delphes code
#169 artefacts in (b) jet eta distribution w/ high statistics and binning Bug major Delphes code
#171 Sorting of truth particles breaks mother/daughter links Bug major Delphes code
#177 Bug in the hepmc reader main file of Delphes-3.0.5 Bug major Delphes code
#194 Delphes causing generated photons to disappear after given Pythia 8 output Bug major Delphes code
#196 DelphesCMSFWLite output question Bug major Delphes code
#201 Higgs mass in the Particle class from HepMC Bug major Delphes code
#204 Problems with muons using default detector cards Bug major Delphes code
#209 FROG problem How to major Delphes code
#210 problem wiith four quarks finale state How to major Delphes code
#213 TLorentz Vector decleration of Electron and Muon How to major Delphes code
#217 bug compiling delphes_3.0.10 Bug major Delphes code
#221 missing electrons in 4 electrons finale state signal How to major Delphes code
#222 Installation problems, with Pythia 8 Bug major Delphes code
#226 Problem running on large HepMC files Bug major Delphes code
#229 Problem with the random number generator in version 3.0.10 Bug major Delphes code
#255 Problem installing Delphes :Pythia.h file not found Bug major Delphes code
#258 failed build Bug major Delphes code
#295 Problem Installing Delphes Bug major Delphes code
#303 Linear Collider How to major Delphes code
#311 "Track" error in MG5 pipeline Bug major Delphes code
#318 Snowmass card not working Bug major Delphes code
#319 "Ghost muons" from previous events? Bug major Delphes code
#330 Delphes 3.1.2 not storing Track Dxy Pavel Demin <pavel.demin@…> Bug major Delphes code
#333 compiling on yosemite Bug major Delphes miscellaneous
#334 search for a trivial example on how to loop on delphes tree How to major Delphes miscellaneous
#355 jet mass for the option 7 Bug major Delphes code
#370 ERROR: can't find class 'FastJetFinder' Bug major Delphes code
#371 Compilation Error Bug major Delphes code
#397 Is it necessary to change the values of parameters? How to major Delphes code
#402 DelphesPythia8 Bug major Delphes code
#722 Does Delphes hadronize/decay/shower partons/particles? How to major Delphes miscellaneous
#725 How to add fake rate from jets to lepton in delphes-3.1.2 How to major Delphes code
#731 No b-jet and tau-jet is obtained using the delphe3.2.0 and test.tcl How to major Delphes code
1 2 3 4
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