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Aug 31, 2018:

4:20 PM Changeset in git [f50b2aa]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Basil Schneider <basil.schneider@…>
Fix the efficiency for tight muons at high eta

Aug 30, 2018:

11:34 PM Changeset in git [6bc0fd3]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #62 from chekanov/master Corrected ProIO reader to …
5:06 PM Changeset in git [538edc4]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Chekanov <chekanov@…>
Corrected ProIO reader to make it consistent ProIO.

Aug 24, 2018:

4:19 PM Changeset in git [1d9c62a]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Pavel Demin <pavel-demin@…>
fix compilation under Ubuntu 14.04

Aug 17, 2018:

10:46 AM Ticket #1306 (Including PDF reweights in ROOT tree) closed by Pavel Demin
10:43 AM Ticket #1331 (Add variables to Class Jet using DelphesPythia8) closed by Pavel Demin
10:43 AM Ticket #1330 (where is fConfReader defined ?) closed by Pavel Demin
fixed: > Would you please tell me where is fConfReader defined ? Line 67 in …
10:40 AM Ticket #1332 (Delphes does not store the correct weight) closed by Pavel Demin

Aug 14, 2018:

8:16 AM Ticket #1333 (Is P_T of electrons smeared by calorimeter, or is it all in tracker?) created by Michael Albergo
I'm trying to isolate the source of P_{T} mismeasurement in the …

Aug 13, 2018:

4:03 PM Ticket #1332 (Delphes does not store the correct weight) created by Abdualazem Mohammed
Dear Delphes Authors, I am having a problem retrieving the correct …
3:01 PM Changeset in git [01f9722]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
read xsec from LHE files produced with Wizard

Aug 10, 2018:

9:31 AM Changeset in git [cdbca0d]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Pavel Demin <pavel-demin@…>
fix formatting in genMakefile.tcl and Makefile

Aug 9, 2018:

10:09 PM Changeset in git [c473838]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Pavel Demin <pavel-demin@…>
add REMOVE_ITEM executables DelphesProIO.cpp to readers/CMakeLists.txt
10:07 PM Changeset in git [ef97f2a]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by GitHub <noreply@…>
Merge pull request #61 from chekanov/master Includes reader …
12:52 PM Changeset in git [edeb0f0]ImprovedOutputFileTimingdual_readoutllp by Michele Selvaggi <michele.selvaggi@…>
added cross section and error in hepmc event class and reader

Aug 8, 2018:

10:26 AM Ticket #1331 (Add variables to Class Jet using DelphesPythia8) created by Alejandro Gomez Espinosa
Hi all I am having problems trying to add a variable into the …
7:56 AM Ticket #1330 (where is fConfReader defined ?) created by Haqiqat
Hi I'm manipulating Delphes Isolation module. I found out that it …

Aug 7, 2018:

7:04 PM Ticket #1329 (How to maintain the LHE event weight when going through Delphes?) closed by Roberto Franceschini
fixed: I think it's working as expected. Can be closed, sure.

Aug 6, 2018:

2:11 PM Ticket #1329 (How to maintain the LHE event weight when going through Delphes?) created by Roberto Franceschini
Similarly to

Aug 4, 2018:

11:09 AM Ticket #1328 (How to prevent certain particles from participating in jet clustering ?) created by Haqiqat
I'm studying a process with some leptons and jets in its final state. …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.