
Version 6 (modified by Sabine Kraml, 10 years ago) ( diff )


MadAnalysis 5 physics analysis database

This page contains a collection of LHC analyses that have been implemented in the MadAnalysis 5 framework (in the expert mode) described in arXiv:1405.3982 [hep-ph]. For each analysis, a commented c++ code is available for download, provided together with information on the analysis and references to relevant publications. A careful discussion on the validation of each implementation is also provided.

In order to use those files, the user is asked to create a working directory by starting MadAnalysis 5 as

 ./bin/ma5 -E -R

and follow the instructions displayed to the screen. So far, there is no automatic installation in the form of an analysis library. Instead, analyses have to be added by hand. This is done by running the script (located in Build/SampleAnalyzer), passing as an argument the name of the analysis of interest. For instance,

  python cms_sus_13_011

will create and modify all necessary files for adding the analysis named cms_sus_13_011. In particular, a pair of header and source c++ files cms_sus_13_011.cpp and cms_sus_13_011.h are now available in the subdirectory Build/SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer. These files must be replaced by those available for download in the database (see list below)

We strongly encourage users to publish their re-implemented LHC analyses via Inspire. This way they not only become part of the public database, rendering them as useful as possible to the community, but they also become individually searchable and citable. For any information on the implementation of an analysis, on the database or on the expert mode of the program, please visit the 'Answers' section of our launchpad page.

Available Analyses

ATLAS analyses, 8 TeV

CMS analyses, 8 TeV

Analysis Short Description Implemented by Code Validation note
CMS-SUS-13-011 (published) stop search in the single lepton mode B. Dumont, B. Fuks, C. Wymant DOI/Inspire link PDF
CMS-SUS-13-012 (published) gluino/squark search in jet multiplicity and missing energy S. Bein, D. Sengupta DOI/Inspire link PDF
CMS-SUS-13-016 (PAS) search for gluinos using OS dileptons and b-jets S. Kulkarni, D. Sengupta DOI/Inspire link PDF

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