
Version 3 (modified by Claude Duhr, 14 years ago) ( diff )


Sextet diquark model


  • Johan Alwall
  • Claude Duhr
    • IPPP Durham
    • claude.duhr@…

Description of the model

This model is an extension of the SM, including a scalar diquark with quantum numbers

              SU(3) | SU(2) | U(1)Y |
 six1           6   |   1   |  1/3  |
 six2           6   |   1   | -2/3  |
 six3           6   |   1   |  4/3  |

For the triplet diquark implementation, see triplet diquark model. The particle content and the vertices of the model are summarized in the following pdf file.

The implementation of the model is based on

" QCD Corrections to Scalar Diquark production at Hadron Colliders ", T. Han, I. Lewis, T. McElmurry, JHEP 1001:123,2010, arXiv:0909.2666.

Model files

The implementation assumes generic Yukawa matrices for the couplings between the quarks and the scalar diquarks. The mixing matrices can however be constrained to be diagonal by using the following restriction file.

Matrix element generator files

Below we give tarballs containing the model files generated by FeynRules for the various matrix element generaotrs for which a FeynRules interface exists. All fermion masses are put to zero, except for the top, the bottom and the Tau lepton masses. Furthermore, all Yukaw couplings between the diquarks and the quarks are assumed diagonal. Note that, because of the unusual color structures appearing in this model, this model only works with the limited set of matrix element generators shown below.

Sextet_Diquarks_UFO.tar.gzThe model files in UFO format (e.g. for MadGraph 5).

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