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Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#292 closed Bug (fixed)

Delphes on aMC@NLO

Reported by: harikrishnan ramani Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Delphes code Version: Delphes 3
Keywords: Cc:


I have gone thru earlier tickets about the error
ERROR: Unsupported block type.-----------------------------------] when trying to shower stdhep events created by amc_nlo +herwig6/pythia6
and was of the understanding that its solved. However i have delphes 3.1.2 and still seem to face the same issue. Could you please tell me how to solve this?

Attachments (1)

events_HERWIG6_0.hep (2.7 MB ) - added by harikrishnan ramani 11 years ago.
herwig stdhep file

Change History (9)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by harikrishnan ramani, 11 years ago

this problem persists even for small (100 event) files
Replying to hramani:

I have gone thru earlier tickets about the error
ERROR: Unsupported block type.-----------------------------------] when trying to shower stdhep events created by amc_nlo +herwig6/pythia6
and was of the understanding that its solved. However i have delphes 3.1.2 and still seem to face the same issue. Could you please tell me how to solve this?

comment:2 by Michele Selvaggi, 11 years ago


in principle this problem should have been solved indeed. Which version of MadGraph_aMC@NLO are you using?
Can you please try again with the most recent one?


by harikrishnan ramani, 11 years ago

Attachment: events_HERWIG6_0.hep added

herwig stdhep file

comment:3 by harikrishnan ramani, 11 years ago

I tried both 2.1.1 which is the most recent stable version as well as 2.1.2(beta) with the same issues!
I have attached the stdhep file produced by herwig6.

comment:4 by Suyong Choi, 11 years ago

I have exactly the same problem. I'm trying it out Delphes 3.1.2 and Madgraph_aMC@NLO 2.1.2(beta) on 64-bit Fedora Core 20. Same problem with Madgraph_aMC@NLO 2.1.1. After running a debugger to see where the problem is, there is a case where fBlockType in DelphesSTDHEPReader::ReadBlock() is 0, but this case is not caught by if statements, hence error is thrown.

comment:5 by Pavel Demin, 11 years ago


I'll try to look at this problem. Only, I'll need a detailed list of commands needed to install Madgraph_aMC@NLO + Herwig and to produce a small .hep file (I've never tried to run Madgraph_aMC@NLO + Herwig).

Normally, I tested the MG5 (not NLO) + Pythia chain and it worked.



comment:6 by harikrishnan ramani, 11 years ago

I think it worked with MG5(tree level) +Pythia6 because tree level processes do not need negative weights.
Thankfully Madgraph_aMC@NLO + Herwig works out of the box. you could download the latest stable version on the right. launch madgraph as usual.
To produce a simple process at NLO:
generate p p > Z [QCD]
output drellyan
launch drellyan
adding [QCD] to any process you normally produce in madgraph makes it NLO.
In the run card make sure that the chosen shower is Herwig6. this will produce a herwig.hep file which is actually a stdhep file that gives an error when read by Delphes.


comment:7 by Pavel Demin, 10 years ago

Hi Harikrishnan,

Thank you for the instructions!

The problem is in the Delphes' STDHEP reader.

It can be solved by removing the following line from the 'DelphesSTDHEPReader::ReadSTDHEP4()' method in 'classes/':

  xdr_string(fInputXDR, &fBuffer, 100);

I've committed a fixed version of the STDHEP reader to the Delphes repository
and this fixed version will be available in the next release.

You can download a snapshot of the Delphes v3 code repository from



comment:8 by Pavel Demin, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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