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Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#51 closed How to (fixed)

how to make jets and apply isolation but no smearing

Reported by: rfrances@… Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Delphes miscellaneous Version:
Keywords: Cc:



I would like to use Delphes to make jets with FastJet and to apply isolation criteria to leptons, maybe also apply angular acceptances (optional), but not apply any smearing.

This would give the results as if the detector was "perfect".

I think that such thing is helpful to understand what kind of effects are truly generated in showering and/or hadronization, rather than in detector.

So, the question is how should I set the cards for this "ideal" detector? (if there is no card already available for this)

Thanks for reading and for your replies

Change History (5)

comment:1 by favereau, 13 years ago


Smearing is controlled by the ELG_S, ELG_N, ELG_C, HAD_S, HAD_N, HAD_C variables (with values for all detector regions). As the width of the gaussian smearing is a linear combination of those, putting them all to 0 would prevent smearing.



comment:2 by rfrances@…, 13 years ago

Dear Jerome, thanks a lot for your reply.

In case I want to consider a "4Pi" detector I also need to change all the angular acceptances, could you please say what are the relevant variables to be changed (and to what value) to make a full coverage detector?

Thanks a lot

comment:3 by favereau, 13 years ago


as you can see in the manual, coverage is dictated by CEN_max_* variables.

However, if you extend coverage to very high Eta, you'll get all beam remnants in the detector, which is useless in most cases.

If you change the calo limit, do not forget to change the TOWER_number, TOWER_dphi and TOWER_eta_edges accordingly.


comment:4 by slateLu, 13 years ago

Hi Jerome,

Thanks a lot fro the details and the suggestion on the relevant other parameters to change.


comment:5 by favereau, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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