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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#165 closed How to (fixed)

pileup studies

Reported by: Sergei Chekanov Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: pileup Cc:



I have a technical question related to the current snowmass activity. We have HEPMC records which contain signal+pileup events. How can we propagate information into the Delphes output and tell which truth particle comes from pileup, and which come from the signal event? For example, I can set "status=-1" (stable particle from pileup) in HEPMC, but then Delphes should understand abs(status)=1 as stable particle (not only status==1) when doing smearing and building jets. Then I should see "status=-1" in ROOT output and use such particles for my studies (like building truth jets without pileup effect)

best, Sergei

best, Sergei

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Pavel Demin, 11 years ago

Hello Sergei,

What Delphes version are you using?

In Delphes-3.0.5, we added GenParticle::IsPU parameter that can be set to 1 for pile-up particles.

Your method would also work with minimal modifications of the HepMC reader code.

In both cases, you'll need to modify the HepMCConverter::AnalyzeParticle method in readers/DelphesHepMC.cpp.

You can replace

  if(fStatus == 1 && pdgParticle->Stable())


  if(TMath::Abs(fStatus) == 1 && pdgParticle->Stable())

or something similar.

comment:2 by Pavel Demin, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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