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Custom Query (46 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#188 Delphes 3.0.9 crash Bug critical Delphes code
#244 Compile error on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks Bug critical Delphes code
#304 Number Of Events Rapidlly decreased How to critical Delphes code
#1474 Circular dependency dropped Bug critical Delphes code
#8 Delphes sur les serveurs madgraph archive major Delphes miscellaneous
#36 Muons included in PTmis, but manual says otherwise Bug major Delphes code
#58 calorimeter lepton isolation on or off? Bug major Delphes code
#77 Total number of events to run: 140736212076608 Bug major Delphes code
#93 Problem when running Delphes version 2.0.3 Bug major Delphes code
#122 KeyError: 'recaptcha_challenge_field' Bug major Delphes code
#128 Setup a more readable style Bug major Delphes website
#139 Pythia6 default as input How to major Delphes miscellaneous
#200 Higgs mass in the Particle class from HepMC Bug major Delphes code
#216 GEM card How to major Delphes code
#225 parton jet matching How to major Delphes code
#230 root inquiry How to major Delphes code
#233 number of light jets and b-tagging efficiency Bug major Delphes code
#239 linux mint problem Bug major Delphes code
#240 Fake rate calculation How to major Delphes code
#321 Request to add a parameter JetEtaMin in AK jet reconstruction Enhancement major Delphes code
#1139 Hep to Root conversion causes crashes Bug major Delphes code
#6 Afficher un warning si Pythia n'a pas été tourné Xavier Rouby archive minor Delphes code
#10 Mettre la section efficace dans le root file severine ovyn archive minor Publication v1.9 Delphes code
#22 Add vertex information for leptons archive minor Delphes code
#25 granularité des chambres à muons? archive minor Delphes code
#26 Update site web archive minor Delphes website
#28 Profiling de Delphes archive minor Delphes code
#29 0 events read by Delphes Xavier Rouby Bug minor Delphes code
#87 Long-lived particles How to minor Delphes code
#203 Delphes freezes in Ubuntu (MG5 frameworks) Bug minor Delphes code
#223 Mother Branch in Simulations How to minor Delphes code
#231 Duplicate particle in event? How to minor Delphes code
#241 Number of event in delphes root files after matching Bug minor Delphes code
#247 Problem with jets Bug minor Delphes code
#274 Delphes fails to find tree with name Delphes Bug minor Delphes code
#284 XDR Error Bug minor Delphes code
#286 Using CloneTree with Snowmass Backgrounds Bug minor Delphes code
#309 How to see a status of a ticket? Bug minor Delphes code
#310 Delphes 2.0.5 cannot process output of Pythia in the standard MG5 chain ... Bug minor Delphes code
#759 No 3D view in the event display in 3.3.0 Bug minor Delphes code
#996 dyld: Library not loaded: libpythia8.dylib Bug minor Delphes code
#1085 Compile Delphes 3.4.0 with GCC48 error Bug minor Delphes code
#1117 Installation Problem How to minor Delphes code
#1138 Mother/Daughter Particles How to minor Delphes code
#1229 Access weights with python How to minor Delphes code
#1261 Reading a leaf with ExRootTreeReader How to minor Delphes code
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