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Custom Query (148 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Priority
#138 long-lived charged particles new How to major
#208 Possible problem with tau tagging efficiency new How to major
#215 bug in b-tagging module? new Bug major
#219 Reconstruction of tracks - long lived charged particles new Bug major
#260 Having Difficulty reaching the weight of events. new borzou How to major
#261 Delphes 3.0.12 installation new Bug major
#270 Running with pileup randomly give spurious results new Bug major
#276 GenParticle Information new How to major
#283 Different Branch name new How to major
#285 Problem with b-tagging new How to major
#290 Mother/Daughter info in CMSFWLite reader new Bug major
#294 Tau Jet information new How to major
#307 pile-up jets in ATLAS delphes card new How to major
#308 Muon isolation in lhco files new Bug major
#326 Big discrepancy in electron efficiency between Delphes3 and PGS new Bug major
#376 momentum smearing new Bug major
#437 Delphes with ideal detector new How to major
#444 Issues running Delphes examples new Bug major
#592 Error in hep file to root file conversion new Bug major
#603 TaggingParticleSkimmer new Bug major
#632 error delhpes installation after root-v6 new How to major
#638 bTag problem with LHE Events new How to major
#641 fake lepton in Delphes 3.1.2 new How to major
#658 Error installing Delphes from Madgraph new Bug major
#703 error during analysis of a .root file using Delphes 3.2.0 compiled with root 6.02.05 new Bug major
#705 Compilation on Macbook pro new Bug major
#714 How to write a root file for some specific tagged events only? new How to major
#744 B-tagging problem new Bug major
#750 Jet phi distribution "lumpiness" new Bug major
#801 Delphes, lepton PTmin = 10 GeV, how to modify? new How to major
#842 dealing with long lived charged tracks ... new Bug major
#844 Potential hidden cuts in the ATLAS run card ? new Bug major
#846 Query regarding b-tagging ... new How to major
#851 root files new Bug major
#853 variable isolation cone for leptons new How to major
#858 CMS Phase II CARDS new How to major
#867 Jet.BTag root output new How to major
#877 muon beta distribution ... new How to major
#884 Delphes card in Madgraph: new How to major
#885 Isolation via fUniqueID new Bug major
#888 Learning Delphes from Scratch and writing own analysis new How to major
#909 To understand the ATLAS and CMS delphes cards new How to major
#952 Substructure variables from fast jet to delphes new How to major
#953 Lepton Isolation cuts new How to major
#955 "Prong" dependent tau ID efficiency new How to major
#956 determination of electron and muon tracking effeciency new How to major
#959 calorimeter information new How to major
#963 Delphes Card for 100 TeV collider new How to major
#969 BTag in Python mode new How to major
#970 problem with DelphesSTDHEP compiler new Deepanjali Goswami Bug major
#980 Example3.C of Delphes example code new How to major
#982 Segmentation Fault in PileUp example new Bug major
#999 Particles and Constituents in Jets new How to major
#1000 Regarding obtaining .root file from .hep files new How to major
#1010 Delphes card for LHeC searches new Task major
#1012 Compatibility of delphes_card among v3.1.2 and v3.3.2 new Task major
#1016 Jet faking as leptons new How to major
#1019 How to calculate b-tagging efficiency for any delphes card new Bug major
#1020 Error while building Delphes new Bug major
#1021 Not able to run Delphes on new How to major
#1038 Segmentation violation new Bug major
#1042 Trouble retrieving the decay channel in Delphes new How to major
#1050 Problems reading a HepMC file new Bug major
#1053 FastJet in Delphes new How to major
#1060 Question regarding tau tagging in in leptonic channel new How to major
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card new How to major
#1068 Less muons than expected from MadGraph sample new Bug major
#1073 Jet Charge and b-tagging new Bug major
#1074 How to distinguish between a muon like heavy particle faking as muon accepted Avirup Ghosh How to major
#1075 Invalid Particle format Error and Warnings new Bug major
#1080 False Drell Yan results and lots of zero transverse momentum warnings new Bug major
#1082 Add exclusive jets mode for e+e- collision study new Enhancement major
#1086 About ATLAS card new Task major
#1118 ATLAS card does not use muons for MET new Bug major
#1129 Delphes with pythia8 in lxplus new Bug major
#1130 Information from pixel detector by using delphes new How to major
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C new How to major
#1162 Problem with HepMCEvent under Delphes8 module new Bug major
#1164 Is MinBias.pileup appliable to any process? new How to major
#1298 Difference in eta, phi values before an after Delphes new Bug major
#1319 Vertex constituents new How to major
#1321 Delphes Installation Error new How to major
#1326 Question on btagging working points new Bug major
#1335 How to get mother PdgID of generator level particle in Delphes new How to major
#1339 B tagging efficiencies are independent? new How to major
#1344 LHCb delphes card new How to major
#1346 GenWeights in Delphes new How to major
#1361 how to only generate lhco file new How to major
#1363 Class versions need updating new Bug major
#1364 Running Delphes over .hep file new How to major
#1370 Implementing the smearing of track parameters new Bug major
#1371 Unable to run provided examples scripts based on DelphesAnalysis new Bug major
#1372 Problem with N-subjettiness values new Bug major
#1374 invariant mass of high-pT hadronic-tau leptons new How to major
#1378 Duplicate Tracks in Jets new Bug major
#1379 Parallel execution new How to major
#1382 Implement two isolation criterion simultaneously new How to major
#1387 Something weird comparing gen. and rec. level new Bug major
#1388 Photons energy resolution new How to major
#1390 displacements info lost after delphes run? new How to major
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