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{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (512 matches)

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Results (201 - 300 of 512)

1 2 3 4 5 6

0 (81 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#266 simulation at ILC Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#271 Using N-subjetness & N-jettiness Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#273 Reading the constituents of a jet Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#278 Reproducing ATLAS SUSY Searches Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#291 Eflow branches Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#293 Number of operators in efficiency modules Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#296 GenJets including "jets" from leptons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#298 converted photons Delphes paper Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#316 How to find which matrix element parton a jet is from. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#350 FCC detector card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#368 lepton track Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#406 Displaced Vertices and Smearing Delphes code Delphes 3 How to reopened 10 years ago
#432 ParameterR and DeltaR Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 10 years ago
#435 no b-tagging with new model Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#436 DelphesPythia8 Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#523 EFlow and leptons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#639 Jet Constituents Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#656 Where is the EFlowmuon in the newest version of Delphes 3.1.2(delphes_card_default.dat) ? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#660 Some question about the MET, mainly about the Eta of the MET. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#715 Plots of functions in Delphes card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#719 Does Delphes add muon momentum to jet when a muon is closed to a jet? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#730 "Perfect" detector card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#740 Cleaning for lepton jets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#747 B-tag Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#748 Change calorimeter energy fractions based on particle vertex Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#815 How to calculate missing four momentum ? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#827 problem running Delphes 3.3.2 Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#828 compiling ExternalFastJet Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#833 problems with btagging Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#835 Etmiss calculated with jets after pile-up suppression? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#839 How to define a jet using different jet algorithm or condition? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#850 TrackPileUpSubtractor Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#866 some questions on DelphesAnalysis ( python ) Delphes code Delphes 3 How to Ali YILMAZ accepted 9 years ago
#870 adding a FastJetFinder lead a wrong result. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#880 Same Delphes simulation with different jet clustering Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 9 years ago
#903 Particle Flow for ATLAS detector? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#924 multileptonic signature from ttbar Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#925 About the towers in the default ATLAS, CMS, ... tcl files Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#940 Why I construct a wrong invariant mass? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#954 MET covariance matrix Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#972 GenJets and Jets collections with empty Particle branches Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#976 Error running DelphesCMSFWLite on CMS GEN-SIM file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#993 Only fastjet and lepton isolation Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1004 How to retreive information on weights from CMS GEN-SIM file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1008 Trimmed jets storage to root Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1022 Rniing Delphes using multicores Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1023 Delphes with ROOT files as input Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1024 Calorimeter geometry in the .tcl files Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1051 Problem running Pythia8+Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1055 problem compiling Delphes in remote machine Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1065 Question regarding jet constituents and jet trimming (ATLAS card) Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1070 Problems with TauTagging Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 8 years ago
#1115 photon kinematics shift Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1119 Photon Isolation Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1120 How to modify jet resolution? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1121 Btagging, What should I use Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1126 Jets faking photons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1135 Leptons Faking Photons using JetFakeParticle Module Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1136 Can't open the configuration file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1148 impact parameter smearing Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1150 How to Extract Displaced Vertex Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1156 Track based electron isolation Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1163 How to isolate particles while doing jet clustering inherited from a certain particle Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1165 Empty muon branch in the root file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1166 Tau tagged jet mistag rate Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1167 Trigger card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1169 How to fill histo with specific particle? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1198 Dynamic jet radius definition Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1259 Placement of primary vertex and interpretation of IsolationVar Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1260 Distinguising leptonic jets from hadronic jets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1293 Lepton isolation and jets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1296 Photon conversion Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#206 multijet analysis Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 11 years ago
#207 jet reconstruction performance in single top events Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 Task new 11 years ago
#259 Question on angular bias/resolution Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 Task new 10 years ago
#320 Low lepton efficiency for 100TeV simulation Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 10 years ago
#377 When modifying Candidate class, change constructor, Copy(), & Clear() Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 10 years ago
#379 Delphes card delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 10 years ago
#922 On the philosophy on lepton isolation Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 8 years ago
#1113 Smearing of eta/phi in ATLAS card Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 7 years ago
#619 Definition of Overlaps() used in Delphes code Delphes 3 archive new 9 years ago

(empty) (19 matches)

#1356 Fail to create LHCO events from DELPHES in Madgraph, using macOS 10.14 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 6 years ago
#1440 Possible incorrect reconstruction of photon energy. Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1442 Very low btagging efficieny. Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1454 Bug in ILCgen delphes card Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1470 Inconsistency of reading the constituents in jets Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1473 Error installing Delphes within Madgraph(v_2.7.3) Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1476 Delphes card for muon collider gives wrong jet masses Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug reopened 4 years ago
#1481 Installation error on MacOS 11.2 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1485 Unphysical HCAL resolution Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1512 Delphes install fatal error Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1542 Delphes Installation Failed on MAC OS Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1556 Delphes problems: 3 questions for the authors... Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1567 A bug in the tcl file Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 20 months ago
#1582 calling a module in the analyses code Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 16 months ago
#1587 OSX compiling problem: std::binary_function removed Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 12 months ago
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1354 addition of new invisible particle in delphes card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1413 Question about Particle and Selecting Certain Events Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1416 Loose and tight photon identification Delphes code Delphes 3 How to Chih-Ting Lu new 5 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6
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