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Jun 26, 2014:

11:34 AM Ticket #296 (GenJets including "jets" from leptons) created by Philipp
Dear Delphes team, I noticed that the GenJet branch includes jets …

Jun 25, 2014:

3:58 PM Contact edited by Christophe Delaere

Jun 24, 2014:

9:25 AM Ticket #295 (Problem Installing Delphes) created by Tathagata Ghosh
Hi Delphes Experts, I encountered the following error after using the …

Jun 19, 2014:

1:10 PM Ticket #294 (Tau Jet information) created by Daniele
Dear Delphes Authors, I have switched to the new version of delphes …
12:25 PM Ticket #293 (Number of operators in efficiency modules) created by Alvaro Lopez
I am implementing in ATLAS delphes card some changes in the photon and …

Jun 17, 2014:

11:18 AM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Michele Selvaggi

Jun 15, 2014:

11:40 PM Ticket #292 (Delphes on aMC@NLO) created by harikrishnan ramani
Hi, I have gone thru earlier tickets about the error ERROR: …
12:21 AM Ticket #291 (Eflow branches) created by jingren2004
Hi, I have one question about the use of eflow branches in jet …

Jun 13, 2014:

4:19 PM Ticket #290 (Mother/Daughter info in CMSFWLite reader) created by Artur Lobanov
I was trying to do some generator level studies using files produced …
3:02 PM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Michele Selvaggi
2:50 PM Ticket #289 (Lepton efficencies in CMS card) closed by Philipp
1:44 PM Ticket #289 (Lepton efficencies in CMS card) created by Philipp
Hello, the default CMS card in 3.1.2 features lepton efficiencies …

Jun 10, 2014:

9:32 PM Ticket #288 (Delphes 3.1.2 with Pythia8) created by Matthew Low
Dear Delphes team, I have a question about running Delphes 3.1 with …
8:43 PM Ticket #287 (Old Delphes cards with Delphes 3.1) created by Matthew Low
Dear Delphes team, I've been working on 100 TeV studies using the …
7:46 PM Ticket #286 (Using CloneTree with Snowmass Backgrounds) created by Bryan
I am trying to perform analyses with the SnowMass 14 TeV backgrounds, …

Jun 5, 2014:

5:25 PM Ticket #285 (Problem with b-tagging) created by Diptimoy Ghosh
I am facing some problem with b-tagging in Delphes. I have used the …
10:38 AM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Michele Selvaggi

Jun 3, 2014:

4:25 PM Ticket #284 (XDR Error) created by Andrew Levin
I am running delphes version 1.9 inside of madgraph and it is not …
2:20 PM Ticket #283 (Different Branch name) created by Daniele
Hi, I am generating events for a process, say p p -> e+ e~, up to …

May 27, 2014:

10:15 AM DevelopmentArea/ToDo edited by Michele Selvaggi
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.