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Results (301 - 400 of 512)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#880 Same Delphes simulation with different jet clustering new How to minor
#903 Particle Flow for ATLAS detector? new How to minor
#907 event weight new Bug minor
#912 Component model for Delphes modules? new Enhancement minor
#922 On the philosophy on lepton isolation new Task minor
#923 Failed to read fastjet headers when running a delphes analysis macro new Bug minor
#924 multileptonic signature from ttbar new How to minor
#925 About the towers in the default ATLAS, CMS, ... tcl files new How to minor
#940 Why I construct a wrong invariant mass? new How to minor
#954 MET covariance matrix new How to minor
#965 No electrons in delphes output new Bug minor
#972 GenJets and Jets collections with empty Particle branches new How to minor
#975 compilation error in 2.3.0 new Bug minor
#976 Error running DelphesCMSFWLite on CMS GEN-SIM file new How to minor
#981 Delphes FastJet new Bug minor
#986 Segmentation fault in EventDisplay example new Bug minor
#987 Delphes installation in Madgraph new Bug minor
#988 Non-isolated muon disappear new Bug minor
#989 Questions about b-tagging and EFlow new Bug minor
#993 Only fastjet and lepton isolation new How to minor
#994 Usage of BTag in CMS PhaseII card and PyRoot example new Bug minor
#1004 How to retreive information on weights from CMS GEN-SIM file new How to minor
#1008 Trimmed jets storage to root new How to minor
#1017 Update Makefile for use as CMSSW External Package new Enhancement minor
#1022 Rniing Delphes using multicores new How to minor
#1023 Delphes with ROOT files as input new How to minor
#1024 Calorimeter geometry in the .tcl files new How to minor
#1031 discrepancy between root and lhco files new Bug minor
#1039 No interpreter information for classes new Bug minor
#1049 compilation error with Mac OS new Bug minor
#1051 Problem running Pythia8+Delphes new How to minor
#1055 problem compiling Delphes in remote machine new How to minor
#1059 TrimmedP4 and pyroot new Bug minor
#1061 Distribution of transvere W boson mass not modelled correctly by Delphes 3.4.0 new Bug minor
#1062 error: Failed to access python version of LHAPDF new Bug minor
#1065 Question regarding jet constituents and jet trimming (ATLAS card) new How to minor
#1066 Problems / Feedback: Event Display new Bug minor
#1067 Compilation error on Mac during installation new Bug minor
#1070 Problems with TauTagging new How to minor
#1076 Issues when reading weights from LHE files. With fix. new Bug minor
#1077 Unable to build delphes. new Bug minor
#1084 Bug affecting long-lived hadrons new Bug minor
#1088 Converting Jet into leptons and charge misidentification of leptons new Bug minor
#1113 Smearing of eta/phi in ATLAS card new Task minor
#1115 photon kinematics shift new How to minor
#1119 Photon Isolation new How to minor
#1120 How to modify jet resolution? new How to minor
#1121 Btagging, What should I use new How to minor
#1126 Jets faking photons new How to minor
#1135 Leptons Faking Photons using JetFakeParticle Module new How to minor
#1136 Can't open the configuration file new How to minor
#1141 jet number lost new Bug minor
#1147 MET distribution in version 3.4.x new Bug minor
#1148 impact parameter smearing new How to minor
#1149 Delphes Reconstructing too few photons new Bug minor
#1150 How to Extract Displaced Vertex new How to minor
#1155 How to create input files by Gauss? new Bug minor
#1156 Track based electron isolation new How to minor
#1158 The ninth column of lhco ouputs new Bug minor
#1159 ROOT unable to load new Bug minor
#1160 Current Delphes Compiling Problem new Bug minor
#1163 How to isolate particles while doing jet clustering inherited from a certain particle new How to minor
#1165 Empty muon branch in the root file new How to minor
#1166 Tau tagged jet mistag rate new How to minor
#1167 Trigger card new How to minor
#1169 How to fill histo with specific particle? new How to minor
#1170 GenParticle mass not converted to GeV when HEPMC file is encoded in MeV new Bug minor
#1198 Dynamic jet radius definition new How to minor
#1253 Fix b-tagging efficiency in analysis level new Bug minor
#1255 about Delphes ROOT reader new Bug minor
#1259 Placement of primary vertex and interpretation of IsolationVar new How to minor
#1260 Distinguising leptonic jets from hadronic jets new How to minor
#1293 Lepton isolation and jets new How to minor
#1294 how to find distance between two jets ? new Bug minor
#1295 from tcl (working in Delphes Standalone) to a card.dat for MadGraph new Bug minor
#1296 Photon conversion new How to minor
#1301 New LHCb delphes card new How to minor
#1308 Neutral Pileup Subtraction new How to minor
#1309 Lepton efficiency and isolation module new How to minor
#1311 How do I track back the origin of the jet new How to minor
#1315 Units used in Delphes new archive minor
#1317 b-tagging subjets new How to minor
#1318 New HLLHC card new How to minor
#1320 Implementing FatJet Btagging new Bug minor
#1322 Large HepMC file crashes Delphes new Bug minor
#1323 Set up NA62 detector simulation in Delphes? new How to minor
#1325 Understanding PT/Energy resolution formula in Delphes Card new How to minor
#1327 Jet.FlavorAlgo and Jet.FlavorPhys always returns 0 new Bug minor
#1333 Is P_T of electrons smeared by calorimeter, or is it all in tracker? new Bug minor
#1334 Error in cling - Delphes 3.4.1 new Bug minor
#1336 converter root2lhco new Bug minor
#1337 How to do matching of a jet with parton level new Bug minor
#1338 Realistic delphes card for the current ATLAS/CMS performance new How to minor
#1341 electron eta distribution between gen-level and reconstruction-level. new How to minor
#1342 Regarding Particle-Flow and Jet Formation from Displaced Vertices new Bug minor
#1345 Error while running delphesSTDHEP new Bug minor
#1349 Calculating Missing ET after Smearing Jets new How to minor
#1350 Reconstruction efficiency of jet new Bug minor
#1351 Problem in running ./DelphesHepMC new Bug minor
#1352 photon (EM calorimeter) resolution in delphes new Bug minor
1 2 3 4 5 6
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