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Mar 27, 2017:

1:20 PM Changeset in git [81bedba]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
updated tracker reso for FCC

Mar 24, 2017:

9:32 AM Ticket #1088 (Converting Jet into leptons and charge misidentification of leptons) created by Arindam Das
Dear DELPHES team, I have the following questions because these are …

Mar 22, 2017:

5:15 PM Ticket #1087 (Delphes not installing on macos) created by Goutam Das
After make I got the following problem […] In my machine : […] […][…]
3:20 PM Ticket #1086 (About ATLAS card) created by amit
Hi, I have just a query. This,ATL-PHYS-PUB-2013-004, has some …

Mar 21, 2017:

4:24 PM WorkBook/DataFlowDiagram edited by Pavel Demin
4:22 PM delphes_diagram.png attached to WorkBook/DataFlowDiagram by Pavel Demin
4:18 PM Ticket #1085 (Compile Delphes 3.4.0 with GCC48 error) closed by Pavel Demin
wontfix: I see that you had a very similar problem building ROOT: …
9:55 AM Ticket #1085 (Compile Delphes 3.4.0 with GCC48 error) created by Li Huang
Hi, I can install Delphes3.3.3 well. But when I install Delphes …

Mar 14, 2017:

5:41 PM Ticket #1084 (Bug affecting long-lived hadrons) created by amonte
Hello Delphes Team, we have found what seems to be a mistake in the …

Mar 11, 2017:

12:07 AM Ticket #1083 (A problem with UniqueObjectFinder) created by Gang Li
Hi authors, I used fast jet and then build UniqueObjectFinder
12:01 AM Ticket #1082 (Add exclusive jets mode for e+e- collision study) created by Gang Li
Hi authors, We need you help to implement the exclusive jets mode for …

Mar 9, 2017:

11:11 AM Ticket #1081 (Problem with switching off smearing) created by amit
Hi, I am trying to make smearing totally off in an ideal detector …

Mar 7, 2017:

6:48 PM Changeset in git [f0fd18a]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #41 from jlingema/master Fix remaining ROOT …
5:51 PM Changeset in git [82cf9c4]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Joschka Lingemann <joschka.lingemann@…>
Fix remaining ROOT version check.
5:12 PM Changeset in git [0ac1afd]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #39 from jlingema/master Correctly check ROOT version
4:47 PM Changeset in git [e5ea42e] by Joschka Lingemann <joschka.lingemann@…>
Fix override warnings.
4:25 PM Changeset in git [f08ddc6]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Joschka Lingemann <joschka.lingemann@…>
Correctly check ROOT version.

Mar 3, 2017:

4:08 PM Ticket #1080 (False Drell Yan results and lots of zero transverse momentum warnings) created by Aimane
Hello, I am studying Higgs decays to mumu in e+e- collisions and I'm …

Mar 2, 2017:

4:42 PM Ticket #1069 (fUniqueID issue) closed by Pavel Demin
4:40 PM Ticket #1071 (Pythia8 in Delphes does not hadronize, returns error) closed by Pavel Demin
4:40 PM Ticket #1072 (Building DelphesPythia8 executable fails) closed by Pavel Demin
fixed: -lz was appended to line 44 in Makefile with changeset …
4:27 PM Ticket #1079 (Error in Delphes' ExRootAnalysis) closed by Pavel Demin
fixed: I've just tested that the following works: […]
9:55 AM Ticket #1078 (not supporting hepmc generated by pythia8 in presence of weights (?)) closed by Pavel Demin
fixed: Thank you for confirming that this new patched version works. Closing …
3:43 AM Ticket #1079 (Error in Delphes' ExRootAnalysis) created by Amin Abou Ibrahim
Dear Delphes developers, I have been having issues with ROOT 6 and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.