Marco Drewes

Academic staff


Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

+32 10 473232


UCL member card
People responsibilities
PhD students
Mubarak Abdallah (member since April 2021)
Yannis Georis (Other - FSR 2021) (member since October 2021)
Working on potential explanations for the origin of Baryonic and Dark matter. I focus on extensions of the Standard Model with "light" particles, e.g. particles having a mass at the MeV to TeV scale for which thermal corrections are crucial.
Valentin Weber
I am currently working on light hidden sector Dark Matter (including sterile neutrinos and ALPs). The main focus of this work lies on the Dark Matter production in the early universe, in particular on the computation of thermal corrections to the product during freeze-in. I want to make more reliable predictions for the relic density in such models, which can be tested in experiments.

Michele Lucente (member since January 2016)
I work on extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics aimed at accounting for the observed neutrino masses and flavour mixing, the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and the nature of dark matter. I am currently developing a new computer tool (MadbaM) devoted to precision computations of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe in beyond the Standard Model realisations.

Former members
Research statement
Many properties of the cosmos that we observe today can be understood as the result of nonequilibrium quantum processes in the hot and dense plasma that filled the universe in the first moments after the "big bang". My research is focused on the theoretical description and numerical modelling of such processes to address open questions in particle physics and cosmology.

One focus of my work lies on the development of computational methods from first principles of nonequilibrium quantum field theory and their application to open problems in early universe cosmology or extreme astrophysical environments. I am also interested in the phenomenology of particle physics theories that aim to solve these puzzles, and I combine data from particle physics experiments with cosmological considerations to learn about both, the fundamental laws of nature and how they shaped the cosmos that we live in.

Specific topics that I work on include neutrino dynamics in dense plasmas, collider-testable baryogenesis scenarios, dark matter production and cosmic reheating after inflation.
Research directions:
Cosmology and General Relativity
Phenomenology of elementary particles
Theories of the fundamental interactions

Active projects
Neutrino Masses as a Key to New Physics
Marco Drewes, Yannis Georis, Michele Lucente

We study the perspectives to probe the origin of neutrino mass with existing or near future experiments. The focus lies on low scale seesaw scenarios involving heavy right handed neutrinos. We are also interested in cosmological implications, such as leptogenesis or connections to Dark Matter.
Neutrinos in the Early Universe
Marco Drewes

We study the production and interactions of neutrinos in the primordial plasma from first principles of quantum field theory. This includes Standard Model computations such as QED corrections to Neff as well as constraints on new neutrinos species from cosmology and astrophysics.
Non-thermal Dark Matter
Marco Drewes, Yannis Georis, Valentin Weber

We study the production of Dark Matter from non-thermal initial states in the early universe, e.g., in freeze-in scenarios. A focus of the project lies in the computation of thermal corrections.
Scalar Fields in the Early Universe
Mubarak Abdallah, Marco Drewes

We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of scalar fields in the early universe in the framework of the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism. We are interested in several applications, including inflation, reheating, Dark Matter production and the fate of the Higgs field in the early universe.
Testable Baryogenesis
Marco Drewes, Yannis Georis, Michele Lucente

We study the perspectives to probe the origin of baryonic matter in the observable universe with laboratory experiments. Currently the focus lies on low scale leptogenesis scenarios. A key element of our approach lies in the description of CP violating nonequilibrium processes in the early universe from first principles of nonequilibrium quantum field theory.

Non-active projects
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire

Number of publications as IRMP member: 59
Last 5 publications


IRMP-CP3-24-40: Probing Solar Heavy Neutrinos with Heliospheric Electrons
Drewes, Marco and Heisig, Jan and Weber, Valentin

[Abstract] [PDF]
Refereed paper. December 20.
IRMP-CP3-24-38: Low-scale seesaw with flavour and CP symmetries – from colliders to leptogenesis
Drewes, Marco and Georis, Yannis and Hagedorn, Claudia and Klaric, Juraj

[Abstract] [PDF]
Refereed paper. December 16.
IRMP-CP3-24-36: Towards a precision calculation of $N_{\rm eff}$ in the Standard Model IV: Impact of positronium formation
Drewes, Marco and Georis, Yannis and Klasen, Michael and Pierobon, Giovanni and Wong, Yvonne Y. Y.

[Abstract] [PDF]
Refereed paper. November 22.
IRMP-CP3-24-21: On the collider-testability of the type-I seesaw model with 3 right-handed neutrinos
Drewes, Marco and Georis, Yannis and Klaric, Juraj and Wendels, Antony

[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file]
Refereed paper. July 19.
IRMP-CP3-24-20: Confronting the low-scale seesaw and leptogenesis with neutrinoless double beta decay
de Vries, Jordy and Drewes, Marco and Georis, Yannis and Klaric, Juraj and Plakkot, Vaisakh

[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file]
Refereed paper. July 16.

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