
Version 18 (modified by Fabio Maltoni, 9 years ago) ( diff )


MadGraph School on Collider Phenomenlogy, Shanghai 23-27 Nov 2015


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Slides of the lectures can be found at the School page here.

Collider Phenomenology: the basics, lecture by Fabio Maltoni.

FeynRules , lecture by Claude Duhr.

From New Physics simulations to recasting, lecture by Benjamin Fuks.


MadGraph5_aMC@NLO First Tutorial by Olivier Mattelaer.

MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Second Tutorial by Olivier Mattelaer.

MadAnalysis Installation Instructions by Benjamin Fuks.

APapaefstathiou_Shanghai_Nov2015.pdf Merging/Matching by Andreas Papaefstathiou.

We provide here complimentary material to the lectures that can used by students to verify their understanding of the basic concepts.

Monte Carlo integration

A short introduction to the techniques of Monte Carlo integration. Exercises proposed during lecture are collected in this Mathematica Notebook: mc101.nb.

LHC Phenomenology

A collection of test, exercises, and web applications on pQCD can be found in QCD_Pavia2015.pdf.

Going NLO

  1. pp>H at LO (1-loop): details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) HiggsGG-LO-mtfinite.nb
  2. pp>H at NLO: details of the calculation (Mathematica Notebook) higgsGG-NLO.nb
  3. pp>H at NLO: cross section evaluation for the LHC (Mathematica Notebook+PDF libraries to be compiled) phenHiggs.tar.gz.

A summary of the results can be found in Higgs.pdf.

-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 2015-11-25

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