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{1} Active Tickets (512 matches)

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Results (301 - 400 of 512)

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Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#1402 Transverse displacement conditions on leptons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1403 Understanding Truth and Reco Containers Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1404 JetFakeParticle module Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1407 Blank Delphes Card in MadAnalysis5 Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1408 Installing new fastjet contrib and getting jet result in ROOT tree Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1410 Muon Reconstruction Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1414 Possibility of preventing leptons (the true electron and muon) from being identified as jets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1420 Doing jet->Constituents.At() returns NULL pointer Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1431 Trouble while running root file from Event Generator Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1432 Question about GenJet Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1435 problem in simulating pileup interactions Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1446 Nsubjettiness often giving 0 for collimated photons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1453 .root file missing Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1456 lepton and photon isolation variable definition Delphes paper Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1458 Speed up pileup simulation Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1460 Implement Neutrino Interactions Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1462 Unsupported block type in overlay samples Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1464 Variable-R plugin in Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1479 How to get some properties of class GenParticle which are not recorded before. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1486 FCC-ee card? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1496 Is it possible to run Delphes on generator info in MiniAOD? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1497 Constituents inside the jet Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1501 Simulation for fixed target experiment Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1504 weight tags? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1511 B-tagged Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1515 Parametrization Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1517 How to set the splitlevel for branches in the output root file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1520 the order of .hepmc file to .lhco file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1525 Soft-Dropped mass cut Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1527 Add one more layer for calorimeter Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1532 Variable IsPu not written Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1533 Delphes and HepSim Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1537 Looking for DelphesLLP modules Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 2 years ago
#1544 Get Particle Cluster cells in calorimeters Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 2 years ago
#1546 madgraph->pythia->delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 2 years ago
#1554 Error setting up DelphesPythia8 Delphes code Delphes 3 How to emre new 2 years ago
#1565 Does the Jet variable contain all the jets, or the main one ? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 2 years ago
#1575 Pile up question Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 18 months ago
#1411 About using HepMC file created by EvtGen in Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 5 years ago
#1433 Error messagens when running Simulation Delphes code Delphes 3 Task new 4 years ago
#1315 Units used in Delphes Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 archive new 6 years ago
#1358 Compilation problem under Fedora 28 reloaded Delphes website Delphes 3 archive new 6 years ago
#190 Applying B-tagging efficiencies independently? Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#192 Warning in reading delphe root files Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#199 Tau ID - No track consideration? Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#224 compilation fails if space in the path Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#228 Delphes B-Tagger Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#252 ATLAS simulation gives high pt jet Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#256 Delphes is not creating leptonic events , please help Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#257 Delphes3.12 is not creating leptonic events Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 11 years ago
#272 Jet phi distribution modulation (Delphes-3.0.12) Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#288 Delphes 3.1.2 with Pythia8 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#347 Stability of "StableParticles" in STDHEP reader Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#351 Missing photon in delphes root file Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#365 delphes_atlas default card for b-tagging efficiency Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#431 Problem installing Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#434 LHCO conversion fault Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#440 Delphes not matching generator Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#443 Delphes doesn't see new (external) classes Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 years ago
#536 Error on examples 4 and display Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#580 Analysing different process event samples Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#591 Calorimeter change between 3.0.10 and 3.2 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#605 Delphes-3.2.0 compatibility with root version Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#620 Phi/Energy dependence in efficiencies Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#655 What is the unit for the vertex position of the track in Delphes output Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#659 Error running example 4 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#717 compilation problem on some computer Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#718 Installation problem Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#727 comilation issue for Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#729 Very small particle momenta when using converter_card.tcl to go from Pythia 8 .hep to .root Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#734 Impact parameter formula Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#746 Delphese 3.3 warning Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#751 Can't access filled N-subJettiness variables Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#753 BSM particles in calorimeter Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#772 why ILD card do not contain a efficiency formula for the b tagging? Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#847 jet invariant mass Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#864 Delphes behaviour with displaced vertices Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#871 ROOT6 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#907 event weight Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#923 Failed to read fastjet headers when running a delphes analysis macro Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 9 years ago
#965 No electrons in delphes output Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#975 compilation error in 2.3.0 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#981 Delphes FastJet Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#986 Segmentation fault in EventDisplay example Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#987 Delphes installation in Madgraph Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#988 Non-isolated muon disappear Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#989 Questions about b-tagging and EFlow Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#994 Usage of BTag in CMS PhaseII card and PyRoot example Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1031 discrepancy between root and lhco files Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1039 No interpreter information for classes Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1049 compilation error with Mac OS Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1059 TrimmedP4 and pyroot Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1061 Distribution of transvere W boson mass not modelled correctly by Delphes 3.4.0 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1062 error: Failed to access python version of LHAPDF Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1066 Problems / Feedback: Event Display Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1067 Compilation error on Mac during installation Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1076 Issues when reading weights from LHE files. With fix. Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1077 Unable to build delphes. Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1084 Bug affecting long-lived hadrons Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
#1088 Converting Jet into leptons and charge misidentification of leptons Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6
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