Jean-Marc Gérard
Professor emeritus
Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
+32 10 47 2712
UCL member card
Special Relativity
General Relativity
Quantum field theory 1
Fundamental interactions
Strong interactions and symmetries
Electroweak interactions
Introduction to kinematics and dynamics in Minkowski space-time.
PHY1223 (22.5h + 15h; shared with J.Govaerts)
PHY1223 (22.5h + 15h; shared with J.Govaerts)
General Relativity
Quantum field theory 1
Fundamental interactions
Strong interactions and symmetries
Introduction to perturbative QCD and to hadron physics.
PHY2223 (30h; shared with F.Maltoni)
PHY2223 (30h; shared with F.Maltoni)
Electroweak interactions
Introduction to the Standard Model.
PHY2224 (22.5h; shared with F.Maltoni)
PHY2224 (22.5h; shared with F.Maltoni)
People responsibilities
Former members
Research statement
My interests cover the phenomenology of the four fundamental interactions.
Strong interactions
The use of an effective theory for Quantum Chromo Dynamics in the large-N limit to cast a new glance on:
-the U(1) problem and the resulting strong CP-violation;
-the non-perturbative effects on
hadronic decays.
-the U(1) problem and the resulting strong CP-violation;
-the non-perturbative effects on

Electroweak interactions
The use of Quantum Flavor Dynamics to get theoretical constraints on:
-the fermion mixings and the resulting weak CP-violation;
-the boson mass spectrum in multi-Higgs doublet models.
-the fermion mixings and the resulting weak CP-violation;
-the boson mass spectrum in multi-Higgs doublet models.
Gravitational interactions
The use of equivalence principles to test relativistic theories of gravity:
-around the Sun;
-in the early Universe.
-around the Sun;
-in the early Universe.
Research directions:
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Non-active projects
Cosmology and General Relativity
Data analysis in HEP, astroparticle and GW experiments
Phenomenology of elementary particles
Theories of the fundamental interactions
Data analysis in HEP, astroparticle and GW experiments
Phenomenology of elementary particles
Theories of the fundamental interactions
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
CP and chiral symmetry in K physics.
Jean-Marc Gérard
Study anomalous effect on the
energy distribution and try to extract the
from experimental data.
Study anomalous effect on the

On the unification of gauge coupling constants
Jean-Marc Gérard
In the standard model version of the grand unified theory different gauge couplings intend to, but do not, meet at some higher scale. Here we will look for some better ways for the unification of the gauge coupling constants.
In the standard model version of the grand unified theory different gauge couplings intend to, but do not, meet at some higher scale. Here we will look for some better ways for the unification of the gauge coupling constants.
Scalar-tensor theories of gravitation
Jean-Marc Gérard
The strong equivalence principle (SEP) does not hold anymore in various extensions of General Relativity. Its violations can be revealed by the non-universality of free-falling for compact objects and we have developed a generic and effective way to test the SEP in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). A violation of the SEP indeed alters the amplitude of the acoustic oscillations in the primeval plasma. Using the WMAP data, we have contrained a possible SEP violation for the baryons.
Our interests are also focused on the scalar-tensor theories of gravitation and their cosmologies. In a more specific way, we are currently studying a model where the scalar sector is conformally invariant. The effective fluid related to the non-minimally coupled scalar field differs from the other cosmological fluids of radiation by its very particular anisotropic pressure and we are studying its impact on the CMB anisotropies by modifying the CAMB code.
The strong equivalence principle (SEP) does not hold anymore in various extensions of General Relativity. Its violations can be revealed by the non-universality of free-falling for compact objects and we have developed a generic and effective way to test the SEP in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). A violation of the SEP indeed alters the amplitude of the acoustic oscillations in the primeval plasma. Using the WMAP data, we have contrained a possible SEP violation for the baryons.
Our interests are also focused on the scalar-tensor theories of gravitation and their cosmologies. In a more specific way, we are currently studying a model where the scalar sector is conformally invariant. The effective fluid related to the non-minimally coupled scalar field differs from the other cosmological fluids of radiation by its very particular anisotropic pressure and we are studying its impact on the CMB anisotropies by modifying the CAMB code.
Tensions in flavor physics and two Higgs doublet models
Jean-Marc Gérard
Study of the tensions observed between the K and the B meson systems and their implications for scalar-mediated flavor changing currents in the framework of two Higgs doublet models (2HDM).
Study of the tensions observed between the K and the B meson systems and their implications for scalar-mediated flavor changing currents in the framework of two Higgs doublet models (2HDM).
Non-active projects
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 35
Last 5 publications
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Number of publications as IRMP member: 35
Last 5 publications
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