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A framework for fast simulation of a generic collider experiment

Delphes is a C++ framework, performing a fast multipurpose detector response simulation. The simulation includes a tracking system, embedded into a magnetic field, calorimeters and a muon system. The framework is interfaced to standard file formats (e.g. Les Houches Event File or HepMC) and outputs observables such as isolated leptons, missing transverse energy and collection of jets which can be used for dedicated analyses. The simulation of the detector response takes into account the effect of magnetic field, the granularity of the calorimeters and subdetector resolutions. Visualisation of the final state particles is also built-in using the corresponding ROOT library.

The Delphes team

NEW Delphes 3 stable release (February 26)

Following the guidelines and suggestions of the 2012 LPCC workshop on public fast simulators for the LHC, Delphes has been completely redesigned to meet the needs of all users.

Improvements include:

  • Modular structure allowing users to introduce new features easily and modify existing ones
  • Library mode to use Delphes inside other programs
  • Simulation speed has been improved
  • Input libraries have been rewritten from scratch to handle standard formats, files stored on castor or on the web
  • Many existing features have been updated
  • Important number of bug fixes

The modular system allows you to:

  • define your own output collections, store multiple object collections (different jet algorithms, etc.)
  • define the isolation criteria for each type of object
  • define efficiency and resolution formulas for all objects
  • change the b-tagging and tau-tagging efficiency and misidentification rate
  • and much more! Be sure to read the online documentation

Production version 3.0.9:

  • fixed reading of weighted STDHEP events (#181)
  • fixed script building Delphes with CMSFWLite (#180)
  • added more particles to StatusPidFilter (#179)

Download here: Delphes 3.0.9

Documentation: Delphes 3 user guide

Community and support

Delphes is now moving to community-based development. The branches of the subversion repository are open to users who would like to participate. If you are interested, register first and then contact the support team via cp3-delphes@… to be granted write access to the subversion repository.

SVN access

You can get the latest version of the code using:

svn checkout

Registered developers can checkout and commit in branches using their credentials:

svn checkout --username=my_user_name

Latest tickets

Results (1 - 10 of 867)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter Status Priority Created
#1598 Question on PDG code = 0 on B-tagging module muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1597 Inquiry Regarding Particle Status in Delphes muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1596 Meaning of Delphes “Track” outputs muon_neutrino new minor 5 months
#1595 eFlowTracks for some dark matter particles Harri Waltari new minor 6 months
#1594 Jet matching with Pythia 8.3 Andre new minor 7 months
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet Inês Moreira new major 8 months
#1592 Reading Delphes files with uproot ("fBits is not always 4 bytes") Pietro Vischia new minor 8 months
#1591 Weird tracks' momenta for smeared tracks after SimpleCalorimeter module youying new critical 8 months
#1590 fixed Running Delphes on lxplus9 Alberto Plebani closed minor 8 months
#1589 Delphes Installation doesn't work on Mac 12.5 Steven Ferrante new minor 10 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

More tickets

Production version Delphes 2 (deprecated)

Production version 2.0.5:

  • new tar.gz file name format

Download here: Delphes 2.0.5

Previous version 2.0.4:

  • fixes compilation on MacOSX

Download here: Delphes 2.0.4

Previous version 2.0.3:

  • b-tagging now based on b-quark content (thanks to A.Mertens)
  • track isolation bugfix (Ticket #61, thanks to Sourav Mandal)
  • Compatible with HepMC 2.05 and 2.06
  • Solved: some tracks were ignored in the computation of ptiso (thanks to Sourav Mandal)
  • Solved: Memory leak preventing to load many events using HepMC (thanks to Sourav Mandal)
  • Solved bug in root genparticles branches when reading HepMC files (thanks to Nadja Strobbe)
  • Solved bug in b-tagging (thanks to Alexandre Mertens)
  • Solved bug in !Examples/Analysis_Ex.cpp (thanks to hashemi.mj)
  • Solved bug in ExRootAnalysis (thanks to Pavel Demin and lessa.a.p)
  • Includes Frog 3.0 (You should never need a FROG-free version anymore)

Download here: Delphes 2.0.3

The previous stable version is here: Delphes 1.9

Delphes 2 Documentation

Development Area (authenticated users only)

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Jul 16, 2013, 2:16:25 PM
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