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Custom Query (20 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#1328 How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ? new jet clustering, lepton How to critical
#1152 JetDeltaPt from examples/Example3.C new Jet, JetConstituents, JetDeltaPt How to major
#1378 Duplicate Tracks in Jets new tracks, jets,constituents, duplicate, double counting Bug major
#1593 Replicating fatjet clustering with pyjet new fastjetfinder , eflowmerger How to major
#238 access jet constituents for substructure analysis new jet Constituents How to minor
#291 Eflow branches new eflow, jet reconstruction How to minor
#336 Event (in "DelphesClasses.h") conflicts with Pythia8::Event new Pythia jet matching merging Event Pythia::Event Enhancement minor
#740 Cleaning for lepton jets new lepton-jet; ATLAS How to minor
#880 Same Delphes simulation with different jet clustering new jet clustering How to minor
#923 Failed to read fastjet headers when running a delphes analysis macro new fastjet Bug minor
#1065 Question regarding jet constituents and jet trimming (ATLAS card) new jet trimming, constituents, fat jets How to minor
#1301 New LHCb delphes card new LHCb, jet algorithm How to minor
#1317 b-tagging subjets new b-tagging, subjets How to minor
#1327 Jet.FlavorAlgo and Jet.FlavorPhys always returns 0 new Jet.FlavorAlgo, Jet.FlavorPhys Bug minor
#1349 Calculating Missing ET after Smearing Jets new MET, Smeared Fast Jets How to minor
#1397 Implementing Maximum Eta Cut for FastJetFinder new jet finder, rapidity How to minor
#1408 Installing new fastjet contrib and getting jet result in ROOT tree new fastjet, contrib, energycorrelator, correlator, fastjetfinder How to minor
#1443 Diference between GenJet and Jet branches new Jets Bug minor
#1446 Nsubjettiness often giving 0 for collimated photons new nsubjettiness, jets, photons How to minor
#1565 Does the Jet variable contain all the jets, or the main one ? new Jet How to minor
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