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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#282 Compiling Delphes 3.1.2 new compilation pythia8 Bug critical
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? new jet clustering, lepton How to critical
#1419 How to Find the Number of Muons; new Muons, ROOT How to critical
#1470 Inconsistency of reading the constituents in jets new pileup, constituents Bug critical
#138 long-lived charged particles new long-lived charged particles How to major
#261 Delphes 3.0.12 installation new Pythia, Installation Bug major
#326 Big discrepancy in electron efficiency between Delphes3 and PGS new Electron efficiency Bug major
#885 Isolation via fUniqueID new Isolation fUniqueID electron lepton Bug major
#953 Lepton Isolation cuts new lepton isolation How to major
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card new IsolationInputArray How to major
#1118 ATLAS card does not use muons for MET new muons, MET Bug major
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C new Jet, JetConstituents, JetDeltaPt How to major
#1374 invariant mass of high-pT hadronic-tau leptons new hadronic tau, invariant mass How to major
#1378 Duplicate Tracks in Jets new tracks, jets,constituents, duplicate, double counting Bug major
#1438 How to get the impact parameter of charged pions produced from tau in Delphes? new Impact parameter, Secondary vertex How to major
#1444 change default mass assumption for tracks, implement PID new PID, mass assumption for tracks How to major
#1461 Asymmetric peak of higgs by using Muon Collider card new Muon Collider, h(bb) Jie Xiao Bug major
#1508 Delphes does not make on M1 MacBook Air new Compilation error Bug major
#1518 Errors while installing Delphes new DelphesValidation.o Bug major
#1543 Seg Fault when running ./DelphesPythia8 new pythia8, hadronization fdelzanno Bug major
#1585 DeltaR between and electron and muon found bellow 0.5 after choosing DeltaRMax=0.5 in delphes for both electron and muon new Delphes 3.5, Electrion Isolaiton, Muon Isolation Task major
#238 access jet constituents for substructure analysis new jet Constituents How to minor
#259 Question on angular bias/resolution new angular resolution Task minor
#291 Eflow branches new eflow, jet reconstruction How to minor
#377 When modifying Candidate class, change constructor, Copy(), & Clear() new Candidate NewCandidate constructor initialize initialization default value clear copy Task minor
#729 Very small particle momenta when using converter_card.tcl to go from Pythia 8 .hep to .root new converter card Bug minor
#740 Cleaning for lepton jets new lepton-jet; ATLAS How to minor
#922 On the philosophy on lepton isolation new Lepton Isolation Task minor
#975 compilation error in 2.3.0 new madgraph_version Bug minor
#1065 Question regarding jet constituents and jet trimming (ATLAS card) new jet trimming, constituents, fat jets How to minor
#1113 Smearing of eta/phi in ATLAS card new angular smearing, angular resolution Task minor
#1309 Lepton efficiency and isolation module new Isolation Efficiency How to minor
#1336 converter root2lhco new Tau, prong Bug minor
#1341 electron eta distribution between gen-level and reconstruction-level. new electron reconstruction How to minor
#1342 Regarding Particle-Flow and Jet Formation from Displaced Vertices new displaced, long-lived, particle-flow Bug minor
#1365 Lepton Identifying issues new lepton identification How to minor
#1408 Installing new fastjet contrib and getting jet result in ROOT tree new fastjet, contrib, energycorrelator, correlator, fastjetfinder How to minor
#1427 Error running validation new validation Bug minor
#1435 problem in simulating pileup interactions new pileup interactions How to minor
#1446 Nsubjettiness often giving 0 for collimated photons new nsubjettiness, jets, photons How to minor
#1482 question on ATLAS detector card new Detector configs Bug minor
#1496 Is it possible to run Delphes on generator info in MiniAOD? new Delphes on MiniAOD How to minor
#1521 PTRatioMax in isolation-module ignored new Isolation Bug minor
#1522 Cannot install Delphes on MacOS Monterey new Installation, MacOS, ROOT Bug minor
#1574 undefined reference to `???@GLIBC_2.33' in installation new installation mcocdaa Bug minor
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