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Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#274 closed Bug (wontfix)

Delphes fails to find tree with name Delphes

Reported by: Jonathan Kozaczuk Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


Hi, I just installed Delphes with MadGraph. I generated events up to Pythia stage without errors. However, Delphes doesn't finish running and gives me this error in the Delphes.log file:

ERROR: can't access input list 'Calorimeter/eflowTowers' in module 'EFlowMerger'
Reading delphes.root
Error in <TChain::LoadTree>: Cannot find tree with name Delphes in file delphes.root
Input file contains 0 events

I'm using version 3.1.1, I think - fresh install through MadGraph.


Change History (6)

comment:1 by Michele Selvaggi, 10 years ago


could you try to use latest MG5_aMC@NLO:

and latest Delphes in a standalone fashion:

You can find information on how to run Delphes here:


comment:2 by Jonathan Kozaczuk, 10 years ago

Hi Michele,

Thanks for your response. Turns out I was using a card from an older version of Delphes and things weren't working. Adapting one of the cards from the new installation works fine.


Last edited 10 years ago by Jonathan Kozaczuk (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by Ezequiel Alvarez, 10 years ago

Hi Jonathan,

I'm having the same problem, however I don't see how to follow your solution. I have latest MG5_aMC_v2_1_1 and latest Delphes 3.1.2, and there is obviously something similar going on because my tag_1_delphes.log ends with

INFO: initializing module Calorimeter
INFO: initializing module EFlowMerger
ERROR: can't access input list 'Calorimeter/eflowTowers' in module 'EFlowMerger'
Reading delphes.root
Error in <TChain::LoadTree>: Cannot find tree with name Delphes in file delphes.root
Input file contains 0 events

and no lhco events are found in the 'tag_1_delphes_events.lhco.gz' file.

Would you indicate me exactly how do you do when you write 'Adapting one of the cards from the new installation works fine.'?

Thanks in advance, bests, Ezequiel.

comment:4 by Ezequiel Alvarez, 10 years ago


OK, I have already solved the problem. I have entered to de Delphes/examples directory and copied (for instance) the 'Delphes/examples/delphes_card_ATLAS.tcl' file to 'MyWhateverRun/Cards/delphes_card.dat' and has worked fine!

Some comments:

  • seems to don't matter that one file is .tcl and other is .dat
  • seems that the newest version MG5_aMC_v2_1_1 does not carry the newest Delphes cards, however this is easily solved.

Bests, Ezequiel.

comment:5 by Pavel Demin, 10 years ago

According to the MadGraph developers, the configuration files seems to be copied correctly at the time of the installation of Delphes.

If it's not the case, please notify the MadGraph developers via

comment:6 by Pavel Demin, 10 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
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