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Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#150 closed Enhancement (fixed)

Jet constituence and b-tagging

Reported by: Sergei Chekanov Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version:
Keywords: Cc: Sergei Chekanov



I'm using the most recent version (2.03) and I've noticed that b-tagging seems does not work - I've looked at top jet and light-flavor jets and I see that multiplicity (or fraction) of jets tagged as "b-jets" is exactly the same in both cases. Another question - is any chance to include jet constituents in the outputs?

Change History (4)

comment:1 by favereau, 12 years ago


Thanks for your feedback. We will check this b-tagging issue in delphes 2.

Please switch to delphes 3 beta now, as it includes a completely rewritten b-tagging procedure among many improvements. Delphes 2 will not be developed anymore (except for bugfixes). See the frontpage for more information on delphes 3

comment:2 by Alexandre Mertens, 12 years ago


Here are some ideas I have:
Can you for example put the b-tag efficiency to 100 % and the mis-tag to 0 % (for light and C-quarks).
Then Run Delphes and look again to the Analysis->Jet->Btag.

This operation should provide you the "b-quark content" (0 for light jets and 1 for b-jets) and also tell us if there is a bug.

An other point is the fact that the b must be in the acceptance of the tracker (eta < 2.5 by default I think), can you check that it is the case for you?


comment:3 by Pavel Demin, 12 years ago

Jet constituents are now included in the output of Delphes 3.

The example ROOT macro 'examples/Example3.C' demonstrates how to access them.

comment:4 by Pavel Demin, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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