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{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (512 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

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Results (401 - 500 of 512)

1 2 3 4 5 6

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#1428 validation output issue Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 5 years ago
#1434 Error in running event display example using IDEA detector card Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1439 DelphesPythia8 executable not building Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1441 Delphes is loosing events when run within MG5aMC Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1443 Diference between GenJet and Jet branches Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1463 install delphes failed Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1466 Error during instalation Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1469 Possible bug in handling of mothers from Pythia Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1477 Getting Error when Installing Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1480 The analysis results of lhco and root format are very different. Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1482 question on ATLAS detector card Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1489 Problem when running the event display example Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1490 Run time error with the DelphesPythia8 executable Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1495 problem when running examples Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 4 years ago
#1502 W boson mass reconstruction from light jets Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1503 Bring back the DelphesHepMC executable for compatibility with Madgraph? Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1509 ATLAS pile-up card Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1510 B-tagged Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1513 Invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1514 invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1521 PTRatioMax in isolation-module ignored Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1522 Cannot install Delphes on MacOS Monterey Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1524 Unable to install Delphes on Mac OS 12.1 (clang-11: error: linker command failed with exit code 1) Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1526 make Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1535 how many events are generated Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 3 years ago
#1536 Problem while installing Delphes inside MagGrraph in Mac Os monterrey 12.1 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1538 Error with libDelphesNoFastJet Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1545 asymmetric detectors and flavor association Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1553 Can not find libpythia8.dylib file Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1558 Undefined reference to `tbb::interface7::internal::isolate_within_arena(tbb::interface7::internal::delegate_base&, long)’ Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1559 Error when installing ExRootAnalysis and Delphes on macOS 12.6 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1561 'classes/ClassesLinkDef.h' file not found Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1562 EventDisplay with Delphes-3.5.0 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 2 years ago
#1568 Getting less number of events by root2lhco converter Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 21 months ago
#1569 Delphes Installation on Mac OS Ventura 13.1 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 21 months ago
#1572 Installing Delphes on macOS Monterey Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 19 months ago
#1574 undefined reference to `???@GLIBC_2.33' in installation Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug mcocdaa new 18 months ago
#1577 Issue with Delphes compilation with macOS 13.3.1 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 18 months ago
#1579 Delphes does not even begin to compile Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 17 months ago
#1583 Insalling Delphes3 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 16 months ago
#1584 Pileup track using ATLAS pileup card Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 15 months ago
#1589 Delphes Installation doesn't work on Mac 12.5 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 10 months ago
#1592 Reading Delphes files with uproot ("fBits is not always 4 bytes") Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 8 months ago
#1594 Jet matching with Pythia 8.3 Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 7 months ago
#1595 eFlowTracks for some dark matter particles Delphes code Delphes 3 Bug new 6 months ago
#1596 Meaning of Delphes “Track” outputs Delphes code Delphes 3 Enhancement new 5 months ago
#1597 Inquiry Regarding Particle Status in Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 Enhancement new 5 months ago
#1598 Question on PDG code = 0 on B-tagging module Delphes code Delphes 3 Enhancement new 5 months ago
#1301 New LHCb delphes card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 7 years ago
#1308 Neutral Pileup Subtraction Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1309 Lepton efficiency and isolation module Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1311 How do I track back the origin of the jet Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1317 b-tagging subjets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1318 New HLLHC card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1323 Set up NA62 detector simulation in Delphes? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1325 Understanding PT/Energy resolution formula in Delphes Card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1338 Realistic delphes card for the current ATLAS/CMS performance Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1341 electron eta distribution between gen-level and reconstruction-level. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1349 Calculating Missing ET after Smearing Jets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1353 Finding mother particle in the MC truth Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1357 c-tagging ATLAS card Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1360 FatJets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1362 fjcontribs with DelphesPythia8 Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1365 Lepton Identifying issues Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 6 years ago
#1375 Implement b-tag with external fastjet and write to root file. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1385 Phi correction to tracks (bremsstrahlung applied also to charged hadrons?) Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1386 Delphes sample usage Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1389 specify the number of events to simulate? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1397 Implementing Maximum Eta Cut for FastJetFinder Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1400 About save delphes root file after analysis cuts Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1402 Transverse displacement conditions on leptons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1403 Understanding Truth and Reco Containers Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1404 JetFakeParticle module Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1407 Blank Delphes Card in MadAnalysis5 Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1408 Installing new fastjet contrib and getting jet result in ROOT tree Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1410 Muon Reconstruction Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1414 Possibility of preventing leptons (the true electron and muon) from being identified as jets Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1420 Doing jet->Constituents.At() returns NULL pointer Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 5 years ago
#1431 Trouble while running root file from Event Generator Delphes miscellaneous Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1432 Question about GenJet Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1435 problem in simulating pileup interactions Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1446 Nsubjettiness often giving 0 for collimated photons Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1453 .root file missing Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1456 lepton and photon isolation variable definition Delphes paper Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1458 Speed up pileup simulation Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1460 Implement Neutrino Interactions Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1462 Unsupported block type in overlay samples Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1464 Variable-R plugin in Delphes Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1479 How to get some properties of class GenParticle which are not recorded before. Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1486 FCC-ee card? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1496 Is it possible to run Delphes on generator info in MiniAOD? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1497 Constituents inside the jet Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 4 years ago
#1501 Simulation for fixed target experiment Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1504 weight tags? Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1511 B-tagged Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1515 Parametrization Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1517 How to set the splitlevel for branches in the output root file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1520 the order of .hepmc file to .lhco file Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1525 Soft-Dropped mass cut Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
#1527 Add one more layer for calorimeter Delphes code Delphes 3 How to new 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6
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