14 years |
demin |
remove spi code
14 years |
demin |
align comments
14 years |
demin |
swap ep6/ep8 and reorganize usb_jtag_init
14 years |
demin |
remove unused vendor commands and set auto commit length to 512
15 years |
demin |
rename clk to clock
15 years |
demin |
add fourth oscilloscope channel
15 years |
demin |
initial commit
15 years |
demin |
add exposure counter
15 years |
demin |
multiple fixes
15 years |
demin |
double the number of configuration registers
15 years |
demin |
replace fixed value with parameter in the int_data_next assignment
15 years |
demin |
rename several interface wires
15 years |
demin |
multiple fixes
15 years |
demin |
remove idle state
15 years |
demin |
add exposure counter
15 years |
demin |
add a few more samples
15 years |
demin |
delay result by one more clock
15 years |
demin |
fix communication with external SRAM
15 years |
demin |
full rewrite
15 years |
demin |
remove debug output
15 years |
demin |
fix memory read timing
15 years |
demin |
fix writing of the last EPT sample to SRAM
15 years |
demin |
replace 3 ADC FIFO with one large FIFO
15 years |
demin |
add possibility to record full EPT information
15 years |
demin |
improve timings in all components
15 years |
demin |
first working version
15 years |
demin |
several minor fixes
15 years |
demin |
activate all 3 ADC channels
15 years |
demin |
simplify analyser interface
15 years |
demin |
switch from 8 to 4 byte command
15 years |
demin |
make configuration frame always visible
15 years |
demin |
add configuration form and activate all channels
15 years |
demin |
add counter between peaks
15 years |
demin |
fix osc_mux and trg_mux
15 years |
demin |
fix signal shape display configuration
15 years |
demin |
first working version
15 years |
demin |
testing all components together
15 years |
demin |
move to central clock domain
15 years |
demin |
intermediate working version with 32 bit histograms, test block and …
15 years |
demin |
add I2C master
15 years |
demin |
add I2C master and switch from 24 to 32 bit histogram
15 years |
demin |
switch from 24 to 32 bit histogram
15 years |
demin |
first working version
15 years |
demin |
start testing SRAM
15 years |
demin |
switch eab on
15 years |
demin |
add parameters for number of channels and channel resolution
15 years |
demin |
add polarity flag
15 years |
demin |
add interface for parallel ADC with unreliable clock
15 years |
demin |
interface for parallel ADC with unreliable clock
15 years |
demin |
move control and test code to separate modules
15 years |
demin |
code cleanup
15 years |
demin |
switch to direct instantiation of altsyncram and dcfifo
15 years |
demin |
switch to direct instantiation of altsyncram
15 years |
demin |
add pll for lvds interface
15 years |
demin |
adapat memory access to normal memory clock
15 years |
demin |
add signal invertor
15 years |
demin |
switch to normal memory clock
15 years |
demin |
first attempt to use normal memory clock
15 years |
demin |
fix peak detection logic and add peak threshold
15 years |
demin |
add registers for output data
15 years |
demin |
cleanup test circuit
15 years |
demin |
switch to direct instantiation of altsyncram
15 years |
demin |
use loop for addr and reset initialisation
15 years |
demin |
add fourth channel and switch from 32 to 24 bit histogram
15 years |
demin |
add baseline subtraction
15 years |
demin |
put back lost PIN_98 and PIN_99
15 years |
demin |
code cleanup
15 years |
demin |
add one real ADC channel
15 years |
demin |
turn led off at startup
15 years |
demin |
add configuration for EPCS16
15 years |
demin |
add serial flash loader
15 years |
demin |
fix communication with fifo_rx_unit
15 years |
demin |
several minor fixes
15 years |
demin |
first working version
15 years |
demin |
working test version
15 years |
demin |
return to simple USB interface with some adjustments
15 years |
demin |
change LED polarity
15 years |
demin |
attemp to improve USB interface
15 years |
demin |
put all components in place
15 years |
demin |
split USB_PA into separate wires
15 years |
demin |
fix PINFLAGSAB configuration
15 years |
demin |
initial commit
15 years |
demin |
add PINFLAGSAB configuration
15 years |
demin |
remove OE
15 years |
demin |
put back str3
15 years |
demin |
fix configuration comment
15 years |
demin |
remove pin CON_B[16]
15 years |
demin |
cleanup vendor commands
15 years |
demin |
rename hw_fynu to hw_basic
15 years |
demin |
fix OE bitmasks
15 years |
demin |
fix pin 162 configuration
15 years |
demin |
fix pin 162 configuration
15 years |
demin |
fix pin names
15 years |
demin |
set RAM_ADDR to all zeros
15 years |
demin |
fix pin names
15 years |
demin |
fix pin directions
15 years |
demin |
fix pin names
15 years |
demin |
fix pin assignment
15 years |
demin |
initial commit
15 years |
demin |
fix EOL codes