1 | #! /usr/bin/env python
2 | import sys,os,subprocess
3 |
4 | def usage():
5 | print ' - Usage: ./getmaps.py benchmark_point cross section'
6 | print ' - Example: ./getmaps.py T2tt_650_50.txt -1'
7 | print ' - Only the last run of a given analysis is taken'
8 | print ' - If a negative cross section is given, a cross section of'
9 | print ' 0.001 fb is used and no information on the best region is'
10 | print ' displayed in the output'
11 |
12 | def GetAnalysisNumber(name):
13 | rpos = name.rfind('_')
14 | nr= int(name[rpos+1:])
15 | aname=name[:rpos]
16 | if nr>Numbers[aname]:
17 | Numbers[aname]=nr
18 |
19 | # at least one argument, check if asking for help
20 | if len(sys.argv) < 3 or (sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "--help"):
21 | usage()
22 | sys.exit()
23 |
24 | # xsection information
25 | if float(sys.argv[2]) < 0:
26 | xsec = 0.001
27 | else:
28 | xsec = float(sys.argv[2])
29 |
30 | # get the list of the relevant analysis
31 | analysispath = os.getcwd()+'/Output/'+sys.argv[1]
32 | dirlist=[dirnames[0] for dirnames in os.walk(analysispath)]
33 | dirlist = [ dir for dir in dirlist if not('Cutflows' in dir or 'Histograms' in dir or dir==analysispath)]
34 | dirlist = [ dir.replace(analysispath,'') for dir in dirlist]
35 | dirlist = [ dir.replace('/','',1) for dir in dirlist if dir[0]=='/']
36 | anames = [ dir[:dir.rfind('_')] for dir in dirlist]
37 | anames = list(set(anames))
38 | Numbers = dict([analysis,-1] for analysis in anames)
39 | for dir in dirlist:
40 | GetAnalysisNumber(dir)
41 | for analysis in anames:
42 | TheCommand = './exclusion_CLs.py '+analysis+' '+sys.argv[1]+' ' +str(Numbers[analysis])+' ' + str(xsec)
43 | try:
44 | result=subprocess.Popen([TheCommand],shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,cwd=os.getcwd())
45 | except:
46 | print 'ERROR: impossible to execute the command: ' + TheCommand+'\n'
47 | sys.exit()
48 | ok, err = result.communicate()
49 | if not ok:
50 | print "ERROR with the extraction of the efficiencies. Check the ", analysis, "analysis...\n"
51 |