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Custom Query (29 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#401 jet reconstruction in central region new Task critical
#419 muons in MET new Bug critical
#821 unable to include stable particle (tau) in MET spectrum ... new How to critical
#1081 Problem with switching off smearing new How to critical
#1425 Problem extracting variables from Delphes output to new ROOT file new Task critical
#208 Possible problem with tau tagging efficiency new How to major
#714 How to write a root file for some specific tagged events only? new How to major
#844 Potential hidden cuts in the ATLAS run card ? new Bug major
#877 muon beta distribution ... new How to major
#970 problem with DelphesSTDHEP compiler new Deepanjali Goswami Bug major
#1019 How to calculate b-tagging efficiency for any delphes card new Bug major
#1064 Regarding "IsolationInputArray" used in the Delphes card new How to major
#1321 Delphes Installation Error new How to major
#1346 GenWeights in Delphes new How to major
#1382 Implement two isolation criterion simultaneously new How to major
#1417 ATLAS ECAL specifications new Enhancement major
#1423 Delphes Event Display Output new How to major
#207 jet reconstruction performance in single top events new Task minor
#259 Question on angular bias/resolution new Task minor
#273 Reading the constituents of a jet new How to minor
#375 CMake for Delphes for root version 5.34.20 new Enhancement minor
#907 event weight new Bug minor
#954 MET covariance matrix new How to minor
#1163 How to isolate particles while doing jet clustering inherited from a certain particle new How to minor
#1315 Units used in Delphes new archive minor
#1338 Realistic delphes card for the current ATLAS/CMS performance new How to minor
#1386 Delphes sample usage new How to minor
#1431 Trouble while running root file from Event Generator new How to minor
#1521 PTRatioMax in isolation-module ignored new Bug minor
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