1 | #! /usr/bin/env python
2 |
3 | # derive exclusions for the tested scenario from the signal regions of an
4 | # analysis implemented using MadAnalysis 5 (MA5), using a simplified procedure
5 | # and the CLs prescription
6 |
7 | # version 1.1 (July 9, 2014)
8 | # made by Beranger Dumont
9 | # based on toy MC code by Benjamin Fuks, Chris Wymant and Sam Bein
10 | # v1.1: BF added an efficiency map calculator
11 |
12 | # takes as input:
13 | # -- an XML analysis_name.info file that should be present in the same directory
14 | # as the analysis code, i.e. Build/SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/
15 | # -- the SAF files for the cutflows of the tested scenario of interest in all
16 | # signal regions, where the information on acceptance*efficiency can be found
17 | # -- the cross section for the tested scenario (if not given as argument in
18 | # command-line, it is looked for in the SAF file analysis_name.saf
19 |
20 | # returns the output on the screen and print basic results
21 | # in the file analysis_name_[run number].out in
22 | # Output/benchmark_point/
23 |
24 |
25 | # path to the directory where the analysis code and output is present
26 | # (this is the directory created when running MA5 in expert mode,
27 | # containing the "Build", "Input" and "Output" directories)
28 | analysis_path = "./"
29 |
30 | # The number of Poisson distributions we consider (each one effectively being
31 | # a toy experiment with its own certain prediction for the background):
32 | numtoyexperiments = 100000
33 |
34 | #
35 | # the user is not supposed to modify the code below this line
36 | #
37 |
38 | import os, sys
39 | try:
40 | from lxml import ET
41 | except:
42 | import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
43 | import scipy.stats
44 |
45 | def usage():
46 | print 'Usage: ./exclusion_CLs.py analysis_name benchmark_point ' + \
47 | '[run_number] [cross section in pb]'
48 | print 'Example: ./exclusion_CLs.py cms_sus_13_011 T2tt_650_50.txt ' + \
49 | '0 0.014'
50 | print 'Default value of run number is 0'
51 | print 'If the cross section is not given, it is taken from the MA5 output'
52 |
53 | def listdirectory(path):
54 | lfile=[]
55 | for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
56 | for i in files:
57 | lfile.append(os.path.join(root, i))
58 | return lfile
59 |
60 | bestSR = ""
61 |
62 | def clean_name(str):
63 | # based on CleanName() from
64 | # ./tools/SampleAnalyzer/Process/Core/SampleAnalyzer.cpp
65 | # in MA5 v1.1.11beta4
66 | str = str.replace("/", "_slash_")
67 | str = str.replace("->", "_to_")
68 | str = str.replace(">=", "_greater_than_or_equal_to_")
69 | str = str.replace(">", "_greater_than_")
70 | str = str.replace("<=", "_smaller_than_or_equal_to_")
71 | str = str.replace("<", "_smaller_than_")
72 | str = str.replace(" ", "_")
73 | str = str.replace(",", "_")
74 | str = str.replace("+", "_")
75 | str = str.replace("-", "_")
76 | str = str.replace("(", "_lp_")
77 | str = str.replace(")", "_rp_")
78 | return str
79 |
80 | def CLs(NumObserved, ExpectedBG, BGError, SigHypothesis, NumToyExperiments):
81 | # generate a set of expected-number-of-background-events, one for each toy
82 | # experiment, distributed according to a Gaussian with the specified mean
83 | # and uncertainty
84 | ExpectedBGs = scipy.stats.norm.rvs(loc=ExpectedBG, \
85 | scale=BGError, size=NumToyExperiments)
86 |
87 | # Ignore values in the tail of the Gaussian extending to negative numbers
88 | ExpectedBGs = [value for value in ExpectedBGs if value > 0]
89 |
90 | # For each toy experiment, get the actual number of background events by
91 | # taking one value from a Poisson distribution created using the expected
92 | # number of events.
93 | ToyBGs = scipy.stats.poisson.rvs(ExpectedBGs)
94 | ToyBGs = map(float, ToyBGs)
95 |
96 | # The probability for the background alone to fluctutate as LOW as
97 | # observed = the fraction of the toy experiments with backgrounds as low as
98 | # observed = p_b.
99 | # NB (1 - this p_b) corresponds to what is usually called p_b for CLs.
100 | p_b = scipy.stats.percentileofscore(ToyBGs, NumObserved, kind='weak')*.01
101 |
102 | # Toy MC for background+signal
103 | ExpectedBGandS = [expectedbg + SigHypothesis for expectedbg in ExpectedBGs]
104 | ToyBplusS = scipy.stats.poisson.rvs(ExpectedBGandS)
105 | ToyBplusS = map(float, ToyBplusS)
106 |
107 | # Calculate the fraction of these that are >= the number observed,
108 | # giving p_(S+B). Divide by (1 - p_b) a la the CLs prescription.
109 | p_SplusB = scipy.stats.percentileofscore(ToyBplusS, NumObserved, kind='weak')*.01
110 |
111 | return 1.-(p_SplusB / p_b) # 1 - CLs
112 |
113 | def exclusion_check(crosssection):
114 | global bestSR
115 |
116 | if len(signalregions) > 1:
117 | # if more than one signal region, decide which signal regions
118 | # yields the best expected limit
119 | limit = -1.
120 | for SR in signalregions:
121 | nsignal = crosssection * lumi * 1000. * signalregions[SR]["acceff"]
122 | nb = signalregions[SR]["nb"]
123 | deltanb = signalregions[SR]["deltanb"]
124 |
125 | limitSR = CLs(nb, nb, deltanb, nsignal, numtoyexperiments)
126 | if limitSR > limit:
127 | bestSR = SR
128 | limit = limitSR
129 | else:
130 | bestSR = signalregions.keys()[0]
131 |
132 | nsignal = crosssection * lumi * 1000. * signalregions[bestSR]["acceff"]
133 | nobs = int(signalregions[bestSR]["nobs"])
134 | nb = signalregions[bestSR]["nb"]
135 | deltanb = signalregions[bestSR]["deltanb"]
136 | bestCLs=CLs(nobs, nb, deltanb, nsignal, numtoyexperiments)
137 |
138 | print 'The best expected signal region is "' + bestSR + '".'
139 | print 'It has: nobs = ' + str(nobs) + ', nb = ' + str(nb) + ' \pm ' + \
140 | str(deltanb) + ', nsignal = ' + str(round(nsignal,2)) + '.'
141 |
142 | return bestCLs
143 |
144 | def exclusion_check95(crosssection):
145 | return exclusion_check(crosssection)-0.95
146 |
147 | if analysis_path[-1] == "/":
148 | analysis_path = analysis_path[:-1]
149 |
150 | # at least one argument, check if asking for help
151 | if len(sys.argv) < 3 or (sys.argv[1] == "-h" or sys.argv[1] == "--help"):
152 | usage()
153 | sys.exit()
154 |
155 | analysis_name = sys.argv[1]
156 | bench_name = sys.argv[2]
157 | if len(sys.argv) > 3:
158 | run_number = sys.argv[3]
159 | else:
160 | run_number = "0"
161 | if len(sys.argv) > 4:
162 | try:
163 | xsection = float(sys.argv[4])
164 | except ValueError:
165 | print 'Invalid cross section given as command-line argument: "' + \
166 | sys.argv[4]+ '".'
167 | sys.exit()
168 | else:
169 | xsection = 0
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 | ######################################
174 | # first, read the XML .info file
175 | # and fill the variable lumi
176 | # and the dictionary signalregions
177 | ######################################
178 |
179 | lumi = 0 # integrated luminosity, in fb^-1
180 | signalregions = {}
181 |
182 | analysisinfo_path = analysis_path + "/Build/SampleAnalyzer/User/Analyzer/" + \
183 | analysis_name + ".info"
184 |
185 | try:
186 | info_input = open(analysisinfo_path)
187 | except IOError as e:
188 | print 'I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror)
189 | print 'Cannot open the XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
190 | sys.exit()
191 |
192 | info_tree = ET.parse(info_input)
193 | info_input.close()
194 |
195 | info_root = info_tree.getroot()
196 | if info_root.tag != "analysis":
197 | print 'Invalid XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
198 | print 'Root tag should be <analysis>, not <' + info_root.tag + '>.'
199 | sys.exit()
200 | if info_root.attrib["id"] != analysis_name:
201 | print 'Invalid XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
202 | print 'Analysis id in root tag <analysis> should be "' + analysis_name + \
203 | '", not "' + info_root.attrib["id"] + '".'
204 | sys.exit()
205 |
206 |
207 | for child in info_root:
208 | # for <lumi> tag
209 | if child.tag == "lumi":
210 | if lumi != 0:
211 | print 'Warning: redefinition of the luminosity in the ' + \
212 | 'XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
213 |
214 | try:
215 | lumi = float(child.text)
216 | except TypeError: # empty tag is of type NULL
217 | lumi = 0
218 | except ValueError:
219 | print 'Invalid XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
220 | print 'The value of the <lumi> tag is not a number.'
221 | sys.exit()
222 |
223 | # for the <region> tags
224 | # if no type is specified, assumed to be a signal region
225 | if child.tag == "region" and \
226 | ("type" not in child.attrib or child.attrib["type"] == "signal"):
227 | if "id" not in child.attrib:
228 | print 'Invalid XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
229 | print 'Presence of <region> tags with no id attribute.'
230 | sys.exit()
231 |
232 | regionid = child.attrib["id"]
233 |
234 | if regionid in signalregions:
235 | # a <region> tag with the same id has already been defined
236 | print 'Invalid XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
237 | print 'A region with id="' + regionid + ' is defined ' + \
238 | 'multiple times.'
239 | sys.exit()
240 |
241 | signalregions[regionid] = {"acceff": 0, "syst":0, "stat":0} # initialize efficiency to 0
242 | for rchild in child:
243 | if rchild.tag in ["nobs", "nb", "deltanb"]:
244 | ntag = rchild.tag
245 | if ntag in signalregions[regionid]:
246 | print 'Warning: redefinition of <' + ntag + '> in the ' + \
247 | 'region "' + \
248 | regionid + '" of the XML info file "' + \
249 | analysisinfo_path + '".'
250 |
251 | try:
252 | signalregions[regionid][ntag] = float(rchild.text)
253 | except TypeError: # empty tag is of type NULL
254 | signalregions[regionid][ntag] = 0
255 | except ValueError:
256 | print 'Invalid XML info file "' + analysisinfo_path + '".'
257 | print 'The value of the <' + ntag + '> tag in region "' + \
258 | regionid + '" is not a number.'
259 | sys.exit()
260 |
261 | ######################################
262 | # then, read the SAF files
263 | # for the cutflows
264 | # generated by MA5
265 | ######################################
266 |
267 | analysisinfo_path = analysis_path + "/Output/" + \
268 | bench_name + "/" + analysis_name + "_" + run_number + "/Cutflows"
269 |
270 | listdir = listdirectory(analysisinfo_path)
271 |
272 | if not listdir:
273 | print 'The directory "' + analysisinfo_path + '" containing the SAF' + \
274 | ' files for the cutflows cannot be listed.'
275 | sys.exit()
276 |
277 | for file in listdir:
278 | # signal region (as defined in the XML info file)
279 | # associated with the cutflow file
280 | assoc_SR = ""
281 |
282 | if file[-4:] != ".saf":
283 | continue
284 | SRname = file.split("/")[-1][:-4]
285 |
286 | for regionid in signalregions:
287 | for sr in regionid.split(";"):
288 | if clean_name(sr) == SRname:
289 | assoc_SR = sr
290 |
291 | # if there is no signal region found associated with the SAF file
292 | if assoc_SR == "":
293 | print 'Warning: no region found associated with the SAF file "' + \
294 | file + '"; will be skipped.'
295 | continue
296 |
297 | # otherwise, read the acceptance times efficiency from the SAF file
298 | try:
299 | SAF_cutflow = open(file)
300 | except IOError as e:
301 | print 'I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror)
302 | print 'Cannot open the XML info file "' + file + '".'
303 | sys.exit()
304 |
305 | in_initialcounter = False
306 | in_counter = False
307 | initialnum = 0
308 | finalnum = 0
309 | for line in SAF_cutflow:
310 | line = line.rstrip("\n").strip()
311 | if line[:16] == "<InitialCounter>":
312 | in_initialcounter = True
313 | continue
314 | if line[:17] == "</InitialCounter>":
315 | in_initialcounter = False
316 | continue
317 | if line[:9] == "<Counter>":
318 | in_counter = True
319 | continue
320 | if line[:10] == "</Counter>":
321 | in_counter = False
322 | continue
323 |
324 | if in_initialcounter and line[-14:] == "sum of weights":
325 | try:
326 | initialnum = float(line.split()[0])
327 | except:
328 | print 'Invalid SAF file "' + file + '".'
329 | print 'The initial number of events cannot be read.'
330 | sys.exit()
331 |
332 | if in_counter and line[-14:] == "sum of weights":
333 | try:
334 | finalnum = float(line.split()[0])
335 | except:
336 | print 'Invalid SAF file "' + file + '".'
337 | print 'The number of events cannot be read.'
338 | sys.exit()
339 |
340 | if initialnum == 0:
341 | print 'Invalid SAF file "' + file + '".'
342 | print 'The number of events cannot be read.'
343 | sys.exit()
344 |
345 | for regionid in signalregions:
346 | # for each SR id as defined in the XML info file...
347 | for individualSR in regionid.split(";"):
348 | # ...look for each individual SR...
349 | if individualSR == assoc_SR:
350 | # ... if it matches with the SAF file read, add the
351 | # acceptance*efficiency to existing value
352 | signalregions[regionid]["acceff"] += finalnum / initialnum
353 | signalregions[regionid]["stat"] += finalnum
354 |
355 | ######################################
356 | # then, get the cross section info
357 | # if not given as command-line
358 | # argument, look into SAF file
359 | ######################################
360 |
361 | if xsection == 0: # not given as command-line argument
362 | mainSAF_path = analysis_path + "/Output/" + \
363 | bench_name + "/" + bench_name + ".saf"
364 |
365 | try:
366 | mainSAF = open(mainSAF_path)
367 | except IOError as e:
368 | print 'I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror)
369 | print 'Cannot open the XML info file "' + mainSAF_path + '".'
370 | sys.exit()
371 |
372 | nline = 0
373 | for line in mainSAF:
374 | line = line.rstrip("\n").strip()
375 | if line[:18] == "<SampleGlobalInfo>":
376 | nline = 1
377 | continue
378 | if nline > 0:
379 | nline += 1
380 | if nline == 3:
381 | try:
382 | xsection = float(line.split()[0])
383 | except:
384 | print 'Invalid SAF file "' + mainSAF_path + '".'
385 | print 'The cross section cannot be read.'
386 | sys.exit()
387 |
388 | if xsection <= 0.:
389 | print 'Invalid cross section of ' + str(xsection) + ' pb.'
390 | print 'The cross section cannot be read from the SAF file "' + \
391 | mainSAF_path + '".'
392 | sys.exit()
393 | break
394 |
395 | ######################################
396 | # now, we have the information on the
397 | # cross section (variable xsection),
398 | # the luminosity (variable lumi),
399 | # the number of background events,
400 | # observed events, and the acceptance
401 | # times efficiency (in the dictionary
402 | # signalregions)
403 | #
404 | # we can proceed with the exclusion
405 | ######################################
406 |
407 | if xsection > 0:
408 | # first, decide which signal regions yields the best expected limit
409 | final_limit = exclusion_check(xsection)
410 |
411 | print '\nThis signal is excluded at the ' + str(round(final_limit*100.,1)) + \
412 | '% CL (CLs=' + str(round(1-final_limit,3)) + ').'
413 | else:
414 | # if a negative cross section is given as input,
415 | # the code is looking for the cross section that is excluded at 95% CL
416 | # using a root-finding algorithm
417 |
418 | print 'Negative cross section is given.'
419 | print 'Will look for the cross section that is excluded at 95% CL'
420 | print 'using a root-finding algorithm.\n'
421 |
422 | # need to tune the lower and upper bound (corresponding to a cross section
423 | # that we know is not excluded or excluded, respectively)
424 | lowerb = 1. # 1 pb
425 | upperb = 1. # 1 pb
426 | while exclusion_check95(lowerb) > 0.:
427 | lowerb *= 0.1
428 | while exclusion_check95(upperb) < 0.:
429 | upperb *= 10.
430 |
431 | print '\nlower and upper bounds for the root-finding algorithm' + \
432 | ' have been found: [%.2e %.2e] pb\n' % (lowerb, upperb)
433 |
434 | final_limit = scipy.optimize.brentq(exclusion_check95, lowerb, upperb)
435 |
436 | print '\nThe excluded cross section at 2 sigma is %.5E pb.' % final_limit
437 |
438 | # finally, write the results in an output file
439 | output_path = analysis_path + "/Output/" + \
440 | bench_name + "/" + analysis_name + "_" + run_number + ".out"
441 |
442 | try:
443 | output = open(output_path, "w")
444 | except IOError as e:
445 | print 'I/O error({0}): {1}'.format(e.errno, e.strerror)
446 | print 'Cannot create the output file "' + output_path + '".'
447 | sys.exit()
448 |
449 | output.write(bestSR+'\n'+str(final_limit))
450 | output.close()
451 |
452 | # Efficiencies
453 | import math
454 | out = open('efficiencies_'+analysis_name+'.dat','w')
455 | Title=['Signal region', 'Efficiency', 'Stat. error', 'Syst. error', 'Total error', 'Best region']
456 | out.write(Title[0].center(50) + Title[1].center(16) + Title[2].center(21) + Title[3].center(16) +\
457 | Title[4].center(18)+ Title[5].rjust(10)+'\n')
458 | for region in signalregions:
459 | if signalregions[region]["stat"]!=0:
460 | signalregions[region]["stat"] =1./math.sqrt(float(signalregions[region]["stat"]))
461 | signalregions[region]["syst"] = float(signalregions[region]["syst"])
462 | IsBest=False;
463 | if region is bestSR:
464 | IsBest=True
465 | out.write(region.replace(' ','').ljust(50) + "%1.5f".center(15) %(signalregions[region]["acceff"]) +\
466 | "%1.6f".center(15) %(signalregions[region]["stat"])+ \
467 | "%1.6f".center(15) %(signalregions[region]["syst"])+ \
468 | "%1.6f".center(15) %(math.sqrt(signalregions[region]["syst"]**2+signalregions[region]["stat"]**2))+\
469 | str(int(IsBest)).rjust(8) +\
470 | '\n')
471 | out.close()