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May 29, 2012:

6:16 PM Ticket #51 (how to make jets and apply isolation but no smearing) created by rfrances@…
Hello I would like to use Delphes to make jets with FastJet and to …
10:10 AM Ticket #45 (ROOT Analysis code with friend TTree's) closed by favereau

May 24, 2012:

10:20 AM Ticket #48 (CalorTower.Phi) closed by favereau
fixed: We are now working on optimisations of the code. This part is one of …

May 22, 2012:

10:59 PM Changeset in svn [590] by Pavel Demin
adapt to the new TTime interface
4:38 PM Ticket #49 (math related suggestions) created by Pavel Demin
Looking at the Delphes code, I've noticed a couple of things that …

May 21, 2012:

8:48 AM Ticket #44 (PDF Informations in Delphes) closed by favereau

May 11, 2012:

7:29 AM WikiStart edited by cp3-support
12:42 AM Ticket #48 (CalorTower.Phi) created by hwolfe
Hello, cat Delphes/VERSION: 2.0.0 I'm using Delphes 2.0.0 with …

May 2, 2012:

8:37 AM Ticket #47 (Memory leaks limit number of HepMC events that can be processed) closed by favereau
8:36 AM Ticket #46 (Isolation routine mistakenly rejects tracks inside isolation cone) closed by favereau
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.